Why is it ok for Google to advertise a product on their homepage?
Why is it ok for Google to advertise a product on their homepage?
Other urls found in this thread:
because it's their site
having a monopoly must be fun
Don't like it? Use another search engine faggot.
>We own the domain, the service, and the servers
>Deal with it
It's not ok. Deal with it like a good cuck or switch the browser.
Why is it ok for amazon to advertise their products on their website?
Didn't they get EU bill of like billions for selling their own shop products on related search answers?
>why is it okay for a company to advertise their products on their website?
The EU is a bunch of faggots. They tried to pull the same bullshit with IE being included in Windows.
Here's the link.
>the EU
you mean the place that makes it illegal to encrypt your own hard drive? The same EU that has the highest rates of cuckolding in the world?
And that worked, now instead of just having IE as default the first thing you open the browser it asks what browser you would like to have installed.
Look: I hate EU more than you do as an EU country citizen, they've been tolerable for the past 3 decades but 2010-2017 so far has been EU getting MUCH worse, even though this is technology board so maybe better change the subject.
>Is it ok for McDonalds to advertise a burger inside their restaurants?
>why is it ok for x company to advertise x company's y product on x company's homepage?
What would happen if everything Google and Apple-related disappeared overnight so that by tomorrow it would seem as though neither of those companies had ever existed?
Would the world become a better place?
Google is literally an ad company.
This thread is so stupid man
Just buy the wiretap faggot.
they gotta fund the mass immigration somehow
What monopoly?
because its their web address. they can show whatever they want and they could redirect all of your searches to porn if they wanted to and it would still be okay for them to do so.
i agree
those people have low iq
Because they can do whatever the fuck they want?
It is not even remotely illegal (or even morally dubious) to advertise your own products on your own site.
It literally happens EVERYWHERE. Wherever you go you will see a company advertising for their own products wherever they can.
>is it ok for my ISP to advertise their own products within their service
They weren't fined for advertising their own products, they were fined for suppressing other competitor products from showing on search results.
>element block whole sections of a page
When will they learn?
im in eu and my hard drive is encrypted
am i in trouble?
You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
don't like it, use service of another ISP
so simple
>defending companies
Bootlicker faggots
>they could redirect all of your searches to porn if they wanted to and it would still be okay for them to do so.
Has this ever been done to Google? Many keks would be had if it were to happen today.
>wanting government to have control of everything
Bootlicker faggots
>Google complain to EU about ie being the default choice in windows
>Win and now Chrome is most popular browser along with their malware tier installers.
>No EU shits on Google.
It's like clockwork.
google is an ad site.
because why not? of course they would try to hide their competitors, they have a business and they are looking to profit as much as they can. there isn't anything nefarious about making a profit. if you don't like their results then don't ask for their results. If my ISP served me advertisements i'd switch providers, which they already know so thats why i don't have that problem.
you don't need overlords micromanaging every aspect of your life. you will get the regulations you want and the regulations you don't want and it will be the future you chose.
If your ISP had a monopoly you couldn't switch providers you dumb mong.
if there is demand for different ISPs, there will be supply
Oh there we go again. Did you miss how you can't change your ISP?
I don't understand why I wouldn't be able to stop buying a service that I am not satisfied with and buy it from another company.
Because it's their own fucking site.
Don't like it? Switch to a different search engine.
>No EU shits on Google.
They just did got a fine from the EU for the Google Shopping thing retard.
I don't defend companies, I defend the free market and competition.
>why is it okay for Google to do what they want with their website
Maybe because they fucking own it.
Selling products and providing a search function are two different types of business, and as such, using your leverage in one field to dominate another is unethical.
And is EXACTLY what would happen in a free market.
Google's business is and always has been using their search engine to sell products.
if my ISP had a monopoly it would probably be attributed to the government setting restrictions and regulations that made the barrier to entry extremely difficult and more expensive then it otherwise would be.
>using your leverage in one field to dominate another is unethical.
>And is EXACTLY what would happen in a free market.
Do you have no sense of scale?
>hurr durr ethics
It's unethical to restrict freedom of the people to do whatever they want with their property.
Nothing wrong with using your resources gained in one market to help you in another.
I fucking hate google, but those are basic freedoms.
>using money earned in one type of business in another is unethical
No, their business is selling their users to businesses, not the other way around.
>american freedom
Yes? Because it shits all over the entire prospect of having fair competition. You cannot have a free market without it being enforced by anti-trust laws.
Corporations are NOT people. They are organisations of people, and the people inside these organisations already have rights, but the organisation itself doesn't need liberty.
That's a part of selling stuff for businesses. They use that user data for targeted ads and such. Sure they do other stuff too but they're still primarily an ad company.
Another company would just take their place.
Nothing would change except the names.
A corporation isn't a person, restricting them from doing certain things is perfectly ethical.
>You cannot have a free market without it being enforced by anti-trust laws.
you can't have unmolested trade without molesting the trade..?
>free-market cannot exist without laws restricting it
>working together with others for more chance at success is unfair and should be restricted
that doesn't sound very free to me
a corporation is simply multiple people working together for a common goal
i dont see any excuse to restrict teamwork
Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I smell money from heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere
> Thinking tech companies operate in anything close to a "free market"
Zero (0) tech companies can operate without government enforced intellectual """"property"""".
99.9% of the time, retards who spam the free market meme haven't even read autismos like rothbard and hayek whose ideology they claim to follow. Even those pedos shat on IP.
EJew is jewer than jewgle. That's it.
I will not defend IP. Nothing should be enforced by the government.
Though IP not existing wouldn't mean technology not existing.
>Zero (0) tech companies can operate without government enforced intellectual """"property"""".
thats not true. why do we need them?
>can't advertise your own product on your own site
I see it worked on you, faggot.
>Wage slave for a few years
>Decide I want to start my own business
>Not allowed to use any money I have saved because it'd be unethical
>Though IP not existing wouldn't mean technology not existing.
what is gahnoo/loonix?
what is free software?