Is Net Neutrality really something good or it is a meme?
can Comcast, Verizon and AT&T monitor what we browse if they end the net neutrality or is this just terrifying propaganda?
Is Net Neutrality really something good or it is a meme?
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net neutrality is the status quo tho
i doubt you want it to change
Living with the drawbacks of net neutrality is better than living without it.
I'd rather allow lazy and poor Sup Forums faggots pirate their my little pony hentai videos than allow a corporation to fuck me and leaving me no choice.
basically net neutrality makes sure companies don't spy on you?
I believe privacy is the major concern since data caps are a thing since 90% of companies don't sell unlimited bandwidth today and they cap netflix/youtube streaming
I'm a bit confused...not about your question, but about how clueless you seem to be about how the Internet works.
Your ISP can already monitor what you browse; net-neutrality laws simply attempt to prevent them from throttling/blocking certain traffic in favor of other traffic.
>internet stays pretty much the same
>you pay extra to access certain sites and get faster speeds
Is that it?
>net-neutrality laws simply attempt to prevent them from throttling/blocking certain traffic in favor of other traffic.
but they already do it
Plus they say you can only download 60/80GB per month
If net neutrality doesn't protect privacy why is Sup Forums promoting it?
uhhhh they support net neutrality user
You're too retarded to be here.
>I am superior
go back to /r/atheism or /r/technology
You even type like a nigger. Hiding behind le reddit boogeyman won't change the fact that you'll never belong here.
pretty much, but it can get really bad for small sites and start ups. imagine facebook before it came out
since its a new site and you might need the "40.00$ a month extra sites" package to access it, most people probably wont be able to. or will with a very low speed. sniffling new sites and ideas. i cant articulate it as well as other people but i hope you get the idea
this whole campaign seems like a distraction, especially with companies like at&t supporting it now, everybody will pat themselves on the back and go home and afterwards US telecom and privacy regulations will still be a joke
they can't throttle specific traffic. for example, comcast can throttle netflix without net nutrality. meaning if u live in an area with only comcast, you HAVE to pay extra a month for netflix or only use comcast services
the reason why you are being called retarded is because many youtubers and sites are explaining this yet you are lost
only redditors use this unironically
Back to plebbit and stay there
net neutrality is a meme started by a bitchfight between comcast and netflix
tcp/ip gives higher throughput to low latency packets, the internet was not designed to be neutral
net neutrality was never really a thing other than an excuse for the government to introduce socialized telecom, such as giving them the power to dictate prices
most of the content relating to net neutrality was wiped from that bill before it was passed in the first place
net neutrality is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist
payed fast lanes (payed peering actually and before anyone says it's not related, low latency gets high priority so cdns get higher throughput not just lower latency) already exist and are a good thing
isps are not going to charge you to post on Sup Forums, never have never will. pure fear-mongering
john oliver is not a network engineer and tech journalists don't know anything about technology and aren't journalists
feel free to ask questions
Can ISPs legally block connection if NN is gone?
sure if they want, but so can the fcc
How fast will someone make a proxy to connect to blocked sites?
>feel free to ask questions
is it possible to develop an ip communication address that uses 0s instead of traceable numbers (like or or
What's the point of not using a single 000 external Ip and hide the internal address behind a random 340 characters made up of 63 symbols?
Already exists.
proxies should be able to do that automatically
a better question: why not develop an internet protocol with RSA-2048 numbers for every single connection?
How fast till someone makes a protocol or service that spoofs incoming IPs?
Why do people want government regulation of the internet?
seriously this isn't the 90s anymore, the big 5 are so much worse in every way and net neutrality won't change that
>The company who blocked every user from accessing a couple weeks ago supports net neutrality
Because some of us don't want to get fucked by corporations?
better question: why do white trash love socialism?
Where have you dipshits been?
Internet is a common carrier service in the US now this defacto "net neutrality"
>not mafia
>not worse than AT&T
>Living with the drawbacks of net neutrality is better than living without it.
What drawbacks? I always see people talking vaguely about downsides, but no one anywhere can actually elaborate on what these supposed downsides are.
Because we're seeking to keep the internet the same as it always has been.
You're fighting to allow corporations to fuck it in the ass.
The whole thing smells fishy has fuck, its not normal, look at those supporting it, seriously smells like bullshit
The new head of the FCC (an ex-Verizon lawyer) is seeking to essentially completely deregulate it.
Opposing Net Neutrality is like opposing antitrust laws; it's an indefensible position.
>corporations are not allowed to lie on twitter
I want to live in your fantasy world, user. It sounds lovely.
netflix also supports it and they generally dont get along with comcast
>le reddit
Go back there and fuck off. We dont need you normies here.
>Inb4 ive been here since the board started and its always been like this
Yeah fuck off with that to.
If ISP's have power of content, SJW's will infiltrate and throttle everything slightly un-PC
It's a scare tactic. Don't listen to leftist anti-Trump shills. Nothing bad will happen.
>let's keep the internet the way it already is
>SOCIALIST!! PAID SHILL!!! We should clearly give all power to our glorious Mega-Corporation overlords!
I hope these people are intentionally being this ironic.
Corporations have been shitting out pro-"let us do whatever we want it'll be good for you goy" propaganda for decades. People actually believe it.
>libertarians argue that without Net Neutrality, things will be exactly the same
So why not just leave it in place then?
>net neutrality goes away
>most of the internet, Sup Forums, porn sites, etc. get blocked by every American ISP
>all it takes to get around the block is a non-American VPN and DNS
>computer illiterate normalfags are no longer able to access most of the internet
>60% of Sup Forums users disappear overnight
>90% of phoneposters are gone
>most of the mods/janitors are also gone
>the quality of posts is now better than it has been for over 10 years
how could this possibly be a bad thing?
And why exactly would ISPs block everything except VPNs? You can be sure that VPNs will be among the first things to be blocked.
>Is Net Neutrality really something good or it is a meme?
No. It is something very bad, it is anti-freedom.
>can Comcast, Verizon and AT&T monitor what we browse if they end the net neutrality
They already do and there is nothing you can do about it.
BUT if we stop net neutrality and the internet is freed from the shackles of the government, then the surveillance will be less harmful.
>is this just terrifying propaganda?
It is. The people for Net neutrality are fear monger's who want to give the internet to the control of the government.
If the corporations control the internet you will get targeted advertising.
If the government controls the internet you will go to prison for dissenting.
make your choice...
If you don't control the corporations you will get fucked them.
If you don't control the government you will get fucked by them.
This mentality that corporations can do no wrong and governments can do no right is baffling. Well not really, since it's not governments that are performing targeted advertising that brainwashes people into thinking that corporations are good for them.
Corporations are structures that efficiently concentrate wealth, taking money from everyone and giving it to one person. That's their entire purpose. Denying this is not understanding what capitalism is.
>give even more power to corporations, ignore any arguments against this
This has to be bait, right?
>This mentality that corporations can do no wrong and governments can do no right is baffling.
Sounds more like "Corporations and goverment can do wrong and will if they can".
but proxies will be hella slow
>Opposing Net Neutrality is like opposing antitrust laws; it's an indefensible position.
Not at all. Who is to say an organization shouldn't be allowed to expand and buy out others? Moreover, why shouldn't I get a 1gbit connection to YouTube or Google for no cost on my end while paying for only a 150Mbps connection?
Just a devil's advocate. Go to if you want people who actually believe in opposing either.