Pronouns? Master/slave? You're like a little baby. Watch this.
Pronouns? Master/slave? You're like a little baby. Watch this
>We're in an era of increasing empathy
The difference is that that is an obvious satire and OP was legit (and successful).
The concept of empathy is absurd.
No, it isn't. Empathy is simply the ability to understand other people's emotional state and simulate what they may be thinking. It helped your ancestors to survive. The only problem with empathy is that the word has been co-opted by lunatics.
>i think the way people differ between pets and cattle is bad so we should change the naming convention in this api before doing anything about that problem in the real world
>The concept of empathy is absurd.
The concept of universal empathy is absurd. Empathy needs to be earned, otherwise you're wasting your life worrying about useless shit.
Why do these devs never just laugh and say no?
Nothing about this shit is reasonable.
KalitaAlexey is right, you can't even tell the jokes from the "serious" shit anymore
>The concept of empathy is absurd.
It's kinda necessary in a relationship senpai.
Only necessary with people you actually care about though
There's a good chance this is just an elaborate troll.
Empathy doesn't work that way, autismatard. It's inherent in the recognition that you and anyone else you perceive as existing has a perception of existence. If you've been allocating empathy selectively, you should probably see a doctor and find out what kind of personality disorder you have.
This is probably the most literally autistic thing ever posted in Sup Forums.
It's some Max Braverman tier shit, for sure.
Empathy was only developed as a learning method to socialize with the group you're born into. If you empathize with an outer group then you deserve to die because that'd usually get you murdered up until a few hundred years ago. Hell even now "activists" sometimes get murdered by primitive tribes they try to help.
Empathy was designed to be portable, multi-tasking and multi-user in a time-sharing configuration. Empathy systems are characterized by various concepts: the use of plain text for storing data; a hierarchical file system; treating devices and certain types of inter-process communication (IPC) as files; and the use of a large number of software tools, small programs that can be strung together through a command-line interpreter using pipes, as opposed to using a single monolithic program that includes all of the same functionality. These concepts are collectively known as the "Empathy philosophy".
The problem with cross-species empathy is that with humans you can understand how someone might feel. You are human, you know how you would react, how you would feel.
Do you know how a cow thinks? Do you know how a cow feels? When you hear the cry of terror an animal makes, do you know how afraid it is? Is it even fear in the sense that we understand fear?
Subsidized college loans was a mistake
>We went with PetSet as a working name in part because we knew it could never be the "real" name, but we didn't have a good name for the concept yet
Sounds like they were going to pick another name anyway
Issue closed, project name changed to WifeSet
>which implies that clearly I'm not welcome to contribute as somebody who can't make things quite as well as others
Are you two psychopaths?
Holy shit.
Society can't collapse fast enough. Holy shit!
> you would assume so but even humans can be practical alien in their perceptions... I know because I have a friend who is a sociopath / borderline psychopath and only revealed hiss of to me because we talk about psychology
Scary shit
You're looking at the issue from the wrong angle. Animals either don't have moral agency or have it to a limited extent and it's therefore absurd for them to be held responsible for committing atrocities. Animals are sentient and can feel pain. That's enough reasons for them not to be denied existence.
What kind of a person just goes into something other people built and starts demanding they change everything.
Imagine going into the local Chess club and start demanding you use the building for housing cats, because chess is too exclusionary and promotes hierarchy, gender roles and racism.
Oh and I don't play chess but you have to do as I say or I'll get offended make a huge scandal about it and shut you down, k thx :^)
It's funny because I have literally no empathy for you.
Rustfags had a serious discussion about removing the word bad from a compiler flag, they'd definitely take a retarded PR like this seriously if it was backed by some Twitter nutters.
Ah, you're thinking of sympathy then.
Empathy requires an ability to relate to the target, generally through a shared experience or similar. For example, most people get chicken pox when they are young. If you had chicken pox when you were young you can empathize with a child that has chicken pox, but you can't empathize with an adult that has chicken pox because it is considerably different if you get it when an adult. You can still sympathize though.
I'm not quite sure why people are mixing up sympathy and empathy. Perhaps they just want to make themselves seem more involved, as sympathy indicates a measure of detachment.
Inability to empathize can be a symptom of serious mental illness, get checked user
Sociopath reporting in.
The Rust community is probably one of the most mentally ill groups on the internet.
>Why do these devs never just laugh and say no?
Because being slapped with the SJW army is a horrible cluster fuck. Noone wants to end up in the middle of a feminist Twitter shitstorm, no matter how stupid it might be.
Like pottery.
At least he has commits unlike most of the animals trying to change our language
corner is rust too
Empathy is just a skill, a tool.
What they use it for is retarded.
>Perhaps they just want to make themselves seem more involved, as sympathy indicates a measure of detachment.
That and the fact that some percentage of population are psychopaths and sociopaths, who are simply unable to do so.
it's funny
i've been here since 2003, i've been philosophically post-identity for some time before that, i used to laugh at the people who thought that perfectly nondescript technical terms were muh white patriarchy grinding the boot
then i saw the endless flood of newfags going 'REEEEE niggerfagjewjeet degenerate back in your cage subhuman' at anyone who used anything else, and it kind of convinced me they had a point
hot take: they or xe as a completely nonidentifying pronoun is something that anyone who values the Anonymous complete nonidentity should support
What the fuck are you blabbering about
thank you for illustrating my point
The word "advocate" in a bio is a good indicator that someone is a complete shitbag. Richard Stallmann is an advocate, you're just a pathetic idiot with 20k tweets on your Twitter handle.
