/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

Disgusting old thread What are you working on, Sup Forums?

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Kingdom of Heaven was such a fucking good movie.

AS3 is best language


>Disgusting old thread
Are we seriously just going to let our threads be taken over by racists?

the fuck are you rambling nigger?


go away televangelism

we dont like your kind

Thanks for posting an anti-muslim image.
(we need crusader-Chan posing with sicp)
The costume related with a violent religion is not a race.

OP used a crusader pic and called the old thread disgusting because it had a muslim in it.

>desu vult

Yeah the thread should be deleted because op went to bloat it more than just
old thread >>xxx

What are you working on, Sup Forums?

but the muslim poster should really kill itself.

reminder that your belief system is equally as retarded as islam

>pajeets literally cant read a function if it doesnt have parentheses

Cant make this shit up

I wrote a script in that prints ebin C++ quotes each time I launch my terminal

Hello, I am an Indin muslim from India (Indian continent, country of India). I speak the Hindu. What language shoild I learn?

>my little script language is better than C++

Nope brainlet

C++: glacial compiles, insane complexity, impenetrable errors, laughable cross-platform compat, basically useless tools. – Aaron Boodman

start with english

>anti-c++ propaganda
holy kek, i had no idea you c brainlets were this delusional

Say no more, C++!

I don't believe in Abrahamic religions. I just post crusader-chan because she's a defender against religious tyranny.
user you seriously didn't get that guy's argument? The problem is the ambiguity between method/free function and member field.
English. It will let you learn better.


Actually, it's Microsoft who's running pro C++ propaganda

>complains about sepples being unreadable shit with a million overloaded constructs for "function calls"
>makes D even more ambiguous by choice
D, not even once

If you think C++ is not overly complicated, just what is a protected abstract virtual base pure virtual private destructor and when was the last time you needed one? – Tom Cargill

Good program user. Add a wide range of truthful quotes just like that one.

>a series of failed invasions perpetrated by a wealthy elite eager to send their young to die in a third-world wasteland to expand their economic empire under the guise of nationalistic superiority from a continent of dumb white people who couldn't stop arguing with each other let alone develop any kind of "european identity" anyway

i honestly cannot think of a better symbol for the modern right wing

No, hes the supposed d-fag that shills rust endlessly

JavaScript is the language of love!

Your keyboard catch fire after you typed that bud?

please dont learn elixir... elixir very bad...

My experience with modern right wing people is that they're extremely opposed to war/military intervention and favor isolating themselves.
So I'd say it's a pretty poor fit.
But this is a programming thread. Keep things programming related.

top kek

>and when was the last time you needed one?
Exactly. Most of the shit you don't even need.

How is people isolating themselves not programming related?

Just like the existence of C++ itself

You will not need everything in C++ but when you do need it it's there and it's really good and it will help you achieve great things... Learn C++...


Since we're having anti-C++ propaganda threads.

>I like to arbitrarily combine two completely separate actions into one and call it using a name which doesn't disclose the nature of the combined action
Do you have functions called 'walkTree()' that also print the tree?
It's dumb. There's no way around it dummy.


>no you see when they say "deus vult" what they really mean is "i do not want to deus vult
>also could we please stay on topic (even though i'm not) so you don't highlight how much of a dipshit i am?

Scott Meyers is my favorite speaker.

If I'm going to write my first significant program, should I learn git first and use it locally?

What the fuck? Please tell me this is a joke.

>D has all this, except you don't even get the hint that it's a function because of parenthesis-dropping

Sure, why not? Host it on GitHub and post the link here. We'll help you out.

Does anyone know how to stop a running code block in org mode on emacs without killing emacs?

>D has all this,

1. great image.
2. just makin my first python app. its SFTP client written with PyQt and pysftp.
pic very rel u Sup Forumsuys have suggestions?

There are better ones for information, but yeah he's entertaining.

Is this the reason for the modern renaissance of the extreme right?
>society is shit/antagonistic
>people isolate themselves from it
>people that isolate themselves move rightward

would also explain why internet nerds make up a large portion of it

>right wing people say 'desu vult'
What? You build you world view from Sup Forums?
Fuck not even people here say that anymore AFAIK.

CLRS is most definitely not God tier.

