Best gpu for 1080p gayming?

tell me you kissless virgins

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1050 Ti

Probably rx 570- oh wait miners got rid of that. 1050ti is best value for 1080p for most games.

> 1060 6GB (more than enough)
> 1060 3GB (Great for 1080p)
> 1050ti (It's fine for 1080p)

> RX580 or 480 (more than enough)
> RX570 or 470 (Great for 1080p)
> RX560 or 460 (It's fine for 1080p)

Choose the one that better fits your budget, the more expensive, the better.

would 1070 be waste of money? don't want to over pay but don't to buy shit and isn't future proof

>tell me you kissless virgins

RX 570 4GB is the perfect card for 1080p

I can play the Witcher 3 on ultra, everything maxed out(with the exeption of hairmemeworks) with a minimum of 52 fps. And you can make the framerate 60 solid by dropping to very high quality.

i get 90-100fps on triple Autism games like BF1 on 1080p with a 1070 and a 6700k. so i would say a 1070 is a somewhat future proof card for 1080p.

1070 is too poweful for 1080p, but if you have the money, sure, go for it.

I personally woud get the RX580, it's great value and is future proof (great DX12/Vulkan performance)

rx 580 is over 800€ fucking eurofags

>1050 if on a tight budget
>1050ti is good right now
>1060 3gb is the best option for 1080p right now
>1060 6gb if you want a bit more juice
>1070 if you want to be future proof

>460/560 isn't bad if the price is right
>470/570 if you can find one it's a great card for 1080p right now
>480/580 is impossible to find and even if you can, it'll be overpriced because of the fucking Etherium miners.

>970s are getting cheap and are pretty great value
>980s are a bit expensive still, but excellent for future proofness
>380x isn't bad either
>390 is pretty awesome but a bit pricey still

Fucking bitcoin buble did it

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This desuu

It's 270 euros in France what are you talking about?

i'm thanking the ethereum fags right now. about to sell my 290 and upgrade to a 980 at the same price.

The smothest experience would be a supper cluster of every computer in the universe. Give your budget.

RX480/570 were breddy gud until fucking miners got them.
RX580 would be good for 60+Hz refresh rate (anywhere from 60 to like 100Hz).

My suggestion is do not buy a GPU right now. If you absolutely have to get GTX970 (a bit slower than RX480/570, also bear in mind the 3.5GB meme) or GTX980 (a bit faster than RX580). Or GTX1060 if you can find them at non-meme prices.

depends if it's 60 or 144 hz

No, just more headroom. I have a gtx 1080 and (currently) a 1080p monitor. Is it overkill? Ya probably, but there are still some high end games that struggle to keep 60fps even in 1080p when you have everything, anti aliasing included, maxed

3gb is the best option for 1080p right now

Bullshit, games in 1080p already use more than 4gb vram when it's available.

Should have done it a month ago, ethereum prices are tanking, I doubt people are gobbling up amd cards at the moment like they were when ethereum was high

Gtx 1050ti 4GB. I would normally say the 4GB rx570, but faggot crypto miners bought them all. 6GB 1060 is optimal if you're looking to Max 1080p for a while and even play 1440p at 45-ish fps. But the price for a 1050ti is hard to beat given it's performance.

Again all this because rx570s are impossible to come by now. Otherwise it's be the 570 hands down.

Check out

Don't worry miners a ruining gtx 1070 prices some of them have been reaching 700 dollars.

They aren't on Sup Forums either you fucking retard

no i have a 1070 and it is a nice spot for 1080p if you wanna max things out
"too much for 1080p" is a meme as games aren't getting any easier to run as time goes on, and a few titles out right now can already manage to get frame dips on my 1070 at max settings including gta v which came out a while ago now

Used: GTX 970 4GiB
New: GTX 1050Ti 4GiB

I'd just wait for the RX 570 or RX 580 to come back into stock, if you really can't wait the GTX 970 is a very decent replacement for them or the GTX 1060.

That is still way too fucking much.

Does Nvidia or AMD cards even matter which you pick?

I have a 980Ti and it runs everything on 1080p. I don't think anyone needs anything better than 1070/980 for 1080p60 gaming.

"Running everything" and "running everything maxed out" are two different things. I own a GTX 1080, overclocked past 2GHz and can easily max it out at 1080p if I want to. The Witcher 3 requires turning HairWorks MSAA down a notch to achieve a locked 60fps during cutscenes. Watch Dogs 2 drops below fucking 30fps if you crank the settings all the way.

There's literally no such thing as overkill for 1080p if you want to have every slider maxed out. How far you go down the product stack from there is dictated by how willing you are to compromise.

Thanks for answering

>1060 3GB
No, even a 1050ti 4GB would be better, diablo 3 and a lot of games can use over 3GB of vram even at 1080p and once you go over your limit it performs like shit

1050ti probably

Had a 1050 2GB and it still worked nice on 1080p gaming, not maxed out but still. Have a 1080 now

>No, even a 1050ti 4GB
fuck off faggot, you know shit

GTX 1080
Literally the only answer you mongoloid

Found the 1060 owner. Kys, Literally a 970 with the .5 shaved off and another because fuk you

Obviously the GTX 1080. Why else would they call it that?

Copped the 1080 ASUS today, and only using 4.2GB on a vanilla install of GTA 5 with everything maxed out, the rest I will be filling with mods etc.


For the virgin op

I have a r7 370 and need an upgrade what should I get?

Agreed. Everyone bitches that a 1080 is overkill for 1080p and you'll never see it's potential, yet I regularly drop below my monitor's 75hz refresh rate at 1080p when I have everything maxed out. I love being able to say fuck it and max out every AA setting and whatever nvidia gimmick settings there are and still run it well

Just buy a 1080 ti and let it mine for a few months. :^)

1060 if you don't mind occasional drops in fps to the mid 50's. 1070 to basically run at 60 all the time

980ti/1070 is an absolute must for buttery smooth 1080p60. Paired with a capable CPU and fast enough ram, the minimum fps drops will be so low that games will actually feel smooth. The budget gamers live with their stutter, but seriously life's too short.

The one that you can afford.
1080Ti doesn't turn shit with 1080p it's still runs games at that resolution.

If anything it's superior because it's being stressed way less than normal, using less power than normal, and will run cooler and quieter than normal.

This if you don't want max settings. I would get a 1070 or 1080. You can pay 400 € at once or another 200 € GPU in rwo years.

>logical increments says RX 480 is $180
>cheapest one on PCPartPicker is $499

What the fuck is this? Are miners really driving prices up this much? I don't remember it being like this when I built my first PC 3 years ago.

>Are miners really driving prices up this much?
Yes. It's basically the worst time in history to be trying to build a new PC.

Fuck these idiots, they won't even make any money.

what happen to the eth coin general - i wish to shitpost it to oblivion when the price tanks even further next week.

sitting with an ancient radeon HD is suffering mang

1080 Ti or whatever GPU is fastest right now

If you're aiming for max settings 144Hz, there are no alternatives, in theory

my 1080Ti barely holds witcher 3 (on high, not even ultra!!) at 130-180 fps
thank god I have gsync so I don't get any tearing/stutter bullshit

You can just turn down textures and you'll be fine