
List operating systems from patrician to plebian.

Other urls found in this thread:


Patrician: whatever gets the job done

Pleb: caring about distros

>Respectable Distros:
Debian, Gentoo, Redhat, CentOS, Slackware, Linux From Scratch (not technically a distro yet, but becomes one when you're done), *BSD

>"I like to go with the latest trendy things and pretend I know about Linux but I need my hand held and can't handle a real os" Distros:

>User friendly or "noob" Distros:
*buntu, Mint, Arch, Crunchbang, Fedora

>"What? Oh I forgot about those, no one cares" Distros:
OpenSUSE, Sabayon, PCLinuxOS, Mandriva, Lunar, Xandros

>Laughably useless in the real world:
Windows, Mac OS X, Arch


Does the "pass user since * " resets if you dont renew it?

I dunno, I can try on my second (2016) pass whenever it comes time to renew I guess


IDK about Debian OS(Tails is based off Debian though and I have used that) because I have never used the origional but I know it comes highly recommended. Haven't used clover either...

>Arch Listed Twice
Well? Which is it?


lol, FreeBSD and OpenBSD are far from being similar.

>Best: Debian, Ubuntu, Korora, Manjaro
>Cool Enough: Fedora, Arch, Opensuse, Kali, Mint, BSD's
>What the fuck are you doing?: Gentoo, CloverOS, TempleOS, Android86 on a powerful machine, Sabayon
>Complete dumbass: Windows, MacOS, obscure russian OSes

im just saying they're on the same tier.

>calls debian good but puts kali as pleb level

kali is literally debian testing with extra repos and pentesting tools, are you just a retard?

My two favorites are
Currently usuing it with xfce and loving every second of it
Even though its a "noob" distro I find it really comfy and plan on switching soon

Three times*

I was just posting the ones I like. I didn't put them in any particular order.

oh, the OP said list from patrician to plebian and you put kali on the bottom, I assumed you meant it was shit

Sorry mate, I borked up.

Na man I did. I knew what OP meant but I got distracted in between remembering distros

everything in this post is fact

>Not using TempleOS
Bunch of fucking casuals itt

Communism Stronk: MIUI 8


This is now a Terry thread

debian, slackware, gentoo, centos, arch, openbsd, freebsd
each of them are good, but everyone has their own preferences. debian. slackware and arch could be nice for beginners, because theyre decently easy to operate and theyre very well documented, theres a guide available for everything. centos is in my opionion the best server os, and gentoo + the bsds are based choises for an experienced power user.

manjaro, ubuntu, mint, calculate etc
theyre all nice distros for a total newb, but unless youre afraid of learning new things, i think going for something i listed about would be better. i think its nice to learn how your operatining system and other software works.

macos, windows, android, chromeos
closed systems that abuse their users. they limit the things you can do with your computer, and are malicious. stay clear of them.

>User friendly noob distros

mama mia

>What? Oh I forgot.
>Doesn't include Slackware

Papa pia

>Windows and Mac useless IRL

>closed systems that abuse their users. they limit the things you can do with your computer, and are malicious. stay clear of them.
You are a strange little fellow.
How do you ever expect to make a living in the Real World?
Dry cleaning, perhaps?


Ubuntu (Just do your fucking computing already)
Gentoo (Impressive in its own right. Portage should frankly be everywhere.)
Fedora (From what I've seen, Fedora users know how to use Linux and don't go much more out of their way to be autistic about it. It also helps that I see a lot of new technology pop up among the Fedora crowd.)

Pleb: Debian, (there, I said it, it's poorly configured by default, and Ubuntu solves all of its problems), Arch (Honestly, the omission of an installer does not count as a feature in an otherwise average operating system.) Mac OS (Proprietary anus-paste. Consistently rapes its consumers with syncing, hardware compatibility racquets, and intentional lack of functionality.)

Shit: OpenSUSE (Kernel Panic on installation... enough has been said.), Manjaro (Are you even trying?), Microsoft Windows (In case you want to feel like you have a friend sitting beside you).

Shit of Legends: Mint (This distro is used by the NSA to figure out how much of the population is inbred.)

Shit of Gods: TempleOS



Based on {insert linux distro}

user, you're projecting too heavily.

