/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


Richard Stallman is a Communist

Richard Stallman is a cute

My distribution is better than yours.

Not better than Gentoo

Description=Hentai At Home Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/tmux new-session -d -c /home/deploy/H@H -n HentaiAtHome -s HentaiAtHome /home/deploy/H@H/start.sh
ExecStop=/usr/bin/tmux send-keys -t HentaiAtHome '^c'


why does this kill itself immediately after starting?

This is the official "What are some cool commands" subreddit.
You don't need to be a cool command,
it's just for fun.
If you see another cool commands subreddit,
redirect them here.

if arch is meant to be simple, why does it have the systemd?

Because archfags are too busy fixing their shitty system to replace systemd

what's wrong with systemd?
I don't _really_ care what my init system is as long as I can modify it easily and it's fast

Because it makes things simpler.

>Archfags can't maintain initscripts

I have a script with no execute privileges, only -rw. If I copy it over a script with -rwx, it now has -rwx. Why aren't the original privileges saved? Isn't this a security vulnerability, where someone could copy over a known program/script with a malicious one?

Whether they did or didn't do a good job of maintaining init scripts, systemd dramatically decreases the amount of work the maintainers have to do. This is a big reason why so many major distros adopted it, and why the attitude towards systemd haters has been "Okay, if you want something else, you get to do all the shitty drudge work of maintaining init scripts, have fun"

If ntp or whatever held things up, you just had to put a & on the end of that line.

Arch is a small distro, it doesn't have many developers and adopting systemd makes life much easier for developers. The same reason why it only officially supports x86-64.

Are there any music players that hav good visualizers I can play in full screen other than ncmpcpp?

>tfw 2 retarded to install lime text
>tfw 2 retarded to install graphics card drivers

install gentoo

>asking for help in the linux shitposting thread
you're in the wrong place guys

The logo looks like 9gags so I wont do that

>"dur Sup Forums is for shitposting only"
Shut the fuck up, retard.

>still not giving help

referring to this thread in particular
all you fucks ever do is shitpost



I like to throw in a good shitpost early to see if I can get OP to delete the thread and start over.
I thought that was the game.

Hey faggot, if you don't like this thread, feel free to fuck off.

guess thats the winfag from the last thread being hurt

>What are some cool commands


How do I do the cool status with Ascii picture thing in the terminal
I want to be cool like you guys



>first day on Arch Linux

b-but I like you onii-chan


Dumb crabposter

dont listen to this guy, neofetch is much cooler

That thing coded by codemonkeys?
They weren't capable of parsing command line. No neofetch is not serious.

hey, don't hate on crabs

Read logs.

I want to start to learn a bit programming and my main focus is currently some cute cli/tui programs or some ascii games and I'm not sure where to start. Would you suggest C? Python? Should I use curses? Any hints welcome.

OCaml, it's the easiest language.

Depends on why you want to learn to program.
Python if you just want the fastest time from zero to being able to write a program that does something useful/nontrivial/worthwhile
C if you're doing it because you want to peek under the hood at what's actually going on under the hood

If you want to have your program ready in a week, learn Python. If you actually want to learn programming, learn C. I'd go with python and when you start to love programming, go C.



>tfw perl is dying
Why is everyone scripting with ruby, python, node, when perl is so nice! Once you know perl, you can do everything with it, it does your sed, awk, grep, curl, little cute cli/tui programs! Use perl!

>because you want to peek under the hood at what's actually going on under the hood
I really fucked up typing that sentence, but you get the point

bla bla bla
No concrete evidence, just I don't luike the way screenfetch is implemented

And they implement a joke named neofetch that can't parse command line. Fucking code monkeys. screenfetch is mature

>t. neofetch developer
thanks for this unbiased comparsion

>you can do everything with it, it does your sed, awk, grep, curl, little cute cli/tui programs!
so can you with ruby, python, node.js

The only reason people use neofetch is the ebin w3mimg hack. Implemented in screenfetch, nobody would use neofetch anymore since config and temp files for a simple script pretty much sucks.

Also neofetch doesn't support lo/g/os.

>not writing your own system info script

>GNU/Linux has no games

I played a lot that game. It's fun when working.

confirmed cool:

This looks interesting. Thanks.

Reminder that there's also inconsolation.wordpress.com/
Best source for TUi fun.

For the newfriends.
wget ibiblio.org/pub/linux/games/arcade/ztrack-1.0.tar.gz
tar xf ztrack-1.0.tar.gz
cd ztrack/

D-did I just compile my first program?

Yes, you're a hacker now.

ph34r my $k!llz

memes aside, that was easy

You've never compiled before?

Wanna try something else?

and run
cc -std=c99 -O2 -I /usr/X11R6/include -o sct sct.c -L /usr/X11R6/lib -lm -lX11 -lXrandr

It will produce a binary called sct. It asks for values from 1 000 to 10 000.
The effect is the same as running software like f.lux (windows) or redshift (multiplatform).
To restore just use sct without arguments.

Will I fuck my system if I remove in Arch the gnome and gnome-extra package groups?

I want gdm and xfce4 to continue working after that.

Yes. But it's not always that easy. Nowadays most developers fon't even ship a INSTALL or README file, or explain which dependencies you need. Hunting them down can be a pain in the ass.

Debian are awesome. Debian are awesome. Debian are awesome.

What did he mean by this?

my nigga

Using it myself and it's urging me to learn programming in order to add a smooth transition function.

Why does the Debian logo look like a toilet used by a girl on period?

>learn programming in order to add a smooth transition function.
I just use a combination of shell scripts and cron to achieve it really


Good idea, care to share your crontab related?

>shell scripts
pretty sure it could be done in 5 lines of C
pretty sure someone already did this, check shithub

>not just using redshift
what is wrong with you

d0 y0v 3v3n l!k3

>80MB of ram just to have your screen dimmed

>geoglue botnet depedency

please, you're trying too hard

So? Free software so just re-build it with geoclue support disabled.

On Debian it's an optional dependency.

It doesn't even use geoglue when you set long and lat you fucking faggot.

There's absolutely nothing to it. I use a combination of three shell scripts in total.

One for dusk, one for dawn (I've yet to figure out a more efficient way to do this so any protips would be helfpul) that run every minute of 21:xx and every minute of 04:xx to dim and brighten the screen respectively.

Plus a 3rd "switch" script that when run creates or removes an empty file /tmp/sct-switch (which disables or reenables the crontab entry) and sets the color temperature on 6500K (default) or dimmed according to the hour.

The 3rd switch runs on X startup too, in case I login in the middle of the night and I want the screen dimmed

crontab entry goes like
* 21 * * * [ ! -f /tmp/sct-switch ] && /home/user/bin/sct-dusk.sh

So the command in crontab entry will only be executed IF the /tmp/sct-switch file doesn't exist.

I'm not very experienced, you could probably come up with most sophisticated but I treat it as part of learning experience and tried to keep is as retard-proof as possible.

Which distro should I install on my x200?


The one you prefer.

The one I'm using.



Yo wussup, my name is Devuan

The best ofc.


on windows, I can connect to one wifi network and create a separate ad-hoc network and share the internet connection. how do I do that on Debian stretch gnu/linux

If i want to tunnel my browser through ssh do i just need to tunnel the 80 port and then tell my browser to connect to localhost:80 on SOCKS or do i need t install additional sw on the linux server?


GNU/GNU Linux-libre

systemd/systemd systemd-libre

arch linus


does mpv need youtube-dl to stream?

yes and no

>yes and no

If you have the direct url, mpv can stream it. If you give mpv just a website url, you need youtube-dl which will parse the website and find the direct stream url for mpv.