When's the last time you opened up your PS4, Sup Forums?

When's the last time you opened up your PS4, Sup Forums?

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>bought ps4 few months ago
>console is complete shit compared to PC
>destiny 2 is still 30fps
>games are not as fun as N64 and PS2 days

console gaming in 2017 is cancer.

>muh gaymen
grow the fuck up already fucking manchildren

Well I'm not a child. So I don't own a playststion 5

>plays a shit (multiplat) game
>it's somehow the console's fault
wew laddie

echo $PS4

Console gamers:
>care about gameplay more than graphics
>perfectly fine with lower settings/framerates, they still enjoy the game
>lots of friends to play games with
>every genre of game imaginable

PC gamers:
>don't care if a game sucks, only care if the graphics are good (Crysis)
>has an autism fit if they can't run a game at 60+fps
>no friends, single player games only
>stuck clicking away at RTS games, no good genres like RPGs or sports

This but unironically

I wasn't being ironic

crysis was an example of what the pc could do if given AAA exclusive development. The thing that made it interesting was that, why didn't every game of the time look like that?
it was a proof piece of why consoles held back progress. Nobody actually played that shit for fun.
I was playing TF2 and HL:DM and all the old actually good console exclusives that modern console players couldn't play at all anymore at the time for fun. Remember that, console kiddo's? Remember all the games you loved that got neglected?
I'm playing PS2 at 4k 60, even for games that originally ran at 30 because consoles have always been fucking anemic and held back progress.
Choke on it.

>even for games that originally ran at 30
you literally aren't, retard. that's not how emulation works

>turn off a pc gamer's fps counter
>he starts CRYING

I'm not a console peasant. Hence, don't own one.

>he doesn't know how directx works

emulation runs the game at the same framerate as the original, it's tied directly to the game speed. if you were running a 30fps game at 60fps you'd literally be running it at 200% speed, retard


Can you link me the horsecock mod pls.

>he hasn't heard of morrowind
>he doesn't know what port forwarding is
>he prefers getting jewed out of more money on dlc over free mods
>he fell for the minecraft in 4K meme

Honestly, it's quite impressive how you got pretty much every point backwards.

>miss miss miss
>having to go through all that trouble to play crappy MMO games because there aren't any other multiplayer games on PC
>haha yeah I'll spend $2.5K on a PC to save $20 on a game

normally that's true, but there are special exceptions

dude i freaking love morrowind!

so do the ants

Console gamers:
>Play with friends
>Cant pirate
PC Gamers:
>Play by yourself
>All games are free through piracy

I agree with this but i got an old computer free from my grandmas old house and id rather play pirated indy platformers and doom on there than buy a ps4


Anyway, a few weeks ago when I put a 2TB HDD in my Pro... but because I don't live in absolute filth, there was only a little dust inside.

both suck compared to arcade

The last relevant console in my country was Sega Genesis. Then the majority has migrated to PC and stayed there.

>your favorite overused attack does 0.1 less damage

>mom can I use your credit card to buy some online time to play this game?
>game remains unplayed in its CD case after buying it for $59.99 and taking 48 hours to install

why did you put the dirt onto a burger bun

Just buy a 1080 Ti, lay a cable and enjoy 4K 60 FPS gaming on your TV.

>pirated indy platformers
Stop being a jew and buy them. Stick to pirating stuff from the corporations.

>friend buys PS4 Pro
>"hey man, take this. what am I gonna do with it?"
>bring home
>sits for two weeks before hooking up
>wtf account setup
>no games
>get overmeme from library because NEET
>needs to install
>needs patch
>20 fucking gigs. not a patch, that's the whole damn game
>try to play through tut
>too many controls to remember
>try next day
>"must have playstation plus"
>uninstall, return to lib
fuck new consoles. i'll go back to my snes.

forgot to mention he gave me his old PS4.

That's not dirt

Why is it always inhuman burgerfats pieces of shit are so filthy or actually just living among trash?
I know your houses are built like shit with plywood and other crappy materials that could even get blown by a strong wind, but living in cardboard boxes doesn't excuse you all to be dirty motherless bastards.


i've passed age 12 so i use a PC like anyone with decent intelligence. my brothers is (through some feat of shitty engineering) actually louder than my desktop with an r9 290

just got a ps3 at mates rates and playing exclusives. probably going to do the same with 360.
an 8th gen is literally useless if you have a PC. no gaems

u need a ps4 pro

After 10 seconds of watching the first person footage I feel incredibly nauseous -- is this what it means to get old? ;_;
t. person who hasn't played video games in over a decade.

no, it just means you suffer from motion sickness

Motion sickness that developed with age -- I never used to get dizzy back in the day except for Spyro. Fucking Spyro was awful.

>literally useless if you have a PC
tried to convince my friend of this. Instead he spends his neetbux on consoles and uses an iPhone as his computer.

Mcdonalds is an international corporation

it might have gotten worse with age, but i don't believe age alone is the cause for it
i love the spyro games (the first 3, not any of the later ones), played them through to 100%. i've never had issues with motion sickness, but i know a couple people who do, and it's sometimes tricky to find multiplayer games they're comfortable with

>houses are built like shit
and what innovative materials do yuropoors use? mud?

bricks. even the shitty stone houses from the mid 1800s are solid as a rock (literally nigger)

Cast/precast concrete >>> reinforced CMU >> light gauge steel stud > modern wood studs >>>>>>> brick

How about consoles have built in pcie slots for a separate graphics card

What's the point? Literally the only thing going for consoles is they are supposed to "just werk", and that removes even that.

As much as I would agree with you, most americunt houses are not made like that, they are just cardboard, insulation, plywood and not much else, since you are all poor as fuck and never own the damn place. Only rich burgercunts can afford building an actual house.


I only got a PS4 so I could play Dead or Alive Xtreme 3.

Wtf is that shit?

>retarded butthurt beta ugly permavirgins still have consoles and handheld consoles
Just emulate your favorite objectively shitty games. Emulators exist for all of the consoles and all of the handheld consoles and they actually work, except the ones for the PS4 and the XBox One.

t. Intelligent beautiful woman.

You're a butthurt dumb boy.

Shit. Me laugh so hard now right! Ebyn :v)
Can I steal you picture?

Some people just live like fucking pigs, what else is there to say? You have a box with intake fans and no filter, what do you think is gonna happen?

Truly Sup Forumsir/g/in

I played morrowind on Xbox first if only you cause it came out right when I moved out and I couldn't afford a computer yet.

>retarded butthurt beta ugly permavirgins
End yourself already

>Buying indie trash

Most of those aren't even worth playing if you were getting paid.