Ultra fast

>Ultra fast

Other urls found in this thread:


eh i wouldn't call it ultra fast either but that's still miles better than what americans get

>data limits

Lol, I have no data limit, 200/50 for € 47,- a month.

Where the hell do you live?
I get 1gbps both ways, no limits. for 15eur/month.

If you had any reading comprehension you would have known OP is from Australia

whoops, sorry

> 250mb is ultra fast
> data limit in 2017
> $220 a fucking month without even having phone

What kind of 3rd world country is this?

>500, 1000, 2000 or 3000 gb
>no option for unlimited
Third world country.

50/10 included in rent. 10€ for 100/20. i'm okay with this.


Aussie here, what the fuck is this

I would probably just choose basic/no phone/unlimited (or as close as I can get).

If that's over 50 bucks per month, I'll just go without.

>1TB limit for 200 bucks
What the fuck
Even in my savage third world eastern-europe country we have limitless for 20 euros a month

>every day
Whites, everyone.

As much as I hate living in europe I agree that this is obscene, we have cheap limitless and fast connections even in the third world parts of europe

What parts of Europe weren't 1st or 2nd World?


I fucking hate poland

....good question.


I'm talking third world as in shitty countries.

Like Italy or Spain, or Portugal.

whats so bad about living in Poland?
>low prices on everything
>fast, limitless internet connection
>very few muslims and blacks

It's a joke user
Install Gentoo

>data cap
What fucking year is it?

I want to ask this as well as a fellow yuropoor.

Though to be honest I would want to try living in Switzerland.

Your country maybe does but central Yurop in general has slow as fuck internet speed for usually quite a lot of money.
It seems like everyone in our government still thinks the Internet is just a fad and we'll all go back to television again soon.

I don't think so....

> Poland
2nd world by definition, ex commie block.
Only 3rd world country is Switzerland by definition of not being aligned with Nato or the Warsaw pact

>2nd world
nobody uses that expression since 1990

If you aren't going to use the proper definitions of words, don't go and bitch when people say, "racism is power+prejudice" and the like.

>North Africa
>first world


Estonia second world huh?

Fuck you I get 2gbps and I have cumcast. Every big city in America now gets 1gbps and suburbs/small cities can get 100mpbs at least. Rural areas are stuck with lte and dial up though.

Turkey is a first world country eh? Meme chart senpai it's obvious

Pretty sure all of Africa except for South Africa is listed as 3rd World. And, at the time that the countries were designated, South Africa was a first world nation.

Look at first world like Finland then compare it to fucking Estonia.

Fuck off with your int memes.

Polish people.

Poland is actually pretty good place to live if only you get use to everyone butthurting and complaining about everything
and i mean everything
even about others complaining

If they were industrialized and standing against the USSR, then they were first world.

It's weird, but the "better off" the country it seems the more expensive and restrictive the internet connections are.

While I don't do much downloading anymore I used to download terabytes of random shit like movies and games. When I hear about these data caps and how seriously some people take downloading pirated shit, I'm slightly terrified. I couldn't live in a country that didn't let me have my full sets of shit that I'm never going to play.

What a stupid perception

Poland is a nice country without the polish braindead

Well, 1st and 3rd should have died too.
If you want to use it as a description of wealth you should use LEDC and MEDC.

The map is wrong.

East Germany should be Second World
Switzerland, Sweden, Ireland and Austria should be Third World.

witam konsumenta

Does it have a lot of activism? Complaining is fine, but I hate activists or people who make money of telling "the bad people" to stop being "bad" and give them their "rights" without any responsibility if you know what I mean.


>The concept of First World originated during the Cold War and included countries that were generally aligned with NATO and opposed to the Soviet Union during the Cold War

>In contemporary society, the First World is viewed as countries that have the most advanced economies, the greatest influence, the highest standards of living, and the greatest technology.[4] After the Cold War, these countries of the First World included member states of NATO, U.S.-aligned states, neutral countries that were developed and industrialized, and the former British Colonies that were considered developed. It can be defined succinctly as Europe, plus the richer countries of the former British Empire (USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand), Israel, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. According to Nations Online, the member countries of NATO after the Cold War included:[4]

>Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, West Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.

well I am Finnish.

