Sup Forums would working at the Apple Store in the Genius Bar give me any valuable IT experience worth putting on my...

Sup Forums would working at the Apple Store in the Genius Bar give me any valuable IT experience worth putting on my resume if my career goals are to move into QA Testing and then systems analysis? I graduated in April with an IS degree and can't land a job for shit because it was the ultimate meme IT degree and every job is asking for years of experience in multiple fields. I know I should have done CS but it's too late now and I just need to find something, I can't even land a damn help desk job and know someone who can probably get me an interview for the Genius Bar but considering how 90% of businesses use Microsoft would any of you with professional/managerial experience view it as something worthwhile on a resume say if you were hiring for a QA tester? My thought is it sure would beat my current wage cuck job.

Any experience will help if you have none. A job at and Apple Store will give you both IT and retail experience, which could be useful depending on what kind of QA Testing you do.

I also get by just fine being the "Mac" guy in our shop. The trick is if you are going to specialize, you need to be exceedingly good at it. I know macOS down to mach like the back of my hand, and it shows when it takes me five minutes to solve even some of the most unusual issues.

What's the vDSO in osx, you know it well right?

Expose kernel functions to userspace to avoid time-expensive context switches, which is especially important given mach's huge overhead is using them. The concept of vDSO exists in Darwin, but it's not specifically called that.

>valuable IT experience

Makes sense that some retarded boot would propose in a fucking Apple store.

Yes. And if you're a Genius, they will pay you well and the work is fairly easy.

My best friend got through last year of college working at the Apple store and he made lots of money to pay for tuition, rent etc.

at least Apple doesn't support faggotry like Google and Microsoft.

Google's literally pushing faggotry on Youtube, Google I/O, even has a division to fight Sup Forums.

If technology could be gay, Google and MS would be the gayest of them all.

Do I pass your interrogation user?

>doesn't support faggotry

Apple very much so does support it, they participate in pride events and create LGBT themed products (like the rainbow watch band). The difference is Apple doesn't hamfistidly try to shove it in your face.

>t. macfaggot

So how does Apple support faggotry? Just because he's gay, it doesn't mean he forces anyone to support it. Unlike Google...

Has Apple ever changed their homepage to be gay? Google has.... on all of their properties. MS has too.

Google even makes gay apps and sells gay shirts.

>they participate in pride events
Some of their employees do. Google employees do too... in MUCH BIGGER NUMBERS.


>Has Apple ever changed their homepage to be gay?

this is Android team. nickname for Android is Gaydroid inside of google because so many gays work there.

if you use Android, you're literally gay.

that logo is older than gay flag.

ok kid

Sometimes, I think the only reason I stay on Sup Forums is to see this one macfag get triggered and autist rage anytime anyone makes an "apple is gay" comment.

It literally is called Gaydroid internally, although I think android users are faggots for different reasons.

Apple's rainbow fruit logo predates the earliest pride flag by almost a decade I think.

The problem with Google's PR disaster #Pride campaign is their complete lack of touch on the issue. The LBG (note the lack of T) movement has had crazy extremists riding its coattails for the past two decades, and making a video specifically highlighting them angers everyone. I'm gay myself, and I absolutely hate what the LGB community has turned into.

Jesus fucking Christ

OP here thanks for the input seems like general consensus is any IT experience is better than none, I agree apple seems gay and I don't even know if I'll get the job but if another month goes buy and I don't hear back from any of the leads I'm pursuing on internships I'll go for it.

Apple employee here. I work at several retail stores in my state. Basically my job is to replace and update display models, and to check that all repair and diagnostic tools are in working order. I also help out with "advanced" repairs like data recovery from broken iPhones and Macs, board replacements, and stuff like that. The work is easy but the customers fit the stereotypes. They're brain dead faggots, old people, and 13 year old girls. I'm required to use an iPhone for work but I don't use anything else. I use a ThinkPad X220 with Windows 7 because all of the internal tools are available for Windows XP and above if you ask for them. I wear a regular GShock watch, not the shitty Applel ones. I also use an Android phone with Lineage OS for personal stuff, because fuck letting my employer spy on me.

I make 80k

LGBT has been crazy extremists since the end of the homophile movement

Any tips on landing the job if I do get an interview there?