Accidentally click in one website

>Accidentally click in one website
>The website has a built-in pop up you can't close
>in desperation you click on X to close
>install spyware in 10 seconds

Why did you lie to me about not using anti virus Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I use NoScript, and have never had this issue.

You fucked up using a browser that supports JS and other exploitable features. This has nothing to do with antivirus.

>I use FireJail
>I use NoScript
>I use Ublock Origin
>I use Flash Control (blocks flash and HTML5)

I'd be real interested to hear how the situation you described would manage to find success with these things installed.

>You fucked up using an OS that can easily be fucked over by a fucking browser and other exploitable features. This has nothing to do with browsers.
And fixed.

eset detects exploits in js

Not running js prevents exploits in js.

>blocks flash and HTML5
which extension?

>be on shady site withour protection
>be on a shady site in the first place
>complain on Sup Forums about my own stupitidy

t. OP

how do you browse Sup Forums with js disabled?

I literally told you. It's called Flash Control. You can override it by clicking on an icon that appears, showing you that Flash/HTML5 has been blocked.

Doesn't even matter. I'll go to any site someone wants to post. With FireJail and the right addons, you're bulletproof.

>he thinks extensions is better than using a decent OS

You have to have a decent OS in order to use Firejail. The decent OS was implied.

You still had to click something. You saw the 'x' button wasn't a real 'x' button and you still clicked it. An antivirus wouldn't stop that since you technically clicked to install it. Alt+F4, or just shutting down the computer would've been better.

what is the difference of using gentoo firefox and gentoo + firejail firefox?

go to these


Firejail limits where FF can access files (including saving shit).

I'll take a screencap of whatever you feel the worst site you listed is. Which one would you like?

wouldn't be better to use privacy badger instead of firejail?

By excluding it

i don't know any of these, it's just a list of results from the google search "most virus infected webistes"

pick one.

>my common sense 2017 blocks the pages.

Think you replied to the wrong guy.
Here you go.

then what's the point of using js blocker if you allow js to run?

Why not both?

Linux bro-fist.

Selectively excluding which sites you automatically block is completely different from allowing all sites by default.

>then what's the point of using js blocker if you allow js to run?

>he didn't move to Devuan
>he is using a system with bloatware and adware
>he is not using default Ubuntu
>he is not using Linux Lite
>He is not using superior Chakra OS

That is correct. I'm happy with what I have. I'm sorry my choice bothers you.

Yes he should be using one with them built in like Linux.

On a serious question here, can you get malware or spyware using default firefox with simply adblocker on linux or do you actually need firejail/noscript ?

Of course you can. I mean, the fact that you need a sudo password to install pretty much anything should stop most shit, but that doesn't mean that you're in the clear and shouldn't protect yourself.

Firejail is literally so fucking easy to install and forget about, there's literally no excuse. You would do well to use a user agent spoofer, too (I just set it to the Windows version of the highest FF version they offer). NoScript is kind of a pain at first, but once you figure out what to allow on the sites you visit the most, it becomes less and less of a hindrance as time goes on.

Were you unaware of Heartbleed's existence?

i thought the linux kernel wasn't affected by it

If you aren't going to stay aware of threats, you had better use NoScript and firejail..

fair enough but red hat is literally the windows version of Linux
in the past 3 years I only used Chakra OS, Ubuntu and now Devuan
I'll have to learn how to set up firejail first

No, you don't.

>I'll have to learn how to set up firejail first
If you have it installed, here's all you need to do.

after I launch where will firejail save the browse settings?

If you're talking about FF settings, it won't. Make sure your settings are what you want them to be BEFORE switching over to Firejail, as it will revert to the last settings you had BEFORE going to Firejail.

If you must browse the Web on old Windows, OP, there is a correct, completion solution for securing your browser, and it is called Sandboxie.You won't need to plug security holes with NoScript if you use it. Everything else is a half measure and a kluge.

So it will use /etc/firejail/firefox/ instead of /etc/firefox/ ?
Sorry to ask but I don't understand why firejail will prevent data access to kernel

Or terminal
nohup firejail firefox &

Firejail is a sandbox. It limits absolutely all downloads, etc, to the Downloads folder in Mint (to give an example using the OS I'm most familiar with). You can also only upload files from your downloads folder

CVE-2016-5195 shows how long major security flaws tend to stay in the linux core thanks to the TLAs. The fact it's open source also gives a fantastic illusion of security to users, "if the code is open source people will audit it, not me though I'll just run it"

or ln firejail as firefox in /usr/local/bin

At least Linux allows you to see the vulnerabilities, which can allow you to either fix them, or make an effort to avoid said exploits. Windows and Mac do not.

so by default Firejail will only work in the downloads folder? it will never save any setting to the /etc/ folder? how about bookmarks?

If you are wondering about what Firejail does the website I linked you earlier will do a better job explaining it to your satisfaction. I'd copy it, but it's 2300 characters.

