I recently switched to Brave since everything loads in a flash compared to Firefox. Is it the increase in upload speed that's helping?
Rate my 3rd world Canadian Internet
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Here is something I took few months ago. Summertime and tourists etc around my area cause slightly lower speeds but still this is just a 4G connection I pay less than 30€ a month.
LTE somewhere 50km away from Moscow. With VPN of course.
my sync speed is like 60Mb
We don't pay for the full speed available on the line
Too bad I have to pay Comcast for speeds like this around me. Sonic Fiber is in some close neighborhoods so hopefully I'll be able to get it soon.
I'm actually very jealous.
No, it's that you're now using Chrome with a leaner botnet.
Are you on the 25/5 NBN plan ?
>is it the increase...
no, upload speed typically does very little when loading a website, it's more likely that Firefox tries to access your HD more than brave, resulting in higher latencies
Pain and suffering. Windows updates are hell
ya bru
>upload better than download
Aus LTE is faster than this shit even with VPN and in the middle of fucking Uluru
How much do you pay? This is the 50$/month plan.
I'm in northern Canada in a shit town that is built on dirt and I have fibre optic 150/150
Even though our broadband is a shitstain
Reporting in from Louisiana. We pay just over $60/mo.
Kek. Shit Australian internet. Normally get 35/1 on Ethernet
Reminder to report and hide all threads by shill Brave devs
It's literally adware
Brave is shit on desktop
Are you me?
Better than a shit hole like Canada deserves.
I pay that amount for 100 Mbps, hoo boy...
3 months ago with the same ISP I was paying $145 for 150/150mbps
It's like you faggots don't upload shit
>under 100mbps upload
>bragging about upload
kek, what a moron.
Canadian internet sucks. I go there all the time and it's just nothing like it is in the states. The fact that most of Canadians have data caps is ridiculous. I guess it's okay if you're in Yukon, but Ontario? What's a 100 gigs nowadays for your home with x devices connected? Also, no unlimited phone data. I can rack up 60gb 4g lte on my phone in the states and you leafs are stuck with 6.
So this is the power of a 10/1 connection in Denmark...
do i suck
Less so than others. If you're a single user on that connection you'll be fine with most things
>student apartment
>free electricity
>free water
>free internet
I hope the school is free cause otherwise none of that is "free" it's simply included in tuition
Are torrents and other p2p services blocked?
The school is free, but the apartment isn't provided by the school. By "free", I meant "excluded from the rent".
Not that I've noticed.
Fast is the website you fucking idiot.
Im in canada too and its fine
Firefox on Windows is a laggy piece of shit, currently using Brave without problems.
Not bad, I've got a friend who works for a small rural ISP in Ontario as they've started deploying fiber out to small villages and the like. A village of 100 people are perfectly happy sharing a single GPON link. They only offer 100/50mbps but its not bad all things considered
polfag here
such is life in communist paradise.
20km farther i barely get 1/1 mbps
I actually live in a third world country
You know man, you are lucky...
Does that even qualify as internet?
I got ten meg down/1meg up. ISP fucking sucks ass. They offer faster plans but they don't got the bandwidth to sustain it for everyone. So you end up paying for shit you hardly see all the time. Ten Meg plan is really only one that is sustainable full time/worth the cost.
Damn that sucks. My ISP only has issues with bandwidth during peak hours. And it's only for higher bandwidth customers. 1gbps customers will occasionally see speeds under 850mbps, but it's rarely under 900mbps besides during peak use hours on Friday/ Saturday night
What technology are they using for that?
If it's GPON fiber they're fucking you on that upload speed.
I just upgraded to 330mbps and have speeds no where near that. My upload speed has shot through the roof, though.
Get on my level.
GPON. And I am more than aware of the ability for symmetrical fiber.
There is no other competition in the area except for Northland Cable and Frontier Communications, both of which their fastest tier is BTC's slowest.
I was with them in their DSL days when 768Kbps was their best speed. And I've watched them grow and expand technologies. Impressive for a business that has a net of less than 20 million a year and less than 50 employees.
Already did.
Looking around they might be GEPON/EPON not GPON
They are GPON. The network Engineer here is named Travis Bozeman. I speak with him on occasion.
When they first laid the fiber infrastructure, their initial tiers were 3/1, 5/1 and 10/2. They connect 5 counties with fiber.
