/pcbg/ PC Building General

If you want help:
>Assemble your parts list
>State the budget for your build (and country if not the USA)
>List games/software you use often, as well as your monitor resolution + refresh rate
>Clarify your goal for build improvements: lower price or improved specs?
How to assemble a PC, select components & more (kind of outdated)

No i5 unless discounted
>G4560/G4600 - Budget builds (R5 1400 - Cheapest quad core you can get (Ryzen 3 soon)
>R5 1500x - Good but up to 1600 if you can
>R5 1600 - Best value for higher fps gaming / mixed usage; 1600x if you want higher stock clocks
>R7/Used Xeon/Threadripper - Compute/Multitask/VM/mixed use; Not for just gaming

Coin miners have driven price up and stock down, waiting to buy a GPU might be wiser
>Integrated CPU Graphics - Desktop stuff and very light games
>GTX 1050(Ti) - Lower end budget cards, drop settings on newer games, RX560 beaten by both
>RX570 - 1080p@60~hz maxed, running most maxed older games at 100~Hz
>RX580 and GTX1060 6GB - 1080p@80hz maxed, 1440p@60hz at lower settings; RX580 better in newer games
>GTX 1070 - 1080p@130hz /1440p@60hz at high
>GTX 1080 - 1080p@144hz / 1440p@60hz maxed, 4k@60hz in a few games; Probably the highest end card you need for 1080p/1440p
>GTX 1080Ti - 1440p@144hz and 4k@60hz maxed/high in many games

>Check your Mobo QVL before buying any RAM
>Ryzen CPUs benefits a lot from high speed RAM

Always consider an SSD. Try buying a large SSD for what you'd pay for your SSD+HDD combined, and add a HDD later
NVMe SSDs aren't for a faster OS boot, they're for productivity/scratch disk/VMs. NVMe and M.2 are not the same thing, M.2 is a form factor.
The Ryzen lineup comes with surprisingly good stock coolers. consider using them over any

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?iie=1&q=intel best single core performance

My mobo has all its sata ports used

how do I add more ports(like 2 or 4) that go the full sata III speed(not raid)

Nigger, I just answered your fucking question last thread.
Cheap LSI or Marvell HBA card. 1 or 2 SAS ports. PCIe Gen 2.0 x8 minimum.
Now fuck off cunt

Spoiler tag that fucking image, holy shit.

>on Sup Forums
you need to head on back to Sup Forums you newfag

w h a t t h e f u c k i s s a s

do I just fucking get one of those sas cables that have four sata cables at the end and link up my drives on them and put the sas end in some pcie fucker??

Make sure you use more acronyms to make it even more confusing

fucking Mobo I was gonna get jumped up $100 dollars,so now I need to find a new motherboard.
Please help me Sup Forums

wow are you dumb

HBA card with a SAS port
At least 8 lanes of PCIe Gen 2.0
SFF-8087-to-4-SATA adapter cables
I'm going to fuck your asshole inside out, fuckstick Don't turn this rape into a murder

[spoiler]I got the CPU for 100,plz no bully[/spoiler]

back to the containment board

i'm sorry,I dont really use Sup Forums alot nowadays.

Wew, no 7700k, so you do still try after all?
I'll come back next thread as always

aight nigga so one of these


then one of these:


and so I plug that card in my comp, put the SAS cable in, and with the four dangling SATA cables on the other end. I can just hook up drives and SSDs and shit like any other drive and that's it? Those four SATA cables are my new fuckin new full-speed SATA cables that I can use for whatever i want HDD/SSD/fucking CD drive even? Any driver bullshit?(arch linux)


best mobo for a Pentium g4600? preferably micro atx.

I'm impressed by the fact that you got the right cables, and not the wrong break-out cables

I'm still going to rape you, lil nigga

a ryzen

What's the performance like on Chromebooks? My laptop is dying and I need a new cheap one.

At worst, you can dualboot into linux.

Look up the specs, check some benchmarks/uses, and go to town.

Whatever is cheaper in your country.

Thinking about adding this
To my Corsair 200r as an easy way to get another intake fan on the front and some expansion room. I'd probably change the fan.
Is this a terrible idea?

rate my memey shit. Idk shit about good air coolers. Is this good for a gaming/image editing setup?

