Last thread was super nice and pleasant. Let's see if we can have another one!
/retro/ - Retro computers
Other urls found in this thread:
I've been thinking about bit by bit building an old mainframe
I have no idea what I'll use it for
How old?
Not mine but I have a few good pics
How do I get Windows 95 to use 256 colors in VirtualBox? I set the display to SVGA but that didn't help
That's dependant on price and availability. I have power edges at home for my ACTUAL work requiring a server. Honestly probably more as a proof of concept to myself
A solar charger pack?
OP pic isn't mine either, I just like it
i found a Tandy CoCo and figured out how to load .WAVs of cassette programs onto it off a ipod! too bad i can't really do anything about floppies or cartridges.
Wow that's actually pretty fucking cool mate
Posting here, cause no one else on Sup Forums wants to talk about it. Anyone else have old cassette players?
That is the single sexiest tape I've ever seen.
I also have no love for them. Growing up with them, I can remember the numerous problems they causes me. Having the tape catch in the player and unwind inside there, if it didn't automatically shut off when the tape ended it'd keep winding and snap the cello tape, how goddamn quickly they chewed through batteries
I still stand by what I said though. That is a fucking SEXY tape
MC is the absolutely worst thing that ever came to the world of audio.
Thank fucking god for digital.
Not really, stop using cheap consumer shit
>snagged for cheap
>Terminal shows signs of life but monitor displays nothing
What do I do?
that's really cool
where's the tp link one
fix the monitor, duh
What does it sound like if you put a C64 cassette in there
like mice in a blender
open it up and check for fucked caps? but uh, unplug it and let it sit for a good while first in case the caps are the only part that AREN'T fucked.
if you manage to get it working then go BBS hunting
I actually just got on Sup Forums to look for OPs pic. Fucking beautiful commodore. Very Akira looking. Is there more like this? If anyone has anything similar, please be my pleasure provider
>Erectile Dysfunction
Has about as much content as an 8bit game from the early 80s but is not, in fact, retro.
VBox doesn't support retro OSes.
Fuck, I want a D6C more than anything in the world. I guess my WM-F31 will have to do.
I pinched it from either a retro or a bst thread on here a few months ago. I never found sauce
I actually owned these bad boys for the past 20 years. I think I am gonna sell them soon. The wm-ex808hg has a new belt on the way. It's prob with more than the DAT in today's marketplace lol !
Here's another of the ex808hg if anyone is interested
I found a free desk on Kijiji today and decided to pick it up. The 486 I've got is a bit big for it, but it's nice to have it setup and ready to use for the first time, instead of having to drag it out when I wanted to use it.
pic related.
Your guy's are far nicer than mine. Mine desperately needs new belts, but I've not been able to find any and honestly, I'm not sure if I should just buy a nicer one off ebay.
I've heard from a few music production sites the C64s sound chip is still pretty good and usable in the modern era? Is this correct? I've never used one in my life let alone fed it an mp3
SID was a legit as hell music chip for its era but it had some pretty hard and fast limitations. the good composers found ways to work around those limitations to a certain extent but i don't think there's any practical way to play digitized samples through it.
Kind of like dial up, you can find out yourself. There's programs for converting c64 .tap into .wavs for recording to cassettes.
The D6C is arguably the best but they're becoming increasingly expensive. If your going to buy one I'd do it soon.
It's actually a home made tape. It's a replica of one I wasn't able to buy, so I found out who the cassette supplier was and made my own label in photoshop.
I think I did an ok job but there's minor discrepancies that irk me.
Pic related is the genuine version.
I want a tandy 1000 EX so badly.
Mostly because it was my dad's first computer
Yours looks awesome dude.
Since my tape deck is a model that I couldn't find a proper set of belts for online ($25 for 2 belts + shipping). I got cheap and bought a variety pack off of aliexpress for $2. They're not the best, but work alright.
>pony stickers
I used an old Realistic cassette player with Dolby, metal support, stereo recording, but my ex dropped it while listening to audiobooks. Would love something like pic related, or even the Walkman Outback (the one beyond the "Sports" editions, with sealed gaskets and such). Don't know where to find reputable vintage cassette players though.
Sure it does. It doesn't have a driver pack for things like drag and drop or clipboard sharing, but retro OSes is its raison d'être.
>any irremovable stickers, markers, or paint on vintage hardware
This should be fucking criminal.
you won't be feeding it any digital samples, Paula can do that tough
Everything is removable as long it's not carved into, even then it's a matter or skill.
Step up your game.
