Is this finally the year of linux?

Is this finally the year of linux?

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It's the year of the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

That's great and all, but how long until Microsoft gets around to fixing this bug?

>poor software can't be installed on the most compatible OS
>somehow the fault of the OS
Install professional software, not amateur crap.


Linux is now a Windows app.

>Is this finally the year of linux?
2008 was the year I moved 100 users to Linux desktops. That makes it the Year of Linux for me.

For me it was 2014.


Did someone use this yet?
How do they handle system resources?
What block devices can Ubuntu access? If you start server on Ubuntu, how do you access it from Windows and vice versa? Can you run x server on Ubuntu? Can you run gui using xming?
It's not just a fucking ssh to a virtual machine in hyperv, is it?

How to install Gentoo:
1) run ubuntu
2) curl Gentoo archive
3) partition and extract
4) chroot
5) ...
6) done

Also 2018 is the year of Linux desktop

God bless Billy Gates

nah, chrome os is the new hotness. most chromebooks are overpriced but with a little effort you can put chrome os on any old laptop and have it be snappy as fuck

>Ubuntu is now rated by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board

lol move over kiddo

Yup. And windows is also a linux app. You can also run windows in linux in windows in linux in windows. Now go get concerned watching some grown men play with a ball. I hope the logo of the team that wins is the same as the one on your socks.

meh, could still be compromised, chrome os everything is a webapp and nothing has or needs root access

It's the same premise with 10 S except it's not all on the web.
But, they also have the ability to upgrade to Pro at any point.
Chrome OS is dead in the water, especially since Goog is just going to ditch it for their actual cross platform OS.

>Programming Penguin

What is your current job, "OP"?

>It's the year of having two sets of OS vulnerabilities

The NSA must be loving this.

This isn't something new, and yes, it's been tested.