Also could I downgrade to the 1700 to save some cash? Idk if the 1080 ti is bottlenecked or not

Any suggestions on a GPU or a different meme case? Plan on picking up an 850 evo for boot+ a few programs/games and another 2TB i have laying around.

Also if I go with a 1050TI should I just drop the 1600 to a 1400 so save some more bucks or is it that much better?

Suggestions on non meme ram would be nice as well, i'm open to 4x4x2 as this mobo has 4 slots as well.

I basically just want solid frames at 1080P and hitting high or above in games like Squad.

I have a mouse and keyboard already but am open to suggestions on a decent monitor as well in the $100 range.

i don't think any CPU released on current sockets can bottleneck a consumer GPU

Good case, I have one.
You'll struggle getting that cooler anywhere other than the front panel though, I have a single radiator cooler on mine and the only place I can fit it is at the front.

>haven't seen an Intel build here for days

wtf, some people even get R1700, which is nothing but overpriced trash

>what is celeron

nice bait

What is a good new motherboard? Old ones ports are failing


delete this threaad

Get a job.

Yea this is fucked up. r/AMD shilling is real
I mean calling CPUs that require 3200mhz DDR4 sticks 'best value'? That's just wrong

Not technically /pcbg/ but I need a good VDSL/fibre for when I get it in October. Doesn't need to be amazing wirelessly (as I have the modem in my room and connect via Ethernet) unless a wireless card will net me better connections (doubtful).

Preferably something on the cheaper side, with the most focus on speeds via wired connection but still a wireless router also

His job is to shill for intel

maybe because intel is shit

Whats a good cpu/mobo combo for a NAS that will be up 24/7?

whatever consumes less power

hint: AMD

Why the fuck would you use a GTX 1080
Ti with a 1440p 144hz FREESYNC monitor?

user please

Fucking nigger, do you even know what a NAS is?

Network Attached Storage

if its on 24/7 you dont want housefire components

tryhard ledditor wants to stir shit up

they probably think that they know something because they post on r/AMD-pcmr all day


>buying intel

I've seen some mini-ATX with integrated CPU recently, but they usually don't come with RAM so unless you got some RAM modules lying around, maybe you could try running your NAS from a cheap Android tablet, or a Raspberry Pi if you have the time and will to configure one. Personally I wanted to try both, I got an unused tablet and an Orange Pi but I never find the time to tinker with them.

I have a 970 and want to upgrade my processor. I was looking at the i5-7500 since it's only $200, kabylake, and seems to rank well on various websites. I'm not interested in over clocking. Does this seem like a good choice?

Nah, not when you can get an R5 1600 for the same price while being able to overclock both mobo and CPU and get a much better gaming experience

Time to start building!

Looks good. I'm (un)patiently waiting for my parts to arrive.

what OS?

Is that the famous bintel baleron cpu?

Hi. Is the geforce gtx1050 ti a good card? Also, i have a amd fx6300, should i upgrade and if so what to? Is 8 gig of ram enough? Cheers


Yes it is a good card. Everything between 1050ti and 1080 is overpriced right now.
Read sticky for proc.
Yes 8gb is good. Upgrade only if you have the budget.

For 650€, is it worth it?

Hi, I'm need a PC for rendering my architecture projects.
My budget is around $1k, I made a list: pcpartpicker.com/list/ps6dQV

Also, I have an option to buy used
i5 2500k (3.3Ghz), Ram- 8gb, V\c r9 270 2gb, HDD - 1Tb for ~$400
Help me out, Sup Forums


God people doing budget builds gets my dick so hard. There's no fun in being l like "Oh wow yup those are all the highest end components so it can do all the things", there's fun in being like "Oh cool, a Pentium and a 1050Ti? What games is that able to run and at what settings? How much did you pay for that? What kind of case are you keeping such a cute little machine inside?

What's the best performing CPU for single threaded applications? 2 or 4 cores would be fine more than that is pointless as 90% of the computational work done by my FEA package is sequential and therefore single threaded. It will probably be paired to a mid range Maxwel based Quadro and I'm looking to keep the buget under £750 for CPU/MB&RAM.

The first and most immediate issue I see with buying a 2500k is unless you have a motherboard already buying a motheboard by itself is usually expensive as fuck given that it's an older CPU.

lmgtfy.com/?iie=1&q=intel best single core performance

Whoops, is for

Get faster ram for Ryzen, 3000 or 3200 mhz. It makes a huge difference in performance. Beyond that, looks good.

