What do they do with them?

What do they do with them?

rice them and shitpost in Sup Forums desktop threads

install gentoo at rates impossible for humans to fathom

test systemd

protein folding


render different permutations of XFCE and have a UX team of girls """engineers""" judging which one looks best and writing their PHD thesis on the importance of visual fragility and color palettes, and the impact it has on women's sexual health and human rights

Compile gentoo and rice it.

Weather, protein folding, impact/stellar mass accretion simulations.

They play Global Thermonuclear Warfare.

ricing for desktop threads...
and then occasionally post their windows VM's into speccy threads.

Any server or supercomputer running linux will not have xorg installed because of the increased attack surface with graphical programs.

reverse engineer Sup Forums tripcodes

they could use virtualization and sandboxing

super tux cart: deluxe

rip blurays

i could tell you but it would violate global rule 1

But can they run Crysis

do it faget.

they can't run crysis, tho

My sides

I don't really see the point in using a GUI version when any useful software worth its salt will have a command line version of it. When you're running servers or computers that simply cannot crash for any reason, you need to trim out the fat of what you really don't need.

Mine rare tripcodes

I literally don't understand how they intercepted and rejected my post so fast
Must be some type of AI automation that analyzes and recognizes contextual queries.

this world is getting creepy.

customized kernel?

if they ran FreeBSD instead they would be 10x times faster

>lincucks will try to deny this

The ones at my workplace do have X-Forwarding over SSH enabled.

Sometimes you get a video back as simulation results, and you can't exactly copy it back to your computer, so VLC is installed on the clusters.
When debugging multiprocess applications, TotalView's GUI is just better all-around. There are use cases, however small.

something something prime numbers

>498 supercomputer planned by thousands of hundreds of mathematics, computer science and engineering post-PhD professionals
>a libertarian cuck on Sup Forums obviously knows better

yeah whatever you say cuck

nothing of value

Man, imagine the fps on that

Mine cryptocurrency

Doesn't vlc offer framebuffer?

The real question is what DON'T they do with them.

I have colleagues that work with a couple of the fastest supercomputers in the US and they do need that kind of power--sometimes more-- to solve the mathematical problems they're tackling.


You can only access the cluster via SSH. I don't think framebuffer would help because the whole setup is headless.

FreeBSD literally has the worst kernel, even OpenBSD is better.



I wonder what'd happen if some Sup Forumsentooman actually did this. Post a screenfetch in the desktop threads.

Supercomputers aren't meant with simplicity in mind, hell I doubt they even have graphical interfaces

The sad truth is that most of them are being used to make enormous profiles on everyone and make more efficient targeted ads.

encode anime

Nothing because Linux can't really do anything


>The IBM Blue Gene/P supercomputer "Intrepid" at Argonne National Laboratory runs 164,000 processor cores using normal data center air conditioning, grouped in 40 racks/cabinets connected by a high-speed 3-D torus network.
>164k cores

spooky shit user

Jokes on you, I use void Linux with musl