This is why macOS is the greatest operating system in history

This is why macOS is the greatest operating system in history.

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is this the new macOS desktop thread??

Illya pleases old men for free

Yes! :^)

delet this right now

only if you post more hot illya.

Explain what of this I can't do on windblows

>using the smiley with a carat nose

her butt is smelly,


Windows 10 does this

Any modern tiling window manager can do that


>it takes you 35 seconds to do something i can do in a single keystroke



Windows 7 does this

Wangblows doesn't even have spaces and it just snaps like a piece of poo in the loo.

Winshit is an abomination compared to macOS.

holy shit it can do that???
now youre gonna tell me that you can even minimize windows to the panel and im gonna have a heart attack!

Fight me

lmao, nice troutlips

not this clusterfuck shit again
not as good as 10

You can setup BetterSnapTool with keystrokes like I have, if you need to. Takes a millisecond to do this action.

Wangblows tries hard to be like macOS but it can't because it's engineers and designers are Indians :^)

says the child pornographer

They were clearly selected because they have good layouts.

Did you really want to see Inf0w@rs and FourChan on there? Fucking kys.

>getting the non-touch bar version

Since when did macOS have snapping?

>using the smiley with a carat nose

She's 19.

a long time, your knowledge of macOS is probably based entirely on shitposters from Sup Forums

>fagOS copies windows features nobody cared about from vista
>mactoddlers rave about it


They dont make those in 15"

based shitwater drinker

Why are you so angry and poor? :^)

Wangblows has always copied OS X (now macOS).

They can't even copy it properly, it always looks and functions like shit.

I'm excited to see how Microshaft fucks up Winlel 11 or whatever the fuck they're gonna call it. All the butthurt and tears are going to make me happy :^)

whoever works at apple does worse job than indians then :^) BetterSnapTool is shit by the way :^)

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Well that was painful to watch.. Looks like my father trying to double click for the first time.

Because it can resize windows with the mouse?
is this supposed to be a new breakthrough?
alt + mouse makes it much easier to hit the window and throw it against either screen edge if you are allergic to hotkeys.

Was this all just a ruse to show the "Trump: The unlikely force behind feminism revival" joke you put in the CNN site?
That part was funny.

I don't think apple focuses on macOS as of late. They just use their iOS engineers to implement minor things and make tweaks, from what I hear.

There literally is no macos team, ios devs just tinker with it in their spare time.

Well, you are wrong. Not really a fan of macOS window management.

Nope. I used to work at Apple and still work with them sometimes remotely.

They have a really good design team.

Microshaft is a joke. Go to their store they literally rip off Apple and have no idea how to do it or what the reason is why Apple is so successful.

so? snapping is much better in windoze and look at this can't even maximize window properly.
>Go to their store they literally rip off Apple
i wonder out of these two who had snapping first hmmm :^)

This was my experience when we had to use the macs at uni, complete and utter suffering setting up the windows, disabling lots of default MACOS stuff like reverse scrolling and dealing with the fucking retarded mice designed by handlets with only an index finger.

The displays were nice looking though.

High Sierra looks decent, they are also adding VR support through SteamVR, which means more GPU support for our Hackintoshers :^)

High Sierra has a new file system, APFS, which is like ZFS, into the mainstream. No other mainstream OS has changed the file system in a long time, that includes Wangblows with NTFS. Shadow copy, etc. etc are amazing features under the hood that mainstream consumers won't notice but appreciate.

High Sierra is supposed to be like El Capitan and Snow Leopard.

While I agree OS X releases used to be more fun when iOS wasn't a priority, I think it's fine and under the hood features are welcome.

kerel, je geeft mij kanker

>it always functions like shit
as if macOS is any better lol
even wangblows can do pic related
why can't your shitty OS do it as well?

BetterSnapTool existed for a long time. Wangblows didn't have snapping until Win7.

macOS had spotlight from 2004, it took WinLEL several years to catch up. It still hasn't.

Anyone who thinks WinShaft is a good OS needs to kys. People just use it because they don't know any better and can't afford Macs and aren't smart enough to do a proper Hackintosh.

>macfags getting a boner because of tiling WM features you could get in GNU/Linux or BSD decades ago

nothing ever changes

Wtf are you even trying to do?

I've never had issues with window management with OS X and I've been on it since forever.

>her tummy

it's shit not to mention thirdparty

>VR on a mac
Yeah sure, those shitty macbook amd GPU's will deliver proper VR experience

The + is not for minmizing you idiot. Click the _ in the middle to minimize to the dock. Or hit CMD+M. If you want it to minimize faster just disable Genie effect and use "Scale" and speed up the animation.


post feet

Radeon 580 on an iMac is pretty decent (it's a bit faster than the RX480). It's obviously not a 1080 or 1080Ti but it's not bad for VR gaymen.

Also eGPU is officially supported via Thunderbolt 3 so fucking kys. TB4 in the near future should have 100% PCIe bus usability for GPUs, instead of losing 20% performance with TB3.