They continued to slowly increase tier speed while also increasing price. We live in rural Georgia where the average income is 23k a year. They are slowly boiling the frog, so to speak. They'll increase the upload eventually, a little at a time.
There is literally no other Gig provider for 50 miles in any direction, and farther. It's amazing we have it at all.
I can certainly live with a 100 Mbps upload.
Gotcha, back in 2005 they were PON, when they rebuilt for gig speeds it was GPON.
Well hopefully they stop jewing the upload eventually.
He deserved two bullets in the back of his head not 10 million canada bux.
>tfw rural town
>tfw cable
>tfw "highspeed internet"
>tfw 30mbps
Better than sub 10mbps
Enjoying your slow internet, nerds?
You tell me, that's a good 100-120mbps below my average
What happened was they were mixing fiber with dsl. Meaning they were extending DSL's 1800 foot with fiber while adding new fiber infrastructure. I believe in when they started they got a grant from the state who got a grant from the Fed's called something such as "Connect Georgia Now" or something.
I believe Georgia, the state, gave them another grant to rebuild and they completely got rid of DSL services. In fact their main exchange for the Fiber is in Brooklet, Ga. Not far away from me. They use GPONS which have 32 connections. My PON only has 16 active he said.
We do peer through another ISP who is connected into Spirit Telecoms fiber infrastructure.
The only downside to the peering is all traffic no matter where its going must go through level3 in Atlanta, which is where Spirit taps in.
I'm just glad we got those community grants from the state and feds.
gotta go fast
and free
turned off by default
Rate my 3rd world canadian internet
Fucking maple internet. I get this in Vancouver for 100 bucks a month but it comes with a data cap of 1TB/Mo. There's no excuse for data caps, I saw practically none back in Europe but over here they are common place
just call and demand unlimited for free
its what i did
well actually im only paying 60 for that
No way that actually works
Rate my mobile data speed.
Called up big r
Complained like shit, told them caps too low i cant watch netflix/etc with it this low, told them i would be moving over to Big b who offered a better option
And they complied, unlimited for no additional cost
the trick is to know your area and what's being offered. Use it as leverage even if you would never switch anyways. A LOT of the time, the providers are offering you mediocre shit because they're too lazy to update your plan to the fastest/unlimited in tier. Like there was NO reason for a 300gb cap when they were offering unlimited in the area, so complain until you get it babe.
R8 my Belarusian 3rd world internet connection.
Oh wait
i live in the 3rd world, and this totally looks like our 10mbps coaxial services from isp "claro"(americamovil) (they suck)
>therr are people with 20+mbps connections complaining about how slow it is
>tfw 16mbps adsl and no fiber available in my area
Yeah, but you live in Belarussia.
this, i'd rather have half that speed and live in the US.
Thankfully I dont have to make the sacrifice though.
best LTE gives me. i have secondary adsl but that only gives 17 down 0.7 up
I pay that much for 5mbps and a phone line
I'm guessing you must live out in the boonies of washington in order to ass fucked so hard.
I have a friend outside Olympia and he gets like 100mbps for less than that.
I live about 20 minutes outside Salem, Oregon
Salem itself seems to have a plethora of choices, including Comcast and at least one fiber provider.
But i guess if you're far enough from it, you're shit out of luck.
Paying xfinity $76 for 150D / 20U, on 5GHz Wi-Fi
I just have to love my country.
I pay 25€ monthly.
Spain :)
ma dove cazzo abiti ?? sul monte bianco ?
the dude has 0.9mbps down and 2.5mbps up.
I'm not rural. I pay for high speed internet and get less than 10mbps
I'm moving to a tech giant city in the US. Living a few blocks from one of Google's large offices. $40/month for 25mbps
The US has third world internet. Gigabit would cost $300/month
yeah that's why i said "wat"
no fucking sense
happens to me all the time, but with gigabit speeds. My upload is pretty much always a good 10-20mbps faster than download.
>Gigabit would cost $300/month
why not move somewhere with cheap gigabit then, dumbass.
Half the north-east if you're in a major city has access to FiOS $69.99 1gbps.
The only good thing is that there is no "caps" to speak of. They don't seem to care what I download either. Over the past 2 years I've downloaded a lot of "mixed" content, totaling well over 2TB. Mostly shows,films and porn. ISP hasn't blinked yet.