Is Lua a meme script language or is it worth picking up?
Is Lua a meme script language or is it worth picking up?
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It's a meme that isn't funny
it's a cute language
Huge fucking meme.
Pick up Python or something actually useful.
fuck off lua is mine, go away.
its less a meme than python and other script langauges
Lua is worth learning over most other script languages
i have never programmed and even i understand some parts of these scripts and edit on them. pretty good to be honest. it could be the english of programming languages.
Depends what you do.
Lua has a lot of uses but if you don't know then don't learn it.
If you want to make Gmod mods, yes
It's a fucking meme.
it's a really good embedded scripting language
luajit is really nice too
only good for powder toy and gmod plugins
good meme
It's pretty nice.
Easy to learn because it's a rather small language.
It has LuaJit which is really good. Usually just as fast as Java or better.
It interacts nicely with C.
Tcl > Lua
>worth picking up
Need an embedded interpreter for a simple language? Then yes, otherwise no.
it's good for WoW addons
It's a good language design, too bad it doesn't have as many library bindings as Python.
GTFO out of Sup Forums Hardik.
This picture explains why Lua exists.
That said, Lua is used by Awesome WM, which is kind of good. :)
Brainlet spotted
Lua is for scripting WHILE embedded into another language. Python is too bloated and terrible to do this.
Lua is fine Tbh it's only flaw is that it's not a lisp. Also metatables.
I was planning to use it to make games with Löve, worth it in that case?
Lua is not a standard.
Sick bait dude
>arrays start at 1
I learnt it in a day to program cards for my chinese cartoon cardgame
I could only do it because I was totally consumed by my autistic pursuit of children's cardgames, it's not comparatively easy
lua + ffi
it is happiness for me but maybe not for you
If you're just looking to learn a scripting language, Lua isn't the most useful choice.
It doesn't seem like a bad language, though.
>This picture explains why Lua exists.
The alternatives then were Tcl, early JS and ad hoc stuff like elisp.
This. Lua have the easiest and best FFI of any other interpreter or compiler. It's also a pretty language syntactically talking.
I stopped embedding languages years ago.
Now I just create sub-processes for the scripting language interpreter and comunicate both via zeromq.
I use Lua for scripting in Roblox :3
>arrays start at 1
other than that it's perfect and I would learn it
True enough.
>no sandboxing
As long as you still offer a proper plugin API...
I prefer mruby, at least it has been audited.
>Global variables do not need declarations. You simply assign a value to a global variable to create it. It is not an error to access a non-initialized variable; you just get the special value nil as the result
I'm struggling to think of a more retarded feature I've heard of in a serious language.
>I'm struggling to think of a more retarded feature I've heard of in a serious language.
How about:
>almost any dynamic scripting language
>All kinds of variables do not need declarations. If you're lucky we have some opt-in strict mode.
if you're working with C, yes.
if you're an autistic Garry's Mod player, also yes.
if anything else, no the language is shit use something else.
it's got it's handy little uses. anybody dismissing it outright probably hasn't even checked it out. I find it particularly handy because nginx can work with custom lua modules. that should be reason enough for somebody to check it out in todays day and age.
I use lua daily because we use Kaseya.
Fuck Kaseya, I think every sysadmin can agree. Even stock nagios is leagues ahead. If this job didn't pay so good i'd of quit already.
pic related is the average lua programmer
Gmod is Lua . Enough said
I'd say so. I've had fun with the combination. LÖVE does just enough in my opinion and Lua is a lot of fun too. Try it out, see if you're compatible.
I've also used C++ with SFML, Python with pyglet, JavaScript with Crafty and Unity with C#.
What's to pick up? Takes literally 15 minutes to have a working knowledge if you know Python, which you already should if you're even considering a near-useless language like Lua.
You never used LISP as an embedded language, you're just parroting memes from the internet.
I don't even think you have ever touched a LISP in your short life
>embedded Lisp
you mean lisp machines from the 80's? I doubt you've used those.
there isn't any embedded Lisp dawg. It's an ANSI C lisp implementation at best
>lisp machines when the topic is obviously embedded scripting languages and not scripting languages on some faggotron micro controller embedded boards
literally use python instead
do not ever consider using lua for anything
Metamethods make the language livable you simpleton
no he's talking about guile, obviously
t. anal insecure staticbigot
nah, this applies to guile tho, which might actually have enough man power to actually deliver on meeting everyone's use cases
it already has emacsLisp and Lua compatability layers that work decent from what I hear
Only time I've ever used it.
Lua was started in 1993. Javascript wasn't yet a twinkle in Eich's eye. Tcl was tried and deemed unsatisfactory:
>However, Tcl had unfamiliar syntax, did not offer good support for data description, and ran only on Unix platforms.
It's good for embedding in other programs.
Roblox is Lua . Enough said
wanna online date :33
This. Literally the only thing I don't like about the language
it's a good language for easy embedding within another piece of software. It's C/C++ interface is awful though
That's the best feature of lua
Lua has comfiest syntax and all the bad quirks turn out to be no problem in the end.
>it's a feature
>It's C/C++ interface is awful though
Seriously? That's a big selling point for Lua
anime forum
He's half right, though.
Compared to CPython and for a C library it might be a good API but there is always room for more metaprogramming, like AngelScript and ChaiScript do in C++ or whatever is possible in languages with even better metaprogramming.
That's why I look forward to Jai, because it has the ultimate metaprogramming feature which allows it to just annotate a function to be used in a scripting language and the metaprogram figures out the rest.
Jai is really well thought out,
but I can't wait for it to come out one day, which is why I just roll with C style C++ and probably Lua for scripting.