/vrg/ - virtual reality general

Oculus is dead in the water!

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How is this any different from an Xbox going on sale? They just want people to spend money on their apps.

Xbox lowered their price only a tiny bit. Meanwhile Oculus lowered their price down to 50%. Big difference. Probably trying to sell off units before they completely shut down.

>the sale is because they're actually clearing stock for a new SKU that puts the controllers and headset into a single box


They removed the Xbox controller that they said costs "almost nothing" to bundle before but now it plus the remote is how they lower it $100? Never trust their lies.

Anyway if you want one then buy it now because new bundles without it are shipping super soon it looks like and they won't even tell you what bundle you're getting.

It costs almost nothing to add to a single package. But it doesn't cost almost nothing to ship two boxes separately that could both weight less and take up less space than without those things. The Xbox controller + wireless dongle + remote could cost $60 which is "almost nothing", and rest of the cost could be in having to ship separate packages that take up more space and weigh more. The original Rift box actually weighed quite a bit.

There's nothing stopping them from including the Xbox controller in the new box. There's space where the strap is which is where they originally had it in early retail box samples.

wew, glad i got the "almost nothing" accessories then.
already have a xbone controller plus a battery pack, so gave the controller it came with away, and kept the wireless adapter.
the remote kinda seems useless with the other available controllers, maybe for videos it would be good.

>because new bundles without it are shipping super soon it looks like and they won't even tell you what bundle you're getting.

But that's wrong. If the page you buy it from indicates it has an xbox controller, that's what it's going to have. The Amazon page indicates this and the other post from Iribe indicates that the Amazon packages do include it, at least for now. They'd change it if that wasn't the case.

>If the page you buy it from indicates it has an xbox controller, that's what it's going to have.

You trust what their site says? I guess you forgot about this when it came out?

The point is that they're shaving costs by removing things that aren't very necessary. It costs almost nothing to include the xbox controller when it was a $600 purchase for the headset alone. Arguably it's high enough cost nowadays to justify removing since we have Touch and the overall package is lower in price.

>It costs almost nothing to include the xbox controller when it was a $600 purchase for the headset alone.

If they said they could sell the Rift for $500 without the controller and remote at the time it would have been a very different reaction than them saying it's "almost nothing". They were being sly about it and you fucking know it.

No, actually, I haven't. But in this case there's actually an employee confirming that it's true. At least in terms of Oculus' own site, they removed that statement before pre-orders opened.

>If they said they could sell the Rift for $500 without the controller and remote

But if you read my post closer, I'm saying that it's a reasonable expectation that maybe it couldn't, because the $100 reduction isn't the cost of an xbox controller and remote.

So I guess it's gone? No where on the page do I see a xbox controller listed.


Really? Obviously no one wants bad reputation. There was likely management and manufacturing fuck ups and caused things and they just couldn't get a good enough control on it. The problem is they didn't then have the aptitude to communicate more clearly what was happening. Some of this was likely a contributing reason why Iribe stepped down, Palmer got removed, all the restructuring and new hires, etc.

Yep. Assume you're not going to get the stuff, even if you actually do.

The non-bundle Rift page still shows the xbox controller.

Yet Iribe said they wouldn't ship the new bundle until next week so exactly what I said, they don't tell you.

Well now they don't. But you're probably good as long as you still see them have the Rift non-bundle in stock.

The manufacturing fuck ups had nothing to do with them including an Xbox controller. They were obviously doing damage control on it since they had no answer for the Vive but it was still a stupid move to make. Early adopters just wanted the headset instead of the bullshit additions but they wanted something all in one to try to rake in normies so they bullshit and say it costs nothing on /r/oculus to calm the people the should have been catering to.

Good. The price was utterly ridiculous and still is. The goggles and both controllers must cost at most $100 or it will die if not already dead.

I hoped I'd be able to play DCS World with some kind of virtual hands to operate the cockpits, but it's not gonna happen I guess.

