We 15 now
UNIX conversion says that we'll hit 16 in 2020
>been here since 10
Does anyone know which image was the tipping point between 14 and 15
It was this one from Sup Forums
Man I feel stupid now for not knowing that these filenames have been UNIX time all along...
Well, you'd never have got into cicada 3301 that's for sure
But that clearly has 114s at the end
It's the closest image to the timestamp
Nobody posted an image at the exact moment
The last three digits are randomly generated.
Thought they were server milliseconds or something?
Nope. Random.
I've been on Sup Forums since 1360
121* is my oldest image
Early 2008, and I'm still a newshit
oldest image i've got
How will Sup Forums deal with the 2038 problem?
There's no 2038 problem if 2038 doesn't exist.
2038 is a social construct.
Depends if it is still running 32bit or 64bit.
If it is 64bit then the filename strings will just become one character longer. Even if it is 32bit the strings might become one character longer, depending on what the servers are running on and how that software handles the roll over.
What image is 1500000000000 how can we check.
>If it is 64bit then the filename strings will just become one character longer
no they won't.
closest there is
I found a collision yesterday on Sup Forums.
both src:
Why doesn't the image name works like the post number to avoid that?
heh, nice
>we will never 1488 again
Fuck off /pol