>patrician tier
Slackware, Gentoo

>pretty damn good at what they do tier
Tails, Puppy, Lubuntu, Tomato by Shibby, Qubes, Lakka

>usable enough tier
Fedora, Ubuntu (minimal), Debian

>getting less usable
OpenSUSE, Trisquel

>pleb tier
Mac *, Windows *, Ubuntu

>should not have been left without parents' or tard wranglers' supervision
Arch, Mint

>Patrician tier
BSD family
Arch, Gentoo, Slackware, etc in the hands of an experienced user
Crunchbang (RIP)

>High tier
Windows 7/Server 2008 R2

>Meh tier
Windows 10 LTSB, Server 2012 R2, 2016
Most Ubuntu flavors

>Low tier
Ubuntu Unity
Minimalist Linux distros when used as an eDick instead of a tool

>Street shitter tier
Windows 8.1, 10 (non-LTSB versions)
Linux Mint

>good distros
Arch (it's not unstable, that's just a meme)
Red Hat

>distros for people who are scared of Linux

>distros for people who hate their life being easy
any libre distro

is void really so bad? ive been using arch for years now, but recently ive become interested in trying out void. it looks nice, simple and lightweight, and it doesnt use systemd. ive heard that the documentation isnt nearly as good as archs, but im sure i could handle basic problems/breakages pretty well.

have you used it, and if you have, what made you dislike it? itd also be nice to hear opinions from others whove had experience with it

anything else.

>Patrician tier
LFS (+ Guix)
Source Mage GNU/Linux

>High tier

>Niche tier
Qubes OS

>Noob tier

>Deprecated tier (when you are hard headed and can't understand there now is a better alternative)

>Shit tier


Only correct answer.





>don't use unless you have a specific reason

>God Tier
Ubuntu and derivatives
Windows 7

>Shit Tier
any distro of Linux that requires you to type shit in terminal to install
any Windows after 7

if youre afraid of "typing shit" linux might not be the right choise for you at all


There is even one distro specifically to avoid this at all costs. Not my kind of thing but I guess windrones need some handholding.

Wrong pic


>>Laughably useless in the real world:
>Windows, Mac OS X

There are legitimately people that believe this.

>trendy things

>User friendly or "noob" Distros:

>Laughably useless in the real world:


Not having an OS
Linux from Scratch

Linux-Libre Distros
Source Mage
Funtoo and Gentoo
Debian with non-free repos off

Void, Arch, other minimal and net-installs


Red Hat, SUSE, and Canonical distros


Microsoft and Apple OS's

SteamOS, Raspberry Pi, Android, Ethereum OS

>>Laughably useless in the real world:
>Mac OS X

just wait until you need to do some graphic design then you'll regret this... Can't get adobe illustrator or photoshop on windows


honestly I didn't get past the installer. The installer is missing some key features like LUKS and their wiki isn't great. The wiki is a major selling point for me in many distros.

I never said that they were bad distros, just that they would probably add a bunch of problems for you to fix. I use Gentoo and it's not like Arch where you can just look up the wiki page and then do whatever you need in 5 minutes.

no, it's just retarded and incomplete to not have a graphical installer. huge red flag that the "distribution" is half assed and not fully featured

even Red Hat Linux in 1999 had a graphical installer. i know because that's the first time I installed Linux

true but hopefully you don't spend much of your time installing the distro relative to using it with your graphical environment set up. it's not windows after all.

> it's not windows after all.
yeah but imo Linux is easier than Windows. I use both all the time, they are both very easy to use and set up (of course I use Ubuntu)
now i have installed Arch on my old laptop just for fun one day, not a pleasant experience I found it to be redundant having to manually partition drives and it took a very long time to get everything to work compared to Ubuntu. even Debian has an ez mode install if yoiu wanna flame Ubuntu for being bloated.

i'm not trying to antagaonize this board, but I really don't see any plus side to using Arch or any other "do it yourself" distros. I'm not a developer or hacker so that might explain things, just a computer enthusiast

in the end, it doesnt make a big difference. youre doing the exact same things, partitioning the drive, extracting a few packages, installing the bootloader etc. it doesnt really matter whos doing it, you or the ncurses interface. except when you do it manually, you actually learn how to do stuff like that. i understand why people dont like it, as it may seem intimidating, but like ive said earlier in this thread already im just a big fan of things like that, tinkering with computers. i appreciate the fact that arch doesnt have an "official" graphical installer a lot.

or actually, they do. they offer a thing called archboot, right here.
its an official graphical installer, made by the developers of arch.
but yeah im glad they still offer the cli version too

>It's not good unless it's hard to use it

>it's just retarded and incomplete to not have a graphical installer. huge red flag that the "distribution" is half assed and not fully featured
There's really no reason to have a graphical installer for a distro like Arch or Gentoo. On Arch, basically all the graphical installer would do is partition then pacstrap /mnt base. On Gentoo, the level of customization the average user will do is so great that a graphical installer installer would only get in the way.

did your girl leave you for an Arch developer?