Their strategy wasn't great but at that point there was no going back since they already invested early in controller games. Definitely damage control. Iribe, Palmer, and co. were not good PR people.

They are doing all they can to create a new market for VR content. No users no content is catch 22. They are saying limited time but if they couldn't afford to sell it at this price they wouldn't be doing it and shit gets cheaper to produce over time.

So is Unity still the go to for starting out how to dev for these? Is there a reason why SFM stuff hasn't been more prevalent? It's all MMD or Illusion games. I feel like I just have to do it myself at this point.

SFM doesn't have VR support because valve

Unity is still what people go with for homebrew because of VRTK, all the basics done for you already but Unreal VR support has been improving greatly recently as well

Personally I chose to go with Unreal because of blueprints. Not sure if Unity has any equivalent these days.

VR will NEVER become popular. Imagine you are a parent raising a daughter or son in the hypothetical alternate future. You get them a VR headset for christmas. All of a sudden they are watching all sorts of hyper real 3d porn and ultra violent gore that they can watch wherever they go with their phone. Their innocence gone in a flash, with many many nightmares and therapy to come.

Just wont take off. This is the saddest / nerdiest tech ever invented sadly. Its not safe in multiple ways, especially for children.

nothing worthwhile is safe for children user

kids and doting mothers can go and fuck off.

Jesus Christ.

This pretty much kills the Vive for now right?
You would have to be a complete retard to pay double the price for something that is not even 20% better.

Computers will NEVER become popular. Imagine you are a parent raising a daughter or son in the hypothetical alternate future. You get them a computer for christmas. All of a sudden they are watching all sorts of 3d porn and ultra violent gore that they can watch wherever they go with their computer. Their innocence gone in a flash, with many many nightmares and therapy to come.

Just wont take off. This is the saddest / nerdiest tech ever invented sadly. Its not safe in multiple ways, especially for children.

So after making all the mistakes of the 90's, it looks like the second wave of VR is coming to the same conclusion as the first. Most people just wanted cheap porngogles they could also use for vidya.

VR gloves when. Taking your hand off the throttle, grabbing the controller of your desk while you're basically blind, pressing some buttons or flicking a couple switches, and then putting the controller back down sounds really clunky and awkward.

Sup Forums will NEVER become popular. Imagine you are a parent raising a daughter or son in the hypothetical alternate future. You get them a computer for christmas. All of a sudden they are watching all sorts of 3d porn and ultra violent gore that they can watch wherever they go with their computer. Their innocence gone in a flash, with many many nightmares and therapy to come.

Just wont take off. This is the saddest / nerdiest tech ever invented sadly. Its not safe in multiple ways, especially for children.

>oh no a kid has seen benis in bagina
>call the psychiatrists he's been mindraped
>put him on the antimasturbation cross


This almost sounds like an early criticism for the N64. Like this is honest to god post columbine "ban this sick filth" levels.

compressed 2D != 3D walkable

Neural interface when
Matrix when

still images in books != moving images on computer

Found the pedo

what did you mean by this

if we are going by the metric of immersion can't that line be drawn anywhere arbitrarily

like words to pictures, pictures to video, video to vr
it means nothing

Please. I want to live my Shadowrun fantasies of jacking into the matrix with my Fuchi deck and getting fried by an IC.

Honestly I don't see much point in buying either of them right now. The next generation is bound to be just a few months away so unless you're a millennial who spends more money than you can reasonable afford to you're probably better off waiting a little while.

do you even know what arbitrary means?

>The next generation is bound to be just a few months

Not that guy but don't trust this guy. Both HTC and Oculus have said they're not going to do a V2 till around 2019. The LG headset is not next gen, it's like gen 1.5. It won't have anywhere close to the amount of stuff that will be in gen 2.

do you?

subject to individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one's discretion

>if we are going by the metric of immersion can't that line be drawn anywhere according to one's "individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one's discretion"

Not really, just a person who regularly watched porn as a 10 year old

VR will take off when they can either put wireless, near 0 latency, super high resolution (8K per eye or higher) and high FoV that can fit into a pair of glasses you hardly know you are wearing. Or. Can bean it directly onto your retina.

so never then

>Or. Can bean it directly onto your retina.
God, when.