I asked about bookmarks because firefox saves in the settings file too I was wondering if the changes made using firejail will be permanent regarding the settings config file or it's simply coping Firefox previous settings and starting a fresh ''sandbox'' in every start

Your bookmarks will be saved.

thanks I'll give it a try in a few hours cos now I'm using a shit laptop with windows

all the regulars use gnu/linux, where you can use an antivirus but it isn't really needed unless you're hosting files for strangers. if you are gonna listen to some Sup Forums advice, listen to all of it.

A hidden service on tor literally owned my tor browser which had its security slider at high. The browser wouldn't close until I killed the internet connection. CIA will get to you regardless, fucking retarded script kiddies.

Tor allows javascript by default, dumbass.

So do you read the code before installing? If so you are doing a shit job as the average security flaw is active for 5 years in Linux significantly longer than Windows.

Read nigger

The average security flaw is active forever in Windows. There are literally hundreds of flaws that Microsoft has stated that they will not patch flaws.

A single security flaw never being patched instantly shoots the average up to infinity.

Even with the security slider at high, Tor still allows Javascript by default. Disabling Javascript requires unchecking a box.

No it automatically kills the JavaScript when you set it to high.


Trumptards actually believe this. In reality. The average windows flaw security flaw is patched in 150 days, less than 1/10th of the time Linux security issues take to be patches.

Pretty sure it just makes Javascript "click to enable," on high. Sounds like you clicked on something you shouldn't have.

Even if they patched one billion security flaws in 0 seconds, except for that one, the average shoots to infinity, because infinity divided by 1,000,000,001 is still infinity.

Also meant for:

>There are literally hundreds of flaws that Microsoft has stated that they will not patch flaws.

Name 5 and link us to the CVE for each.

Nope. JavaScript was disabled the whole time.

> Windows XP
Common Sense 2017 update when?

why would you install microsoft patches? Just use windows 7 with anti virus + ublock + noscript
Tor is broken by design

Then feel free to explain how it happened.

Link the website, and I'll go there. Not joking.

No need. I only need to list one, and the average shoots to infinity. I already listed one.

will Firejail block access to root when running firefox?

let's say I run
firejail firefox
do I need to set up anything?

Firejail will not block access to root. What Firejail will do is block access to your user folders, excepting Downloads. It doesn't block root because root modifications still require your sudo password.

going back to a few questions earlier, when I save a bookmark using firejail firefox where will this setting be saved at? /downloads?
I read in the distrowatch review that
"firejail can disable a process's ability to gain access to the root account''
how do I do that?

Not who was advising you earlier. I don't know, and I don't know.

No problem
For what I could read the one graphical version of firejail shows that root is disabled when running firefox

exploitable over dbus :(

Went to them all with uBlock Origin and uMatrix disabled. What now?

i can't believe you've done this

The default profile for Firefox will prevent Firefox from obtaining root privileges and I do believe su and sudo are blacklisted so it can't use them either. Now of course, there could be an exploit that makes it possible for an application running in Firejail to obtain root privileges.

doesn't seem to work but
should do the job?


So, forgot to use Common Sense 2017

I see you use common sense 2017 OS, tough.
Best protection confirmed.

>shady pop-up opens on browser
>don't click X button
>open Dev Tools, find lightbox + pop-up element
>set CSS to display:none;
>carry on

but its overwriteable ?
the corresponding github issue states only net=none solves the problem

>The website has a built-in pop up you can't close
Stopped reading. Install uBlock Origin at the very least, you retard.

>The website has a built-in pop up you can't close
What did they mean by this?

It happens all the time on sites like putlocker, it opens another tab whenever you hit play on the video. Adblockers do nothing and it can even prevent you from accessing task manager

These pop ups are more malicious and scream 'YOU HAVE A VIRUS' and literally prevent you from closing anything. Removing laptop battery has been my only solution.

>on windows
>not using anti virus

>Trusting an extensions to block things for you
do you realize they don't update them often and plug-ins are not 100% reliable?
Also when you click in the own browser exit Chrome usually says
"Are you sure you want to close?" and if you click yes the spyware will install regardless if you press ALT+F4

>Linux "Lite"
>Chakra OS
Nice troll

>letting scripts run in your browser

It depends on how you set it up. By default the .mozilla folder (and indeed the Downloads folder) will be available, which is where all settings etc are saved. You can limit folder access to your liking though.

or just run firecfg, which placed symlinks to firejail in /usr/local/bin, effectively overriding "firefox" with firejail (and anything else with a profile)

it uses per-application profiles to determine what is and is not allowed
you can allow your browser access to other things, like for example, i allow my browser to access my reactions folder, which isn't under downloads

what's wrong with those OS? they are all use stable kernel

>i allow my browser to access my reactions folder, which isn't under downloads
did you set up this in the command line?

firejail provides a means to adjust the profiles it comes with in a way that won't be clobbered by updates, using .local, which is read before the main profile
put your modifications in there, such as;