Today in futurology

Are we in the future? I took a dick pic and the assistant said I'm taking a selfie. hmm exciting times

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asked me if I want to call 911 when I pointed it to two dogs humping

Why would I want to use it when I have eyes?

you're the kind of person who orders water in bar aren't you? Its an app built to help the blind you idiot

The first 5 seconds of the video outright tell you it's not for you. Are you pretending or genuinely retarded?


what's the fun in using your eyes anyway. except for looking at porn


>disabled people were the target audience I swear
>shills think everyone is that gullible

you will never have AI on silicon, this meme can't end soon enough

Why would anyone ever release anything for 3rd world?

I don't know what you're talking about, except for the specifics, it surprisingly is able to tell me what in pointing at exactly


This is prolly going to be integrated into hololens. Exciting times indeed
Who'd have thought microsoft would make a better version of google glass meme

I'm talking about how AI lost its all meaning and fucking akinator and shazam is more advanced than this steaming pile og shit

I thought they still made apps for windows phone

Haha are you retarded? Cortana does what shazam can never do and fucking akinator is algorithm based which you can trace back to fucking 2005. This is machine learning if you don't know what that is it scans the entire database of images and information and correlates it to what the image is being shown to it and makes a guess.

The results are promising.
Does anyone know where to read more about the research?

Is the akinator is that 20 questions game?
OCR is more advanced than that, what the fuck are you talking about?

I think they're using a combination of this
should be able to find documentation in there

Seems like a decent product, but why does it sound like a 500 a day smoker still. This is an PR vid.

I was more looking for published papers or conference papers, but thanks.

Tensorflow is so inferior to this. RIP google

think its on msdn. peep there a bit, on my phone rn.

That's not what machine learning means.

Used to, now its just incremental updates to the OS. there are rising third party apps tho like Spotify and soundcloud

Boo fucking hoo. Trial and error, same thing.

No need to cry, baby boi.

who you calling baby you summerfag bitch

The whiny baby. You.