Childhood is when you idolize iOS. Adulthood is when you realize Android is the better option

Childhood is when you idolize iOS. Adulthood is when you realize Android is the better option.

Other urls found in this thread: System/ios

Enlightenment is when you rip out that botnet garbage and install a custom ROM.

You sound like a fucking loser, why do you even give a shit? Do you also care what other people wear and eat?

Stop trying to be other people and just be yourself, you're gonna die either way.

t. android user

>t. Android user

Adulthood is when you realize you're spending your useless life fighting with nerds in the comments section of a YouTube video about crappy Chinese phones.


Lmao. What the fuck is up with your ricing?

What ricing? All I did was install nova and organize apps in folders. That's the stock wallpaper btw, I'm too busy to customize my phone for hours.

Childhood is living before smart or even mobile phones existed.

God hood is using a burner phone

Third worldhood is being a nation of phoneposters.

Android is for 3rd world shitholes. don't believe me? Just look at the reviews of apps on Google Play... 99% are from names you can't even pronounce. Most are also illiterate and can barely sting up a sentence. Of those with pics, 99 are brown & black.

Android is for the poor.

blue = style over substance
He who dies with the most toys still dies

>Android is for the poor.
Then why do most people own iPhone's with leases/credit/contracts/loans?

>Then why do most people own iPhone's with leases/credit/contracts/loans?
They don't.
And why is India and Africa 97% Android? Why aren't they on "leases" for iphones?
Stupid retard.

average page of Google Play app reviews...

What did Apple mean by this?

(((Israel))) is 100% Android. Why does Sup Forums keep idolizing the Apple jew?

Hello Rajesh. Making those rupees I see. KEK

Virginity is when you think using Android makes you cool and sophisticated.

Getting laid is when you realize you want a phone that "just works" so you can dedicate the rest of your time to getting your dick wet.

There are 3x as many poos as muh pure Englishmen. Deal with it. On Sup Forums.

>one infinite loo

Then explain this: System/ios

I mean if only wealthy people own iPhones then when do the 4 major carriers in the US offer $20-$30 leases on iPhones?

Wake up you dumb fuck, iPhones are targeted SPECIFICALLY for poor people, you know the same people who blow thousands of dollars on shit they don't fucking need all in a desperate attempt to seem rich amongst their peers?

Why do iPoo users have to deal with their subpar 750p Retina Displays? Why does their shit look so outdated?

so why aren't iPhones ruling India and Africa, shit for brains?

>2 touches to get to literally every app

Rather be a virgin than a fag dying from aids.

The CEO of apple is a LITERAL faggot abd you know what they say, birds of a feather flock together.

>Why does their shit look so outdated?
Why is everyone copying them?

Because their culture isn't as showy and fucked-up as Western consumer culture.

Android is literally by gays for gays. Nickname for Android is Gaydroid inside of Google because so many gay ppl work on it. Stay mad, homophobe.

>isn't as showy and fucked-up
they shit on streets you stupid retard.

Because they're seen as a symbol of homosexuality. You know they light fags like you on fire over there, right? Unfortunately this also means they turn to overpriced android phones such as the non-gay samshit bloatware S8+.


>not calling it Analdroid

So apple users are promiscuous, narcissistic thots and fuck boys and they made a chart about it? Awesome.

Ive had two sexual partners. The current and second one lets me snort Molly off her asshole and fuck her relentlessly for whats usually hours. Sex partners has no correlation to amount of time spent having sex.

>Chink shit vs chink shit
Now compare the S8 to the 7. How are your 1080p phablets and dongles going?

android is literally a gay symbol. it even looks like penis.

>1% of android users are gay
>99% of iPhone users are gay

lol... the times it doesn't catch fire, it doesn't get an update.

These fucking bezels!

>iPhone is the only thing relevant in the entire anglophone world
You know what that means, right?

Fruits exist everywhere but there are ENTIRE PARADES full of iPhone users. Think about that.

Grindr, gay dating app, has 80% of its users on Android in the US even through iOS has a really high percentage in US.

Android is so shit that even the Chairman of Google uses iPhone!


They say that biggest homophobes are closeted homosexuals. You must be craving that BBC daily. g

You do realize iPhone "updates" gimp older iPhones right? It's so bad people are suing apple for it.