So you're Swedish

Purple: Working with the US
Red: Has enough power to resist the US
Green: Gets stomped on by the US

This cold war thing was a fucking joke

It's fucking stupid mate. It says right there "highest standards of living and greatest technology" in Turkey you can't even eat meat without sucking dicks for fucks sake and in technology the things we produce are mostly Quran readers. This place is a real fucking shithole and this is why it's impossible to acknowledge it as a first world country standing with Denmark and Norway

There are activist movements from all places of political spectrum, but i find it more funny than annoying

But if he's Swedish he is a Syrian


>data caps
lmao what the fuck

>everyone's an asshole
>the goverment

3rd world shithole here
600mb\s internet, no limits, 17 eur\m
do you really think people here would pay half of their salary for internet?

>220 dollarydoos
>phone still costs extra

if you don't live in some shithole in Eastern Poland poverty is not more severe than any other yuropean country

well, yea...

>everyone's an asshole
you've already said 'poles'

>the goverment
show me one country in which people don't complain about Teh Guvarment

+you don't have to get use to terrorist attacks as part of living in a city

Only $1 if you sign 2 year!*

*Limit 2 per household. Terms and conditions apply. If you cancel your subscription before the end of the 2 year period the full price of the phone will be billed.

americans cant even read simple 3 coloured maps

350/100 for 32e a month reporting in.


Where exactly?

What the hell are connection fees?

>show me one country in which people don't complain about Teh Guvarment
north Korea?

Finland. It's below the national average, the prices aren't that good here usually. It's a special deal my real estate company had with the ISP. I could get a decent connection for free too.

This. It's purely an infrastructure thing because America is so fucking big and everyone basically lives in mansions. Funny to hear people living in 2600sqft houses without even including the basement, and like 2 acres of yard complain about infrastructure. In Korea you'd have to give live in the mountains for that sort of living space, except you'd get a hut. Hopefully once fixed broadband home 5G deployed the speeds will go up for suburbs and rural areas but right now it seems pretty good given how much space you get as an American

On my phone

Have you even been to America? Probably faster than rural communities. But even towns of 20k are getting gigabit options now.

>All these people arguing about the meaning of first world, thirld world etc.
Let's clear things out

If we go by the original, Cold war-era meaning of the terms then
>First world countries = US and its allies
>Second world countries = USSR, China and their allies
>Third world countries = Neutral and non-aligned countries

So by the original definition, countries like Finland, Sweden and Switzerland were considered third world.

In current usage it's simply
>first world = developed countries
>third world = undeveloped and developing countries

I don't know what your complaining about. I've got 1mb/s but it really only pulls 150kb/s. This is pretty much lightening speed to me because 5 years ago I was hitting 32kb/s

>North Korea
Clearly they must be doing something right. We could learn so much from them

t. Angela Merkel

South Africa is a 3rd world country. You can blame the rest of the world for this. Thank you.
Just because your house is shit doesn't mean your neighbourhood is shit too. Fix something or move out. pic related

>turkey, greece and south africa
>first world


Kb/s or KB/s? Because the advert is talking megabits and normally you measure with megabytes.

Portugal is more of a first-and-a-half world

Pole reporting. 100/10 with TV for 60zł (~15$).

>data plan
I'm glad I don't have a reason to use my phone I feel like with how much data I use on pc I'd just blow right through one

Lower case "b" is bits
Upper case "B" is bytes
Speeds are measured in bits, sizes are measured in bytes, for whatever autistic reason.

Just hide your power level and you will be fine

They have to flick a switch goy

t. Chomar

>choose your data


>250GB cap with throttling to 3mb
My internet sucks.

>move to a place thats either at&t or cox
>start out with at&t 40/5 + basic tv for 80 bucks, its absolute dreadful
>switch to cox paying 70 dollars for cox 60/10, no TV
>at&t come by saying theyve upgraded everything to fiber and brought the prices down, can get 50/5 + tv for 50 bucks
>but theyve introduced a cap of 1tb on EVERY SINGLE BUNDLE
These are all pretty much the top options right below business class
I literally have no options if I want unlimited, shit sucks

my internet is
> 100mbps down/100mbps up

it's good to live in a small nation :)

Rural Canada here.. ours tops out at "Fast~Faster", 750GB, no phone, $76/month.

>tfw 4/0.5 for $20
>tfw it's the best option available where I live
just end my life senpai
even my mobile data is faster, but lol data caps

>Americans complaining about internet whilst living in 3000sqft houses that they rent for like 1000$ a month or less
>meanwhile I pay 1500$ for fucking 130sqft

Fucking Americans

Must be a Spaniard.

México, some small town
$15 dollars month, 10mbps down / 1mbps up, no caps.

Some people live in big cities could gets $50 dollars 200mbps simetric no caps