No need to get butthurt over something you don't own in the first place.
tl;dr: Use Qemu.
shame that qemu is trash on windows
My roomie has a few of these, he sold me the case for one to eventually do a casemod on
How come? Kqemu/qemu works just as fine.
maybe it has to do with me installing it through msys2 but still, launching it doesn't even create a task
is there another way to get a binary distribution
sure user
not only are they rare as fuck in the west, they go for several grand easily in Japan
what the fuck how new is this
always existed
is msys2 better then standard cygwin or even windows ubuntu bash?
msys2 is like cygwin but without the bloat (and i think slightly better separation between the mingw and msys components)
>Never any update on the IBM Portable
Pretty much every channel...
>I'll be making a future video in detail about it...
>3 years latter
Apparently he decided to dress up as a princess instead and forgot all about it.
is vintage hardware more static-proof?
I'd never allow a cat around a computer room (they can be anywhere else though)
lmao you were right
god bless her anyway.
What vintage are we talking about? 80's vintage?
They usually operate at higher voltages with bigger fabrication chips then today. Gives a slight edge over today's hardware.
But that Tandy has a shell around it and all the ports are grounded, that cat won't to shit to it.
Unless your computer room is literary naked hardware, what it shouldn't be in the first place, a cat is least of your problems.
>is vintage hardware more static-proof?
Depending on the vintage it may be before manufacturers realized household users don't have their own clean rooms and started packing their ICs full of protection devices like clamps and diodes. Fatter lithography in older circuits offers a little resilience but it's nothing compared to proper protection.
The most fragile circuits can be damaged by nothing more than induction caused by the electrostatic field of your skin without even making contact. You're unlikely to find anything that completely unprotected in any home/consumer equipment though.
if i get an old monitor with a small resolution, but of a large size (say a 19" with 640x) will my old games look better than they do scaled onto my 24" 1080p monitor? I want to go back and enjoy diablo 2 again but it looks like literal arsehole on my screen
Get any 4:3 CRT and it will look better then a widescreen flat-screen for those old games.
Informer, ya' no say daddy me Snow me I go blame
A licky boom boom down
There's an open source project to use it as a synthesizer:
I managed to snag one of these, a solder it yourself kit based on 2 SIDs:
Unfortunately, they don't sell it anymore. It sounds fucking great though! It can actually make some really modern synth sounds, not just chiptune type stuff. Definitely way ahead of its time.
the 2SID circuit is simple enough to make cheaply with off the shelve parts
thats fucking cool.
oh well, i guess ill abandon my plans on getting one then! it was literally to fuck with the sound chip was my only reason for wanting one at all
To the guy trying to get 95 in virtual box, fuck that off and use VMware.
This is the image I'm using, and it's lovely. Full 1080p support, full colours and opera.
Luggables are my favorite. I need to get a space set up for playing with mine.
New ITTFampai video
Bought p3b-f two weeks ago, complete with slotcket and 256 megs of shitty NCP ram for ~4 USD.
How cool is that?
maybe if you request them they will make one. It's not like they stopped making videos about computers.
thats way cool
usually you get ignored unless you manage to convince other people to bitch too
eBay and pray.
kek, I love how tolerant /retro/ is, rare sight in today's Sup Forums
seriously glad to see that
God damn that keyboard is gorgeous.
anyone watch rinoa super-genius?
Please kill yourself
It just isn't worth ruining the thread over.
> keyboard stickers
forlad Danmark ojeblikkeligt
Is most of this stuff bought or gotten for free from relatives?
Im not ITTFami, but probably cheap pickups from shops etc
The Compaq I traded for a bag of chips when I was a kid.
The Vectra I bought 10 years ago for like €15 at a local shop.
The PowerMac G3 I got on ebay for €1 at an auction. Seriously.
The Dell workstations I got for €6 on ebay, local pickup.
Turntables were bought second hand for €20 each.
The Grundig Receiver was €5
The Dell was €5 if I remember right.
The Toshiba SFF computer was trashpicked.
And all the parts have been gathered for the good part of 14 years.
Very nice
Man, I want a Kaypro for all that CP/M magic. All I have is a Osborne 1.
I just wish they were easier to mess with. I've had a lot of trouble with the floppies.
I don't have any original disks. I found some bootable images, but a lot of fiddling was needed with old programs to properly write the weird track layout. I eventually got it running, but my test program failed to assemble. I then noticed the assembler was likely corrupted. Plus all the faffing about I did with the drives themselves. Ended up pulling one of the drives to use in my machine that wrote the images, others I tried didn't work. I wish the ROM had a monitor program like my Zenith XT clones do so that I could just sit down and play a bit.
That sucks.
I haven't really had problems writing floppies with a PC, 360k drives work out of the box and 1.2MB drives with 300RPM mod write images fine.
I also use serial for file transfer.