How is it the Mac OS has become a completely non-user friendly operating system? That somehow there are more steps added to run simple tasks and everything is archaic now?
Mac OS
The core design hasn't changed since OS X first came out. :^)
Steve jobs is gone that's why
It's a locked down OS and the only people with the keys don't much care about it anymore.
>Try using OSX
>Minimize an application
>Later attempt to cmd-tab to application
>OSX leaves the application minimized
Because mactoddlers will literally defend anything.
>Try using OSX
>Pair my Bose QC 35 headset
>Select my headset to be used as the default input device so I can join a conference call
>Settings window freezes
>Top panel freezes
>I reboot the macbook
>Problem still persists
>Have to enter some stupid command line bullshit to kill the audio stack so I can change the settings back
>Audio stack restarts automatically before I can make the changes forcing me to try 2 more times
Found your problem.
>Try using OSX
>Pair my Bose QC 35 or my Plantronics Backbeat PRO headset
>Disable wake-on-bluetooth
>Put laptop to sleep
>Laptop connects to my headset every minute or so to poll for a wake-on-bluetooth signal, prompting my headset to verbalize that it has connected to the macbook, interrupting my music
>Try using OSX
>Pair my Bose QC 35 or my Plantronics Backbeat PRO headset
>Disconnect my headset from the macbook using the top panel in OSX
>Put laptop to sleep
>Start listening to music on my phone using the same headset
>Open laptop
>Macbook automatically connects to my headset even though I explicitly disconnected, causing my music on my phone to pause as le macbook takes control of my headset.
>>Try using OSX
>Try using OSX on a brand new macbook pro
>Official keyboard and the magic mouse both cause severe wrist pain
>Switch to ergonomic keyboard and mouse
>Macbook is unable to provide enough power for my keyboard and mouse and as a result I have to unplug them and plug them back in multiple times per day while I am trying to do my job
>Try using OSX
>Turn off automatic updates
>A month later find that they have been turned back on without my knowledge
>Try using OSX
>Try to tile window to half/quarter of screen
>Requires 3rd party application to be installed
>Try using OSX
>Start liking men
>Propose to first SJW boitoy I meet at the Apple store
Get this homophobic shit out of here. Yes, OSX is shit. That doesn't mean you need to start broadcasting your insecurities
The philosophy of macOS is to remove user control and dictate the workflow for you. You have no access to anything and you're not allowed to use your computer outside of the way Apple intends for you to use it.
This alienates anyone who doesn't agree with their design philosophy or wants to be in control, i.e. most IT professionals and powerusers.
There is a reason windows, android, and linux are the dominant operating systems on desktops according to Stack Overflow 2017 developer survey.
Android is just as bad as OSX when it comes to removing user control and dictating workflow
I didn't think this was a thing but I just tried it. Wow.
Yes it has.
In Lion I could change system icons, install 3rd party apps without any nags, and alter system sounds.
I can't do half the shit in Sierra that I used to be able to do
>There is a reason windows, android, and linux are the dominant operating systems
They are cheaper and more versatile. Apple products are overexpensive, Hackintosh is hassle and is impossible installing iOS on any other device.
This image doesnt make sense, apple is by far the least indian tech company in the us
When will osx become walled garden like iOS and allow only official apps from store? Or it's already that way?
>try out OSX
>it can't do pic related like windows and Linux does
It's damn close.
>least indian
>founded by someone that LITERALLY SHAT IN THE STREET
I heard on Mac you don't have a dual button Moise because one is the only number of buttons a device must have at apple. So you need to use keyboard+mouse to emulate right click.
>try using macos
>it just works
I find it hilarious that there are so many dipshit hipsters who consider this shitty "operating system" to be superior or even useful for anything in the slightest or for programming because obviously it's useless for business and gaming as well as true engineering tasks. Literally the OS is only good for useless faggots who know the square root of Jack shit about computers. And btw, if you're a "real programmer" then you use Linux instead of this gay ass garbage
>try using macos
>it just deletes your files and all your backups
>Using icloud
>Using products made for tech illiterates
>In Lion I could change system icons, install 3rd party apps without any nags, and alter system sounds.
There's like two things you do when start a fresh install. After that none of those limits apply.
Whoa. You mad bro???
Just disable SIP. It's really not needed unless you're a tard that installs applications you get off random archive sites and Just open the terminal and type "csrutil status" to see if it's on. Then boot to recovery or too a bootable OS X flash drive, open terminal, then type "csrutil disable" to shut it off. Now you can log in as the root user and modify any system file you want.
