/pcbg/ - PC Building General

f you want help:
>Assemble your parts list
>State the budget for your build (and country if not the USA)
>List games/software you use often, as well as your monitor resolution + refresh rate
>Clarify your goal for build improvements: lower price or improved specs?
How to assemble a PC, select components & more (kind of outdated)

No i5 unless discounted
>G4560/G4600 - Budget builds (R5 1400 - Cheapest quad core you can get (Ryzen 3 soon)
>R5 1500x - Good but up to 1600 if you can
>R5 1600 - Best value for higher fps gaming / mixed usage; 1600x if you want higher stock clocks
>i7 7700k - Only for 144hz
>R7/Used Xeon/Threadripper - Compute/Multitask/VM/mixed use; Not for just gaming

Coin miners have driven price up and stock down, waiting to buy a GPU might be wiser
>Integrated CPU Graphics - Desktop stuff and very light games
>GTX 1050(Ti) - Lower end budget cards, drop settings on newer games, RX560 beaten by both
>RX570 - 1080p@60~hz maxed, running most maxed older games at 100~Hz
>RX580 and GTX1060 6GB - 1080p@80hz maxed, 1440p@60hz at lower settings; RX580 better in newer games
>GTX 1070 - 1080p@130hz /1440p@60hz at high
>GTX 1080 - 1080p@144hz / 1440p@60hz maxed, 4k@60hz in a few games; Probably the highest end card you need for 1080p/1440p
>GTX 1080Ti - 1440p@144hz and 4k@60hz maxed/high in many games

>Check your Mobo QVL before buying any RAM
>Ryzen CPUs benefits a lot from high speed RAM

Always consider an SSD. Try buying a large SSD for what you'd pay for your SSD+HDD combined, and add a HDD later
NVMe SSDs aren't for a faster OS boot, they're for productivity/scratch disk/VMs. NVMe and M.2 are not the same thing, M.2 is a form factor.
The Ryzen lineup comes with surprisingly good stock coolers. consider using them over any

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Reposting from the last thread:
Does anyone know if the tempered glass side panel from the Corsair 460x will fit a 400q?

Someone is bidding on all GTX 1060 3GB auctions, what the fuck is going on? I saw one sold for almost 300 USD, new strategy to further increase GPU prices? who the fuck is gonna play the new games if there's nobody with a GPU decent enough to run them?

>playing games
I'm sorry user, all GPUs are now being rebranded as MPUs; Mining Processor Units

you nignogs meme about the i9 being 140 watt tdp but completely brush over the fact amd had a 220w pos only 2 years ago

Oh we completely remember, and I gave them shit for that back then too; I was (and still kinda am) a huge intel fangoy and gave AMD shit for ages. I've yet to build with AMD but I'm looking forward to the experience with my Ryzen5

Yeah, two years ago, and they went to 65 W TDP then. Meanwhile Intel tries too redefine the slang "toaster" because apparently its current meaning uys politically incorrect or something.

>Sup Forums
>Talking bad about AMD

Where do you think we are? Also Ryzen brings absolutely nothing to the table for 90% of consumer market who already own anything from last 4 years. Threadripper and Epyc are the real deal makers but those $700+ CPUS are something that doesn't concern 99% of Sup Forums. CPU market is fucking dead to me. At least poorfags will be able to buy more than 4 cores for their hard earned money but the IPC game is as dead as it was 5 years ago.

Sorry for pleb post but looking to potentially upgrade system for more fps in overwatch primarily. Worth upgrading gpu+other components or should I start from scratch?


That 220W CPU still ran 20°C cooler than 140W Skylake-X.

Lmao. Sup Forums is AMD shill zone. I mean Sup Forums gave Fermi so much fucking shit but Vega is having all the signs of the same problems and you have daily wait for vega threads. 290x had a 300 TDP and no one gave it shit either.

>Ultimately, we’re looking at power consumption numbers similar to some high-end graphics cards when we start messing with Skylake-X. AMD’s FX-9590 doesn’t even come close to these results, if that means anything to you.


Nice try, Brian.

Just a GPU upgrade would suffice for Overwatch but good luck finding one right now

/w4v/ is simply a damage control attempt by some buttblasted AMD loving mod to stop all those threads from BTFO'ing his "year of the AMD" delusion.

>Vega is having all the signs of the same problems
No it doesn't Fermi was much worse
>290x had a 300 TDP and no one gave it shit either.
Because again Fermi was much worse

The 290X had a 250W TDP and consumed just under 250W under load. Only 17W more than a 780 Ti. I wonder which was the smarter buy?

Something about AMD makes people stupid

Fermi overheated and had a tendency to blow up
Vega just uses a lot of power

Gpu upped to what? Possible for 144hz or bottlenecked by cpu. I work in pc part distribution so should be alright I believe.

I hope you know that just barely before 7/5 nm switch, you couldn't have said something more wrong.

>Just under 250W under load
>Maximum of 346 watts
>246 Average

Vega uses a lot of power, comes out one year later vs its competitor, will be more expensive because larger die and HBM2.

