Browse Sup Forums for a few days

>browse Sup Forums for a few days
>realise 99% posters on Sup Forums are below 100 IQ, tech illiterate, and have some form of social or mental disorder
>tfw for a minute I thought I found a good place on the web to discuss technology

>tfw to ingelegent for conputor

back to le_donald you go

>Remember when g was good?
>Me neither.

Back to you go

>tfw to autistic to have a girlfriend.

Try Reddit, it's full of enlightened techies like yourself ;)

Sup Forums should be renamed to /con/ as it is more of a consumer electronics board, save for /dpt/ and a couple of other generals

>tfw girlfriend too autistic for you



gadgets and technology
starts and ends with g

Autistic girls are the worst, they're really clingy and annoying.

Dating one made me realise why autistic guys can't get a girlfriend.

dumb frogposter

Sup Forums is dead

my iq is actualy 105 tyvm

Come to goatfinger op

Sup Forums is a bunch of consumers and hobbyist programmers who know basic syntax

the hobbyist programmers are rare, the majority are winfag tech illiterates that barely know how to implement a linked list

>that barely know how to implement a linked list
yes I remember some faggot telling me that learning linked list was rote memorization and not actual programming. This was in a "le cs grads are dumb" thread


It's working guys, we're finally managing to piss off Sup Forums!
Hopefully more of these retards naturally kill themselves.

same fag please

*breathes in*
Someone's mad that he can't detect samefaggotry. If you had Sup Forums-X you would clearly see that I am a new IP address in this thread.

>I can inspect and edit html
wow, just wow

Thanks for contributing.

If only you had an extension / userscript, sigh.
Just stop posting for a while and come back when you're more educated about how to properly use this website. I'm really trying to be actually nice to you this time, sweetie. But you really need to understand the imageboard before you can participate. Maybe in just 2-3 years, you too can understand when someone is "samefagging"

>posting fucking anime reactions on a non-anime board
Care to repeat WHO gotta leave?

>tfw no clingy annoying gf

It shouldn't take more than like 5 months to understand a boards culture and how Sup Forums works

t. not him

lol > implying board culture exists
its literally just newfags calling others newfags because they dont like something they see

I just mean their memes and opinions on things

Please do us all a favour and go the fuck back to /r/ the donald you worthless shitposter

Complaining about anime reactions on a Japanese picture forum

you would say its autism

>tfw no yandere gf to peg me
why life

fuck off faggot

try /sci/ but it isn't much better

all these delicate neets facing reality.

just because you can fix your friends laptop does not mean that you can compete with people who actually do this for a living

dumb tripcode poster


Please enjoy the OC I just made with Krita on Fedora GNU/Linux.

yup same here this board is filled with autists that only talk about thinkpads and know nothing about modern tech like smartphones (they hate on anything samsung because they are too poor but also because of an os they think is bad but isnt at all and literally every review site says there s series phones are incredible). their autism is just too high i guess.

Preblend your alphas you fruitsalad


>trump frogger calls out others for being below 100 IQ, tech illiterate, and have some form of social or mental disorder

the ironing

It's part of an weaboo image board. What did you expect?

fuck off back to dickhead

> >browse Sup Forums for a few days

At least this one admits to bring a summerfag.

Blackguy eating a bread is right.