The i5 2500k would only be good if you plan to use it as a separate PC for gaming. An old i5 would not be good for your workload.

Yeah, it's the whole package. meaning, it is a used PC. So, is ryzen 1600 that much better than i5 2500k?

Oh, ok, thanks! I'll do that!

Started coming into good money recently and was looking to upgrade my computer, thoughts on this combo?

Doesn't look to much more impressive but I'm not a computer scientist, all I can do is read benchmarks.


How remarkably helpful you are, you mother must be very proud of you.

what's the best way to check a drive for bad hdd blocks in windows.
I had one of my 2TB(internal) drives have a mechanical read error so I formatted it but I think I might have bumped it or something how can I make sure it's okay

Either a overclocked i3-7350K or stock 7700k would provide the best of the best single threaded performance
Other than that and you're getting lower frequency locked CPU which won't perform as well. Try to search for sales for the 7350k, maybe there's some left around.
You could also go for used or older hardware but it's a pain in the ass to get something good so it's up to you.

>LGA 1150 CPU
>LGA 1151 Motherboard

That CPU uses a different socket from your motherboard, dumbass

send help Sup Forums. I was planning to make a budget build with a G4560 but this one country keeps kicking my ass. It's now up to $80. Should I buy right now while some stores still sell it at $35 (I'm completing the build around 2017 Q4 when we finally move out of the city) or should I wait Ryzen 3 (Which will probably sell at around $110).

You fucked up

Is buying a laptop for rendering projects at home and at school a good idea?

the retard already has his pins bent

i got the unsealed g4560 for ~$33. it's bretty gud, stuck it in a ml08 case with 2x16GB ram and a samsung 960 250gb ssd

enjoy my blog :^)

I just got Done building my pc, it starts but there is nothing showing up on my monitor... idk what to do!
Specs: GPU: ASUS 1050ti
CPU: Intel pentium G3258
Mobo: Asus prime b250
1 Tb HDD and 120Gb SSD 8gb ram

this is a troll, right?

Only Intel, so AMD aren't worth looking it?

your cpu doesn't go into your mobo, not the same socket

Imagine you had to fix that, imagine the fate of the entire human race somehow depended on you being able to fix that socket up and make it work.

protip: userbenchmark is garbage
better check real-world application that you're actually going to use
>more than double multicore speed
>not impressive

Are the HGST or Hitachi refurbs solid drives? Some say they're loud.

No, i Am not a troll, I just got in to pc gaming and I wanted to build a pc..
I bought them in a package (mobo and cpu) on the website it said 4560 but on the box it says 3258... it kinda made a snap noise when putting it in... i bought it of a komplett... a big tech website in Sweden

AMD doesn't have the best single core performance. They're 9% worse than intel at it.But they have the best multi-core performance for the price, so it is worth a look. The best CPU value at the moment is the AMD Ryzen 5 1600, which competes with the Intel Core i5 7600 on price despite having more cores than the i5 and 3 times as many threads. performance-wise, the R5 1600 is closer to the Intel Core i7 7700k than it is to the Core i5 line up. keep in mine that i7 is $100 more expensive than the 1600.
If performance per dollar matters to you, AMD is king.

HGST make the best hard drives around. Only a retard would buy refurbished storage though. Better make backups, boy.

>this entire post


>HGST make the best hard drives around.
That's what I hear, but all I can find are refurbs or from a "reseller."

Having looked at those Xeon slides, I can honestly believe that the Intel shill in here is Brian Krzanich himself.


It's currently cheaper to buy a pre-built PC, than it is to make it myself. Every GPU that hasn't been nailed down is overpriced as fuck.


>on the website it said 4560 but on the box it says 3258
what about on the CPU itself?

I didnt look

Show picture of cpu in the mobo or you are just trolling.

Ryzen 3 are rumoured to be quad cores. If you can wait, wait for it.
You might get an insane deal on R5 1400. I paired G4560 with a 8gig RX470. Can't run Hitman or BF1 without massive stutters. :(
If gaymen is not your objective then get it when it's $40~. There's rumours that Intel might cut its production tho because it's shafting i3s. G4560 is a good CPU for emulators.

gr8 build