Look at 970 and the 3.5 memes but AMD literally releases a 1000 dollar card with 1/2 of the features fucking disabled or crippled.

for graphics

OC your 2500K as high as you can and get a GTX 1060 that should get over 144 fps. You only have 60Hz screens in that pic though so that didn't seem like a requirement.


Friendly reminder that 14nm Ryzen has the IPC of 22nm Ivy Bridge.

And? What's your point? If you think TDP is supposed to be a measurement of peak power consumption (or power consumption at all), you're incredibly tech-illiterate. Literally all graphics cards operate this way. Why are you focusing on the 290X? Other than the obvious of you being a shitposter of course.

That's how averages work

Am I wrong? AMD cards constantly draw more power and run hotter but everyone gave Nvidia shit for Fermi but when it is AMD, it is dindu nuffin. I bet Vega will be the same. Morons will still shill Vega here.

El-cheapo budget build ~$100

>$20 - i3 from ebay
>$20 - 1155 mobo from ebay
>$20 - ebay PSU
>$8 - 4GB DDR3 ram
>$30 - 2TB HDD (refurb HGST) ebay
Total: $98
Use iGPU until proper GPU is found. Your budget.

With proper GPU, it will be a 1080p machine for a while. If you need it, you can upgrade to i7 or i5 el-cheapo.

Wrong about what, you goddamn moron? You're not making any points, you're just proving that you know nothing about technology.

>muh power spikes

The GTX 1080 has a 180W TDP and spikes up to 311W under gaming load. That's even worse than the 290X. So you agree that Nvidia cards are the real housefires, right?

>$20 ebay psu

Enjoy your concrete paper weight


I am giving an example of a card that runs hotter, draws more power and frequently doesn't perform in games. Fuck off you moron. Go doctor some screenshots for Vega. You will need them.

Current CPU performance in 90% of games is mostly dependent on ram speeds. Buying some pos no name DDR3 running at 1333Mhz would give you 30-50% lower performance than your modern cheapo Pentium using 3ghz ddr4 even if their IPC were literally the same on paper.

I won't need anything. I have a 1080 and won't need to upgrade until Volta/Navi.

>frequently doesn't perform in games

Compared to what? Its competition from 2013, the 780 Ti? A card which now performs worse than a 380X? Top laff, friend.

In a few rare cases a 290x will slide up and gently fondle a 980ti's testicles.

>Wow the 290x finally outperforms the 780ti 4 years after the release.
Truly marvelous engineering from AMD.
Maybe in 2020 the RX Vega will outperform the 1080.

>I have a 1080
Sure you do.

>Why don't you spend extra $300 for better performance?

Because $100 build.

how can I find out if my mobo supports using 2+1 DIMMS (two in dual channel and one on single)?

I'm using a GA-F2A85X-UP4, couldn't find anything regarding it on the internet

Reminder to ignore the posts containing "housefire", it's that same bored NEET redditor who lives in this thread.

>meanwhile the only post that mentioned that word was saying bad things about nvidia

>b-b-b-but vega!!!
Has anyone ever been so BTFO?

>Sure you do.
No need to be jealous of me, Pajeet. Just another 17,000 shillposts and you can afford a 1050 Ti to call your own!

And in reality Fury X was 30 fps behind 980 ti in 80% of the cases.


Yeah, no.

I am not sure you should be calling people with better cards then you poor.

>Fury X was 30 fps behind 980 ti in 80% of the cases

14% on average at 1080p. 9% at 1440p. 2% at 4K.


>nvidia is housefire, amd is not
>intel is housefire, amd is not
>inserts good goyim images from reddit
Same old shitposting tactics in every thread, 24/7

So Fury X draws more power and performs behind the 980ti? Am i supposed to be impressed by that?

Yes dude, muh HBM, muh DX12 (here's a benchmark from Ashes of the Singularity)

Oh, they actually supply you with a 1080 Ti to work on? That's great. Do they let you play a game of your choice at the end of the day if you meet your quota?

That's it, buddy. Walk back on your claim and change the argument to one that can't be immediately blown the fuck out. There's a good lad!

Wanna bet it will be the same for RX vega vs 1080

It works the same way for all boards. How many DIMMs you can use is a question of ranks, if you're using single rank memory you can always use all slots (unless you have one of the transition boards with DDR3 and 4 slots, there you can only use one obviously).

Dual channel interleaved mode requires the same capacity in both channels, frequency and timings are set to what the worst DIMM in the group has. If you have more memory in one channel (4GB in channel A, 2x4GB or 1x8GB in Channel B for example) you'll have 2x4GB (A/B) running in dual channel and 4GB in single channel, that's called "flex mode". It's a standard feature since 2013 or so, check your manual to see if your board supports it

? i went matx for space

>blown the fuck out.
You need to be at least 18 to post here.

>Oh, they actually supply you with a 1080 Ti to work on? That's great. Do they let you play a game of your choice at the end of the day if you meet your quota?
Someone sounds butthurt. You need to shitpost more to afford a better card user.