Sorry bud, this board would have always made fun of these people, but the fad only started in recent years.
>hot take: they or xe as a completely nonidentifying pronoun is something that anyone who values the Anonymous complete nonidentity should support
You know this is the Internet and you could just randomly switch between he and she and no one would care. Claiming a word that's used by 0.000001% of the population makes you more anonymous shows your intelligence.
made me laugh desu
i don't mean that using it makes you more anonymous, i mean that people on Sup Forums, which was founded with the guiding philosophy 'the less people know about anyone the more the value of their ideas shines through', should appreciate, encourage, and promote linguistic changes that obfuscate irrelevant information about people.
or would you prefer the korean approach where you all need a special, inherently obsesquious form of address for me as an older male with a more impressive job title, and are expected to apologize for not realizing before?
I bet you have a dark like my soul theme and listen exclusively to Linkin park.
Wtf am I reading
I always had this cynical feeling that insane pronouns were just a way to push a social API that people HAD to use that could be mined for marketing and thoughtcrime. Like most SJW double plus good ideas there will be unforeseen consequences
>this is you
Oh, you mean for making other people's lives better? Surely that's of no interest to a true savage like you. And, of course, what
""" they """ use it for.
No one gives a shit about your sjw activism, he was used since forever as default pronoun and jesus christ I can't believe I have toa rgue about pronouns fuck off you piece of filth
Actually that idea originally had nothing to with “safe spaces” or anything like that.
People who are just learning Rust don't know the rust “style” yet and having to put that tag in their code might give a wrong first impression and put them off from using the language, which is not what the makers of the language want. You might disagree with that sentiment, but it's nothing to do with le trigger-free snowflake spaces.
Looks like you've all been had by the spooky SJW meme again.
When would you ever have to ask someone what gender they are, and if it was online, you couldn't intercept their sentence with the gas.
>programming languages have a code of conduct
How did this happen?
Remember back in the early 2000s when it was kind of crazy that middle eastern countries referred to america as 'the great satan'?
Because most other languages have awful communities, some not much better than Sup Forums.
> you: hey guys, what's wrong with my code?
> me: kys faggot
There's a middle ground between that and no-opinions-allowed le safe space meme
Empathy would prevent this behaviour. If you could truly consider someone else's emotional state, you'd see that a situation like this is the equivalent of a carnivore going on one of this guy's projects and opening an issue saying "Umm, as a carnivore...". It's arrogant self-righteousness feigning as empathy, because the only people they're empathetic to is those that believe in the same things they do. It's smoke and mirrors.
>It's arrogant self-righteousness feigning as empathy, because the only people they're empathetic to is those that believe in the same things they do. It's smoke and mirrors.
Consider if you'd even be able to type this if societies were built on ideas such as yours.
What's distasteful isn't that that they're not empathetic, but that they pretend to be, when they are anything but.
These developers? Who cares honestly? As if anyone takes them seriously.
t. brainwashed rust evangelist
If they wanted to make a beginner friendly language, they would have created NIM or Vala instead. Rust is the most begginer unfriendly language there is and half of their RFCs add more complexity, so it's completely two-faced to pretend they care about beginner friendliness.
And if you're a grown man and think there are highly sensitive individuals out there who stop learning a programming language because an error displayed on their command line contained the word 'bad', there's no hope for you. It's so friggin retarded to pretend the name discourages people, not presenting them with yet another class of errors.
But if it makes you feel any better, I can assure you that thanks to Rust's complexity, most beginners will give up before they make it to that error message anyway. :^)
I'm just thinking how I'd feel if a project I loved to work on was taken over by this crap. It would be crushing. Even silence is considered hostility by these fanatics.
>start project to pad your CV/resume
>have your life destroyed for using the word master in your source code
I think they are just saying that empathy and compassion are separate things. No need to get your knickers in a twist.
I'm the one you originally replied to - these people are not to be taken seriously either because they're talking about miniscule, irrelevant and downright petty issues and derailing hard work and collaborative projects of other developers.
Or because when they do have actual problems, they're not going to even attempt to even name them.
Leftist drivel.
All the cucks and betas in that comment section.
>like pottery
Poetry, you fucking illiterate mong.
I'm sure these are jokes
>get checked
>get thrown into a mental institution
>have that on your record for the rest of your life and be unable to advance in life
why would you tell someone who acts base purely on self preservation something that will ruin their chances at it
there's a reason why psychos blend in
>tfw having a msc is now racist.
Has Satan ever been wrong?
I think not.
>Poetry, you fucking illiterate mong.
I get what you're saying, but as most all of us know, "they" and "you" is the standard default for an unknown gender and whatnot. It's about as non-biased as it gets and is already in use. Anything else is just pandering for special attention and we all know the policy for that on Sup Forums.
my fucking sides