My raspberry pi laptop is getting into shape. What are you working on?

My raspberry pi laptop is getting into shape. What are you working on?

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Be honest op, is that a lunch box?

No its a crayon box

can you walk me through the batter setup?
you used some pre made stuff or what?

random power bank with 2 A output


What screen will you be using?
super cool btw


Bring that piece of shit to the airport

Sick op. You inspire me

Is /g only about buying stuff?

raspberry pi official one because it has a usb port.


What the fuck am I doing?

Why not buy cheap pi case at least on Amazon?

foss as fuck

Cool laptop, Ahmed



this is exactly why i'm not doing raspberry pi tinkery...

>Thinkpad keyboard ripped from it's home
>It hurts


Yeah, I posted this on Sup Forums. Probably gonna get banned for it.

Wow. So free. I'm sure the children of Uganda would be thrilled by this advancement.ж
But did you know that Raspberry Pi is not so free? It requires proprietary binny-blobby video drivers to work.
I personally advise you to select a board listed here:
And maybe even join the movement and help developing drivers! Really, if you just give a random Ugandian autist linuxfag $100$ in bitcoins, he'll write any driver for you. While sucking your dick. This would be as free as it can get.

>Niggers writing code

Nerdism transcends race.

There's a difference between a nerd and a good programmer. Niggers are the kind of programmers equivalent to electrical engineers.
>Code is messy
>Code has no comments
>Code wants to stab you and steal your bike.

objectively false

Well, go and code those drivers yourself then, I'm sure you'll do better. I have proposed hiring a few Ugandians for the sake of amusement, I was not really serious.

Aside from Cybr Punk + CSec threads, yes.

oh hey I'm from the future and I have seen the final result of OP's project

tried disconnecting a battery pack from a slice battery and it starded smoking. How do I disconnect that shit?

OP is making a laptop, not a tablet.

That's a USB keyboard, I own one of the older models.

Try to go through an airport with that, user.

>>Why not buy cheap pi case at least on Amazon?

Learn to properly form a sentence....

>all that wasted space on a standard hdd

get a big, fast microSD card you idiot

some websites 3D print your shit, you should design and order a proper chassis

Never mind me, i-it's just a clock!

Joke is on you. It's an SSD!

Don't RaPis share ethernet and USB bandwidth?
Having the storage and screen on USB will kill your connection speed and vice versa

I'm trying to shove a pi zero into a broken ds lite. So far it is not going well. Also I am putting an old laptop into a leather brief case I got at a garage sale. I am also in the process of making a buckling spring artreus keyboard and finally I'm making a track ball out of a ball mouse so I can use a really big ball for high precision.

>I'm making a track ball out of a ball mouse so I can use a really big ball for high precision
That sounds interesting, how are you going about doing this?

just don't put a clock in it

Cool clock Ahmed

get a pi zero and break off all the connectors and resolder them with wires
for 5 bucks plus shipping it's fairly thin and low power
good luck getting it to work with the screen and buttons though


I got a ball mouse at the thrift store for about a 50 cents. I have a larger ball(currently a billiards ball looking for bigger) sitting on two steel rods that are held by bearings. As the ball spins it presses against the two rods and a third bearing to hold it up. The rods spin as the ball does. All that is left to attach the optical encoder wheels to said rod and suspend the wheel in between the two parts of the encoder. I am also using three mech switches to act as left right and center click(I use acme so need three buttons) and have the scroll wheel separate as well. Or at least that is what I'm planning. While trying to extract what I need to from the mouse I sorta broke the board in half. So I need another and that was like 3 days ago and haven't had the time to get a board. All the wood working for the case is done though. Should be cool when it's done

Yeah, I have the pi zero, I don't want to drop the money on the screen so I am trying get something I already have working with little success. I got a huge 4500 milliamp hour battery to power it though. Right now it all works, but is missing the screen.

Pics? This deserves its own thread, desu

I'll make a thread once I get a new mouse. Maybe Saturday.

You can get a retina display for an ipad and a board to convert it to hdmi for about $100 from china.

>DS Lite
>ipad screen
great reading comprehension you got there

Sup Forums is Sup Forums


Oh crap, sorry, was intended for the laptop making user, got confused.
But it seems like laptop user already has a screen so I messed up anyways.

Fuck off my man.