NOW. Beans are cheap and well stocked at grocery markets. Only you can make it a reality user!

Reminder that "beaming light directly into your retina" is basically marketing and twisting words.

I have an OSVR and I'm trying to get it to work with SteamVR. I keep on getting error 400 and 306. How do I fix this?

I've looked at so many guides, and a lot of them have things that are just not there.


So when is this forced general going to die for good?

still? what a scrub, how many threads has it been? is it still cash you cluck.
maybe it wasn't for you kiddo.

When u die first

On other news, im waiting for valve to release the knuckle controllers and finally play The gallery part 2 and store.steampowered.com/app/672160/OldMaidGirl/

I would switch to Vive if it meant I could play piano in Soundstage with fingers instead of those little pinchers.

I just got the oculus because of the sale / bigger compatibility with apps and games. When i first tried the DK1 a few years ago i was already blown away, mine will come in on monday. Dis gon' be gud.

i refunded soundstage because im not s̵k̵r̵i̵l̵l̵e̵x̵
a music producer and i also managed to crash my pc with the oscillators

o shit

I fancy getting some form of VR, and I can't decide between getting a PS4 and PSVR, or going for a proper desktop and getting Vive/Rift.

I own neither a good enough desktop to run VR, nor a console, so I'd obviously have to buy one of them.

Considering rift and vive are more than twice as much (probably even closer to 3 times as much depending on setup) as PSVR once all is said and done, is the experience worth the cost?

To be completely honest, I'd be tempted to just hold off for a couple years and see how the market goes, but then when does the waiting end? I see people asking if they should wait x months for a GPU or CPU to be released, and the answer is typically if you wait til then, you'll want to wait another few months for the next thing to be released and so on.

hold off

i actually started gathering money since the DK2 era for new gpu + headset but it took a while since the price inflated and Vive ended up being better

I have the original bundle but theres still no way Im paying 100 sheets for a couple of joysticks.

Come back to me when they're under 50 and we'll talk

You can incrementally build the pc start with one with a good near top of the line cpu and it'll still be good years from now just look at how many here are still on a 2500k. Hold off on the gpu and in 2 years something vr-ready should be 200 bucks not 500. Thing is for me I am just now starting to save for the next gen plus an omni in 2 years. 50 bucks each check is doable and none of the options impress me very much

Vive has better compatibility with games. It has the larger marketshare after all.

Personally what I'd recommend is to get VR when devices come out that can essentially replace your monitor. That's when most people should stop hesitating assuming they can afford the tech. Today's headsets aren't high enough resolution to do that yet.

>tfw still addicted to Echo Arena

It just doesn't end. Fuck I'm still bad at it though.

Sauce for v2 in 2019? I thought V2 was early 2018

You know Zucc will never let that happen.

I tried to get into that but turning is a pain in the ass. Wished they allowed you to turn by hand, like in that space station demo.

>B-B-B-B-BUT THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is what every middle aged suburban mom says about every new tech product they heard about on their ditzy daytime housewife talk shows. Because this product isn't for adults who know the consequences, no, this product is for unsuspecting children, who will put it on and see NASTY NON CHRISTIAN VAGINAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is somebody pointing a gun to your head telling you to buy a headset for your daughter? By the way, vr porn already exists for the Gear VR and Google Cardboard/Daydream. Alas, no complaints from anybody about it regarding children viewing it.

>nerdiest tech ever invented
Kek, you consider a normie-tier product like VR "nerdy?" Do you waddle into /fglt/ and /wdg/ and tell them theyre nerdy?