I'm about to get a 2017 MBP and can't wait to build an eGPU setup with a 1080Ti.

Show me a webm of MacOS of proper tiling window managers

>a mactoddler bragging about his housefire trash collection


How much of a gullible drainlet do you have to be to own apple shit? lmao

Nope, it's great. Who cares if it's 3rd party. 3rd party apps that change systemwide functions are so great in macOS. They just werk.

If you try to change systemwide functions in WinLEL with some 3rd party app, prepare your anus. It will be buggy as fuck and probably modify system files and make shit all function wrong. WinLEL is built on WinNT legacy from the 90s. macOS is built on a modern FreeBSD layer with Unix like features.

I'll take a mainstream Unix-like OS over WinLEL any day of the week, thank you very much.

The only time I boot into Winshaft on my Hackintosh is to play gaymen and VR, and lately haven't had time to do that either.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>7700HQ 20% slower than a 6600U



>Wtf are you even trying to do?
Ask Apple



pls dont lewd my gf

macOS. It just deletes. :^)

I'm gonna cum on that belly button

I've debunked this meme a long time ago.

All machines run WinLEL and WinLEL versions of Media Encoder (probably under CUDA).

Mac runs macOS version of Media Encoder.

It's always been a known fact that Adobe doesn't optimize for macOS, so it's not fair.

Install WinLEL on that Mac and do the same test and come back to me with numbers, little bitch.


Good joke, fagOS is more of a frankenturd hackjob on top of hackjob on top of hackjob pile of shit than even windows, and that's saying a LOT.

for your information i have used hackintosh for 2 weeks and I did use BetterSnapTool, for the use with a mouse it's a bugged mess for snapping with hotkeys it works just ok, anyway it's nowhere near the seamless experience windows 10 offers.

>under CUDA
Mactoddler manbabby can't read, not surprised.

what's even funny is that
>69 posts
>29 IPs
it's always the same fucking mactoddlers repeating the same "hurr ur just poor" meme trying to go full defensive on their crappy OS

99% of the creative industry uses Macs.

Nice try though.

>Install WinLEL on that Mac and do the same test

So to sum up your post, Macos is fucking shit, and even Mac owners should wipe it and install Windows for real work, got it.

Go install WinLEL on that Mac, do the test again and come back to me with numbers.

Macs are no different than any other PC, they use the same fucking parts inside. It's considered an ultra book so thermal issues will arise.

Also no one fucking encodes for days on end on a laptop, you're a retard.



how can they ever recover

Not arguing with what you said, but I do admire their new filesystem. APFS is pretty fucking awesome, honestly.


No, Adobe just doesn't optimize their applications for macOS and this is a known issue because Adobe is shit in general, but they have the monopoly just like Intel so they can do whatever the fuck you want as much as we whine and cry about it.

Apple uses AMD GPUs nowadays, so it will use OpenCL and Adobe doesn't even optimize for OpenCL.

CUDA is way faster. I have 980Tis in my Hackintosh and use CUDA and it's fast as fuck on macOS, but on the laptop mine is an AMD gpu so only OpenCL.

Go try FCPX and see how fast that thing is on a MacBook Pro, it literally wipes Adobe Premiere and encoding times from Media Encoder with the floor because it's heavily optimized for AMD compute superiority and Intel QuickSync.

It's hands down better than NTFS.

No one uses Final Shit, not even Applel.


Not at all. HFS is 30 years old just like NTFS.

Also Apple moved hundreds of millions of devices (iOS) to APFS in a manner of a .1 delta upgrade overnight. Can any other company state that?

APFS will be used in High Sierra, which is heavily optimized for SSDs.

Do you really think you know more about file systems than file systems engineers?

Here's some things you should read about:

>he actually believes this

Did apple once again just invent what windows and linux had for ages? Can't stop lmaoing at literal poo in loos.

>applel street shitter """""""engineers"""""""


I've seen all these memes, so surprise me with a new one, anonfag.

FCPX is used in documentaries with a high amount of clips especially from different sources.

I personally don't use it but the performance on it is admirable and Adogay should take note.

I'm literally on my MBP right now and I had no idea you could fucking do that, what the fuck.
When did that get added?


Try again

wow weak

Dunno. Does ReFS encrypt each file individually? Furthermore, when are they planning to fully implement it?

Why are you posting in an image about HFS+? What does that have to do with APFS?

El Capitan :^)

why do macfags get all excited over stupid little features?

Because Anti-Apple shills have run out of things to say.

It's the little things that count.

This is why Winshaft is a terrible OS, one update after another. It's literal bloatware, registry and DLL hell. And ugly to boot.

I wasn't even defending their computers. I've never had an interest in owning one, as I'm perfectly content with Linux Mint. But I can still tip my hat to APFS. It's a pretty awesome file system.

Still better than ganu/loonix and wangblows

You mean this feature that Windows has had for about three OS generations now, with default keyboard shortcuts for it?

>macbabby discovers tiling
what's next, learning to walk?