>Walk back on your claim and change the argument to one that can't be immediately blown the fuck out. There's a good lad!
What was my claim again? Oh yeah AMD cards are hotter, draw more power and perform worst. Nothing you have shown me proves otherwise.

>s-s-s-stop b-bullying me!!!

>Someone sounds butthurt
About what? I've enjoyed making you look like the retard you are. No compensation needed, other than the satisfaction I feel. As I said, I won't need an upgrade until Volta/Navi.

>What was my claim again?
That the 980 Ti was on average 30fps ahead of the Fury X. Here, I'll quote it for you.

>Fury X was 30 fps behind 980 ti in 80% of the cases

Short term memory loss could be a sign of serious health problems, user. I'd see a doctor right away.

Why an FX-9370?

The same for skylake and kaby lake.

>I've enjoyed making you look like the retard you are
How? By showing me AMD cards are inferior?

>That the 980 Ti was on average 30fps ahead of the Fury X. Here, I'll quote it for you.
Wasn't me retard but I guess you have a victim complex so everyone is against you.

Now you are going to say I shopped it right? What a faggot

hm, there was nothing on the manual mentioning it, so I guess it doesn't support it

thanks for answering

>N-no, you!!! haha rekt lmao

I've been meaning to buy a new PC for a while, but now GPUs are insane. Should I pull the trigger on the rest of my build, or wait to buy it all at once?

Later especially if you have a Ryzen unless you carry your GPU from your old build forward

buy everything but the graphics card, wait until august-september

I have a pretty old PC (phenom x4 965, radeon 6850, asrock 970 extreme3), but I might need to start working on a personal project that involves programming for Vulkan. That being said, is there anything stupid that could happen if I just buy a gtx 1060 and shove it in place of the old amd card? I don't care that much about bottlenecks I just want Vulkan support now.

i can't find anything with a quick google search either. But it's been around since LGA775 so i'm rather sure that A58 boards should support it. You can probably find something in the BIOS/UEFI under memory configuration

I'll take a look there too then


I've found channel interleaving and rank interleaving, they're both enabled

is that what I was looking for?

Recently sold my rx480 to a buttcoin miner for 50% profit and I'm currently using an old radeon 6450. Got an rx580 ordered on Amazon but no idea when it will be re-stocked. Do I buy it once it is available again, or do I wait for something better? (Vega?)

cheapest 8 core and high clock rate

if you buy the 580 for the price you sold the 480 then you'll throw 50% of your money on the trash

No, I will be buying it at the price I bought the 480 for. I sold it for 150% the price I originally paid.

then you're fine, i'd wait and see on vega pricing though

that's normal dual channel mode (interleaved mode) same capacity, same ranks in both channels

thx famalam

but it sucks. Only the cheap bulldozers/piledrivers were somewhat OK for budget builds. Until Ryzen intel didn't really have competition for like 6 years.

reminder to never buy anything from nzxt that isn't a case. their lighting kits and loop coolers require CAM which literally datamines your machine 24/7.

so if I didn't see anything called "flex mode" or similar, then I can't do what I wanted?

Never buy hardware that needs software beyond drivers, senpai.

Logitech mouse tho

not necessarily, descriptions in BIOS/UEFI are often obscure and sometimes you can't even see it until the hardware that's required to use it is installed

I'd just give it a try, but i have some DIMMs i could use to test it lying around


I have a single DIMM here, that is the one I wanted to add,the problem is that I have to take everything apart just to add it, and if it doesn't work I have to take everything apart again to remove it

I don't have that kind of time in my hands

well, good luck whatever you end up doing. I'd give it a try, chances are your board will support it

Does a b250 and g4560 support ddr4 2400 ram? Google results have different answers.

Check QVL

Which one is it bros?

yes, but official documentation always stats some low shit
you really dont need to fear with intel and ram, 3200 no problem

Up to you. If you have a spare GPU then buy it. Otherwise it is just going to be sitting there collecting dust.

Should i buy a R9 380X for 170€ or R7 370 for 120€ as back up cards? Both are new and the seller only wants to clear out the stock it seems.

> Both are new and the seller only wants to clear out the stock it seems.
Might have been used for mining
>380x for 170€
That's the retail price of an RX 570, pretty shit deal

It points me to the manufacturer's website but I can't seem to find it. Sorry if I'm being retarded.

It is under specifications

>R9 380X for 170€

no, when brand new gtx1050ti from a shop costs 150€

>4GB vs 2GB

Cards are 100% new but you're right, 1050Ti is much better. Don't really know anything but older AMD cards.

if there would not be miningcraze
you would be buying rx570 or gtx1060 3gb for that kind of money
and both are far better that gtx1050ti
that offhand selling 380x should not even be in the picture unless the guy drops to some 100€

I always hate this morons who claim its new or some shit
I am taking a risk buying it from you and not from shop, adjust your price moron or go try someplace else