I tried the vive at a local microsoft store. Took it off within 10 seconds. Motion sickness sensitivity is hell. I felt like i was falling.

How long has this been out for? 3-5 years? If VR was to become mainstream it would ve done so already.


Yeah it's definitely not for everyone.

You get used to it but it sounds like that gave you a bad demo. Good games keep you on solid ground.

If it's the Microsoft store, they probably started out with tilt brush or the underwater one.

Store demos often have poorly setup tracking, greasy lens, don't adjust the ipd for you, have the display distance set to max restricting the fov and so on

Much better finding a friend and getting an hour or two to get used to it before you put it away as something not for you. Everyone feels at least a little weird the first time they try VR.

Vive and Rift CV1 have been out for just over a year. It takes much longer than that to make a full scale game especially as VR is essentially starting from zero as far as game design goes.

2018-19 are the years of AA(A) VR

>2018-19 are the years of AA(A) VR
wew lad

>Pull the trigger and order Oculus from their website
>Error: payment option invalid. Enter a new payment method.
>Error: Shipping address is invalid. Enter a new shipping address.
>Keep changing my address but nothing works
>Make a ticket
>four days later they answer with "Thank you for contacting us. Give us some time to resolve your issue"
Do they not want my money? Why is their support so fucking horrible?

Isn't the Oculus compatible with pretty much all Vive games though, While it isn't the other way around?

Yes and no. There are a couple of games with suffer framerate ghosting and Vive controls rarely translate well to Touch. There's also Revive for allowing Vive players to play Oculus games.

Well idk it worked for me. Support might be slammed right now with the sudden increase in customers. I think they said they didn't expect to sell so well so maybe they were unprepared.

More games are made with the Vive as the lead platform and don't incorporate Touch controls as they should be like in Oculus sponsored games, you basically get secondary support. Vive has ReVive which feels the same way with games that use grip but there's less of those in comparison.

It doesn't really matter. Games work well enough for both headsets that it shouldn't be a deciding factor in what headset to buy.

It should though, because the hardware influences what platform you will have a library on. This is the whole reason why Oculus dropped their prices after all. Facebook could start locking down hard on ReVive come next gen forcing you into their headset if you want to keep your Oculus Home games.

There are some great games I'm frankly unable to play on my Rift right now.

It shouldn't be an issue in coming generations. Especially since Touch and Knuckle are working towards giving the player hands.

No, it really doesn't matter. The reason for that is because of the users. In the event anyone does anything that breaks compatibility, people will will mod and hack the support back in. It happened with Revive. It happened for Google Earth which blocked Rift users. It's happening for HL2 VR. It's happening for Alien: Isolation. It doesn't even matter if they use Denuvo or an even more advanced form of it to block Revive or other similar things, people will still be able to get around it.

Curious here, what are those games? I haven't encountered one that hasn't worked before other than Google Earth at one point in time.

They tried that and then there was sufficent outlash and corporate probably decided it was too soon but mark my words it is only a matter of time before they do it again.

This is coming from a longtime oculus fanboy from even before the kickstarter. My next HMD will not one from Facebook


Good to know you're a self proclaimed idiot.

Just because a game is cracked for "support" doesn't mean that support is great.

It's fucking good enough the vast majority of the time holy shit man. There are other more important deciding factors than this.

Tabletop Simulator, Vanishing Realms and that VR minigame base on WH:Vermintide.

Alice VR has motion support but it outright crashes when I try to play with my Rift.

Other than cost the hardware differences are close enough that this is a as big of a deciding factor than anything else.

>Tabletop Simulator
Last I heard, they were working on an update to support the Rift. But even with SteamVR it should at least work last I heard.

>Vanishing Realms
I literally just played this. It runs fine the controls carry over well enough too, enough that it doesn't detract from the gameplay.

>that VR minigame
Can't say I know much about that one.

>Alice VR
I'm pretty sure they have native Rift support especially since they're on the Oculus store. Did you check the launch settings?