No I prefer to use a non cucked os
>waaa stob likin tings i don leik!
If you don't like Mac OS, leave the thread.
>waaa stob hating my toyOS!!11
If you don't like technology, leave the board.
Why are you bumping the thread, retard? Make another thread and fuck off.
>Android is just as bad as OSX when it comes to removing user control and dictating workflow
HHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Holy fuck this is some top quality bait right here.
It disgusts me too. Nasty faggots. Just a short 50 years ago, they would have been stoned in the street.
You could have just said they're better, user. Price isn't the only factor. Windows 10 is more expensive than Homosex OS but it's waaaaay more user friendly and versatile. The bang/buck point is true with Linux and Android though.
Shhhh!!! Don't post that pic! Hearing the truth about their shitlord saint of faggotry hurts the Macfags feelings
You do realize anyone except you like this shit?
I find myself using windows 7 on my iMac more and more. There is a lot minor issues that shouldn't exist in sierra. Even something like changing a file name can't be retarded.
nice try, tim cook
>try using macos
>press enter on file/folder in finder
>it renames the file
> Apple Trampstamp
And the winner of Miss.degeneracy is...
you went through all of that just to call me a dumbass? lol asshurt.
8/10 post though.
I take it back, you're a nice person and not a dumbass :^)
You afraid I'm going to turn you gay, bro? Because I will. That's totally how it works you soon-to-be faggot.
There was a time that macOS was hands down the future compared to other OSes of the day. Sadly it's stagnated and stopped innovating. It's target market would do equally as well with a chromebook. Which is depressing given that it still has the capability of being a good dev os if Apple would relinquish some control back to the users.
>There was a time that macOS was hands down the future compared to other OSes of the day
It still is better when compared to Windows. However, it just feels like a locked down and dumbed down Linux distro. I don't completely agree that it's target market would do equally well with a chromebook. Most people in general would be fine with a chromebook, but a lot of the people who use OSX rely on proprietary software which is not available for Chromebook. And honestly, as much as I hate OSX, I would actually rather use it than a Chromebook.
>The philosophy of macOS is to remove user control and dictate the workflow for you. You have no access to anything and you're not allowed to use your computer outside of the way Apple intends for you to use it.
Are you talking about iOS?
>Minimize an application
You minimize windows and hide applications. The problem is that there's a fundamentally different UX than Windows. It's better designed for complete tech noobs, not tech literate people switching from a different OS.
I'm a mactoddler and I will never, ever defend this piece of shit.
Osx style makes way more sense.
>close document in windows
>closes whole application
You can choose to use 2 fingers to RC, to set a corner of the trackpad as a RC, or to use CTRL+click to RC
you didn't close the document, m8, you closed the application
You can still copy paste in 'Get Info'
You can still disable gatekeeper
You can still alter system files
what's so noob-ey about that paradigm?
Sodomites are disgusting and everyone knows that. Get out of here with your faggotry.
>mfw big macOS is so comfy and the ""ecosystem""" is just perfect
>i can suck my husbands cock and it gets notified kn all my iDevices
>the """ecosystem""" is the best part omg, everything is so goooood
But user, icould does this, wich is no gooooood.
>using icloud ever Xd
>back 2 reddit redditor
>implying i use that XD, what are you pooor?
You can run unsigned apps on macOS by right clicking and selecting open, iOS requires you to go into the settings app and select the developer's profile choose to explicitly trust it and going through a wall of dialogues, but yeah, damn close.
Nice try.
The ultimate test of an operating system's DE is to have a typical computer user, i.e an idiotwho is used to what is common, and to have that person do basic things on that computer.
It does not pass.
I don't loathe macOS: I don't like it but that does not equate to loathing it. There are features I really like: like how you can hold down a key on your keyboard and see international variants of it. That I really like and wish other operating systems did better.
but muh build quality and beautiful retina display :(
>want to take screenshot of active window
>takes like button 5 presses
>Windows and Android users calling Apple Indian
Listen, you can keep being a 1-man-spam team as much as you wish, constantly posting these 2 article snippets from some pajeet newspaper but you will not make some Indian connection to Apple, I am very sorry, its just not happening. Apple is the white American company making products for middle class America, nothing else. We all know this, so just save yourself your worthless time.
Does it really matter though? Everybody I know who uses Mac spends almost all their time either in the terminal or a web browser.