Nice thread OP! I've been planning on doing something similar, I'm a bit paranoid about Intel ME, so I figured an arm9 such as a pi would be a good choice. Apparently the pi bios is proprietary but there is an open source alternative. Anyone know if the open source one works well? I think I heard that it's mostly for embedded machines.

you should take this into a school and then meet Trump and convince him not to go pro net neutrality


It's just a joke. I never browse Sup Forums anyway

Buy a CHIP. 9$ and beats the zero hands down.

What's is/are the input device/s going to be?

There is a good reason that the GNU/Linux general isn't hosted on /diy/.

Where's the progress pics user

Don't leave us hanging

thinkpad keyboard with trackpoint. You don't need anything else.

it's 5 am in Poland. Fuck off and let me sleep.


that explains a lot

Maybe user needs the GPIO, in which case the Orange Pi Prime would be a better choice. Or even any Allwinner H-series SoC board, because there's more than one real USB host bus and there's often gigabit Ethernet.
I mean, the correct solution would have been Novena, but those are spensive.

lol you cant even buy a CHIP now. And its performance is better than a Pi Zero, but shit compared to any Orange Pi.

Good job OP. Maybe you'll get an invitation from MIT

lmao are those usb 1.0s???

Lapdock + Raspberrypi = Laptop

God forbid one of the 30 hardware shilling threads get slid.

Either way he is using a hub on a hubbed connection together with ethernet. It'll suck and tge ssd is a waste.

>and tge ssd is a waste
Nah, it's faster than the microSD

Does that look like a standard laptop keyboard you dumb frogposter? Its a Lenovo USB keyboard, jesus.

can that thing power up an hardrive like this and a screen?

Make it's boot-up noise: ALLAHU AKBAAAAAAAAAAAR




USB 2 is what, 48MB/s? The SDIO, when overclocked and with a UHS 2 sd inside reaches around 50MB/s. But the USB is hubbed 4 times + ethernet. So if you test only the SSD, it'll probably be equal. As soon as you have other IO going on, like wifi or ethernet, the SD wins.

multiply that by 10

but the SSD won't die on on power outage or SWAP usage.

You are going to want some form of cooling inside, preferably not passive cooling.

480Mbit/s = 60MB/s
Then there's the overhead and sharing of the network adapter and shit

Home network stuff ATM, finally got my cabinet shelves in the mail so I can move the router, modem, non-rackmount switches and my NAS inside the cabinet.

Once that's done, I'll put in the Dell server, bridge my Cisco modem, and start fucking around with some VLANs.

Fuck, server cabinets are so hot.

fuck. I bought a 64 gb microsd and a tablet case with shitty keyboard. That's what happens when you leave home.

This battery pack can't give enough power to both Pi and display. I need to get a 2x 2.1 A one.

No it isn't. You Stormfront assholes don't belong here.

fucking hell, I ordered this as well. I became summer :/

I'm in the initial planning phases of putting together an AIO system that I can mount to my wall with swingarms so that I can have a computer at my work table that won't take up any space on the work table.

I already have a relatively powerful single board ARM computer with much more juice than a raspi, 4GB RAM, SATA and a bunch of other good shit. I was going to use it to replace the inside of an older laptop, but fabricating and/or sourcing the replacement parts for that project was turning out to be a lot more of a pain in the dick than it was worth so I just bought a Thinkpad.

I'll need to source a suitable VESA compatible monitor, get an enclosure for the computer, and source a trackball to use the pointer since a mouse wouldn't be a great idea with limited space, but it'll come together.


How long does the battery last?

Looks like there is a lot of free space left. If you can you should try adding more batteries, if you don't mind the extra weight.

haven't checked yet.

You're not me. I was asking how he was making the batter for the pie.

pretty cool rasberry pi ahmed, why not bring it to the whitehouse?

I bought it with money. By the way, how do I keep firefox undecorated in openbox on raspbian? Raspbian seems to be ignoring application settings in /config/openbox/*.rc


Just finished my HOTAS/keyboard/fight stick holder so I can play my space trucking simulators.


I don't suppose any of you swell fellows/ladies/ladyfellows know a nice place I can buy 'replacement' e-ink screens that can be driven with SPI or I2C. I want to run the old Mac Dos system 6 via mini vmac on a pie and play my old text adventure games via touchscreen

Fuck why is it upside down.

lucky for you I'm a spider hanging upside down from the ceiling. I think this looks great btw.