Lmao. Apple still trying to keep up with updates, eh?

Android is so popular with gays that Google makes OFFICIAL Android Gay Pride app!

So all racists secretly want to be black?

bullshit lawsuit was thrown out. why don't you screencap that part. LOL

Do you even know who the ceo of apple is?

why are you hating on black people and gays?

>750p iShit display
>No headphone jack
>Fuck huge bezel
>M-muh iOS!
Kek. Apple-tards spewing Poo-in-loo and gay maymays with no arguments!

Do you know that the CEO of Google used to shit on streets?

>If you hate X you must be X.
I also hate thieves, am I a thief too?

which of these hotties is you?

Lmao. Apple "engineering"

you just hate everything because you're mentally ill.

LMFAO at this thread, all iToddlers can do is be sour grapes and lie about their fruit phones. They're that insecure about themselves and shallow that they need a $1,000 phone to define them.

let's parade with our Android shirts senpai.

Android is for poor countries

>Article from 2015

At least iPhones get updates

less hate, more love. this could be you... you could find yourself a nice bf and be happy.
gay sex will make you happy.

No wonder, they're still catching up on the features.

Steve Jobs sure did

Your CEO is a fag lmao.

sigh... even more fake shit...

here's something that's not fake. from the official Android channel

ps: just come out of the closet and be yourself. nothing wrong with being gay. your family will understand and will love you regardless.

more love, less hate. come out of the closet and you'll live a happier love.

Why are you trying to defend apple so much m8? Their logo is they gay pride flag and someone about to suck a huge cock.

Why the fuck does Apple still stay with this poo-in-loo-tier design?

Why don't you go first nancy boy?

Oh shit, nigger! Can Applel-tards even attempt to defend this shitty design?

>Flagship Applel product

>mfw people implying that the qualities of the average user apply to ALL users

Anybody who feels the need to go full tribalism over their phone OS, be it Android or iOS, needs to proverbially neck themselves.

Use what works for you, and stop giving a fuck what other people are going to think of your phone choice. The only people who give half a shit about what phone you have is yourself and possibly some shallow people for the first 5 minutes they know you, then your actual innate qualities completely overshadow what tech toy you bought.

>tfw my iPhone 6 plus randomly died from touch disease.
God what a fucking joke of a company.

>rounded corners
>18:9 retarded aspect ratio
>literally no bezels at all
I'd rather have an iPhone than a GS8, and that's saying a lot about the GS8's design.

Regardless of who uses iPhones, I can't ever switch to one because of all the useful features android phones have such as:

>have real encryption with no backdoors
>download over 100MB over mobile data
>install a third party app launcher and icons
>use it as a flash drive
>share any kind of file over wifi/bluetooth
>torrent via torrent clients in the playstore
>install apps outside the playstore
>modify a few system settings to increase performance and decrease battery drain
>manually control complex camera functions via third party apps
>natively browse files
>view better colors via amoled displays
>browse Sup Forums and natively open webms inside them via third party apps
>extract/browse archives
>add additional phone storage via a micro SD card
>replace the stock battery with a bigger one
>add widgets to your home screen
>access important functions by swiping down


To top it all off you get Android phones with the same performance as a new flagship iPhone and better specs for half the price.

Why pay more and get less?

I don't like either myself, but holy shit does Apple's phone look outdated.
My friend's iPhone 6 bent in his pocket. It still works, but that bend fucking killed whatever that design had left.

Meh, mine didn't bend but only because I got that beaver phone case. It always felt flimsy and delicate like a baby with osteoporosis day 1.


>natively browse files
To be fair, iOS has it now.

>add widgets to your homescreen
iOS has widget-like info boxes, they're just not on the homescreen

Fuck-huge bezels, or a 750p display. That is the question I have for you, user.

>>natively browse files
>To be fair, iOS has it now.
With half the functionality.

>>add widgets to your homescreen
>iOS has widget-like info boxes, they're just not on the homescreen
That's pretty fucking pathetic.

Apple needs to start copying more basic Android features asap, their markets share is tumbling down to 10% as we speak. Soon it will be another windows phone.

Consumers arguing about brands, stay pleb.