I'm surprised you even managed to type that sentence

I'm surprised you could live without all these programs

I'm not the guy you originally replied to. If you need video games/cad/adobe crapware to live, then you must have a sad life

all the fucking CIA niggers in this thread



I agree with everything you said aside that Windows was useless. There are legitimately useful business applications written strictly for the Windows platform that are "just werks"-tier (not that they wouldn't be 1000% better if they had a Linux port, but still).

Plebeian Loonix distros
Misc crap that nobody uses



OpenBSD is all you need
Pleb: Linux

Ubuntu (yes)
Arch - > currently here
Ubuntu (yes)

RedHat, centOS
Nice try, NSA.

Why people are bashing arch?
I don't get it... It is "set up once and do whatever the fuck you need to do" distro.
Do people have some technical issues with it that I am unaware..?

>everyone confuses productivity with difficulty and minimalism

No idea

It gives you the illusion of knowledge. You don't actually have to learn much if you want to be able to use arch. Most of the problem is during the installation.

> It is "set up once and do whatever the fuck you need to do" distro.
And so is every other distro. Arch is "minimalistic", which means "do your routine install shit by yourself", while Debian/CentOS simplify it, allowing to start OS and its services sooner. Besides, it's rolling-release: if you don't update in two to three years, it can't update anymore.

is it hate or is it love?

>literally fiddle system

Those are two of the four-five not meme distros. For "noobs"? Use net install and fully customize it on install.

>Slackware easy to operate
Have fun with dependencies and keeping it updated without breaking stuff every week. But it is indeed well documented as every package is upstream with no distro-specific modifications that is no distro documentation is needed.

I want to hate on this as puts {my fav distro} as shit but it makes sense.

Is this really suitable for everyday usage?

How this has to do with using linux on computer to get the job done?
If you need OS for academic purposes, then I think plan9 is better for that.

It is Arch without systemd and simplified PKGBUILD, or whatever its equivalent Void name is, syntax. So, no it is as good as Arch. (But it lacks Arch's documentation.)

Kali is Debian with preinstalled tools.

I don't see any argument in your post against arch.
I update weekly (unless newer kernel doesn't has certain drivers I need, then I wait few weeks maybe)
And as I said, I had to make arch into a distro once, it's not a difficult thing to do.

> Hello, I want to actually use my computer and get shit done
Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora

> Hello, I want an advanced system I can have control over, yet I want to get shit done
Gentoo, Slackware

> Hello, I am a server
Debian, CentOS

> Hello, my hobbies are screenfetching and desktop threads
Arch, Void

> Hello, I am a linux gaymer
Solus, Ubuntu

> Hello, I suck dick, browse reddit and could as well be using Windows
Mint, Manjaro

Other distributions are redundant.

You mean final cut pro?

Just put (Open)SUSE somewhere there, elementary at the end and you're done.

sure is a lot of summerfags that never saw a copypasta before

> Hello, I'm below 12 or over 60
Elementary OS

> Hello, I want to actually use my computer and get shit done, yet I can't use (better) distros because of their version numbering and my beliefs


Patrician: TempleOS
Plebian: Anything else


All CIA Nigger OSes

Ubuntu > Manjaro for you
Are you totally retarded, or what?

Nice autism


> One of the best, most popular distros for literally any use case. Huge community, corporation behind it.

> Bunch of dicksuckers holding pack Arch packages, stealing NiN logo, pre-ricing the DE, bloating the DE with proprietary shit and forgetting their SSL certificates (two fucking times) telling users to set their clocks back in time.

Gee, I wonder why. Kys.

>anything but the plebest unusable trash

bsd (incl. osx)


I use arch. I for one find it fun to meet around with install and I enjoy having dinner control over things like partitions. One day when I have the free time I will switch to gentoo or similar. Honestly the hardest and most time consuming thing I have encountered on Arch was the install and after that it is easy mode. If you have a weekend to kill for your first install you will have almost no maintenance after that. As long as you update sometimes, and that is typing in sudo Pacman -Syu and letting it go while you do other stuff. After the install it's pretty comfy.

Patrician: Urbit

Pleb: not Urbit


>Haven't tried but probably good
Arch, Lineage OS

>Usable if it's all you have available
Ubuntu, basically all the other Linux distros

Gentoo, OpenBSD (unless it's for a very specific application)

>You love AIDS infected cocks up your ass
Windows 7, rooted Android, macOS

>You love AIDS infected cocks up your ass with no lube
Windows 10 enterprise and LTSB

>You love AIDS infected cocks up your ass with no lube and have a scat fetish
All other Windows versions, iOS, unrooted + stock Android

>Excusable for nostalgia or retro gaming
Windows 9x, and 2000, OS/2, DOS, pre Mac OS X Apple OSes
You have to go back, Sup Forums.

It's awesome.