>He hasnt seen all of coconut head's talks
Go find a playlist you cretin

I think I finally understand why people hate C++...

damn are u a hacker?

Historically, languages designed for other people to use have been bad: Cobol, PL/I, Pascal, Ada, C++. The good languages have been those that were designed for their own creators: C, Perl, Smalltalk, Lisp. – Paul Graham

Excellent rice, user.


Good work

>internet nerds are right wing
Really now this is ridiculous. I'd say it's the opposite. Non-nerds are more often right wing.
/dpt/, /fglt/ and the like are all fairly far left clearly.
But stop. This is definitely NOT programming.

Im a neet without skills and addicted in animes, mmos, porn and grand strategy games
Cant get a job or have a life so I want to stop being a lame autist and try my luck learning programming and doing freelance stuff. Im too old and messed up to start something normal like college
Shits hopeless and I have to struggle against suicidal urges but I think theres some hope left
I decided to start with python by the third time and I hope I wont quit halfway to play crusader kings or watch steins gate again
Any suggestions are welcome

I'm sorry, but I've seen what Sup Forums can "contribute" (e.g. gTorrent, other failures), and I don't want your help.

Next time I'll go make a /dpt/ bot that posts ebin C++ quotes every hour :^)

D has functions, two kinds of function pointers, operator() overloading, function overloading, templates and template specializations.

It's worse than C++ and that's before you get to parenthesis-dropping.

>/dpt/, /fglt/ and the like are all fairly far left clearly

>my first python app

writing USB and PCI for my arm64 based OS now
I should soon have a framebuffer and hopefully port webkit for a purely shitposting based OS

Does anyone know where his talk at dconf went? It was a very long list of complaints about C++ basically. It's not that different from other talks he does really so I don't think they removed it out of embarrassment.

Yeah but you can't do stupid shit like
int x (1)
int x {1}
int x = 1

post screen shots of what you're working right now

>thinking anyone on /fglt/ is an actual commie who runs a 100% libre OS

Literally dumber than C++ faggots

Go is good, faggot.

python is turbo easy! (and i have some experience) and most of staff id done with libs from PyPi

unfortunately unless you already have a portfolio a mile long, you will be stuck competing with pajeets who will do a week's worth of work for 10 dollars because that's enough to feed themselves for a month in india.

better to go back to school so you can network your way into a real job. successful freelancers (ie non-pajeets) work on high-profile contracts that don't get posted publicly and they do so after a long career in development


Correct, but that's a different topic.


I don't get it. Where's the complaint?
>uh durr f behaves like a function but can be a million different things
Why is this a problem?

Some of them are actual communists.
Left in the social sense. Economically I have no clue.
I've talked to them. Ask them.

you forgot module and struct accessing.

The difference is given a source file, you could fairly quickly determine what x.f is, unlike c++.

Somehow low level and full OOP languages weren't designed by one amateur guy. Like it's a lot of work or something.

>Why is this a problem?
Because other people usually read your code.

We will take Jerusalem back. We always did in the past and we will do in the future. It is written on your Talmud, that is why you kikes are so afraid of little kids throwing pebbles at you. However your efforts to prevent the inevitable won't save you, enjoy it while it lasts.

Things that matter?
Wasnt this his first and only dconf talk?

Every time you see symbol(symbol2)
You can't actually know what it means. You need to consider the piece of code in context of the entire rest of the program to be sure what's going on.

This is considered cognitive overhead. Regardless of your aptitude your results will suffer if you have too much of this.

Imagine someone finally nukes (((israel)))

maybe if you're a brainlet

No it wasn't. The talk was called something like 'Things D shouldn't do'.

It took 17 years for C++ to get a refactoring tool.

user I can see this comment coming a mile away. But really now. If you're completely undisturbed by cognitive overheard you can program in any language with any silly features and do just fine as long as the environment permits you to execute the code.

Go write programs that write your programs for you if this isn't an issue.

It's "Things that matter", idiot


No here we go:
Fucking moron. It has largely been purged from the web though. Don't know where to find the actual talk.

All new features added to C++ are intended to fix previously new features added to C++ – David Jameson

>Why is this a problem?
Crazy hard to interpret the code. GCC uses dark magic in its own cryptic scripts that no one else can understand.

It's literally a screenshot from the talk you dumb fucking autist