Intel BTFO's amd

Intel BTFO's amd

>Software not optimized for AMD's 4 die / socket implementation
>Likely a multi-year investment effort to develop, optimize and validate an ecosystem
>Inconsistent Performance from 4 GLUED-together Desktop Die
>Lack of Ecosystem
>4 GLUED-together desktop dies

Where were u when AMD got finished?

Other urls found in this thread:


>intel resorting to Sup Forums-tier shitposting
what a time to be alive

You can only have 5 threads running, Rabbi.

>Blown The Fuck Out's
I can't stand seeing this anymore. Even
>Blows The Fuck Out's
doesn't make any sense.

just accept that "Blow The Fuck Out" is a verb and you will be happy



>boasting that a ~2000$ Xeon can beat an UNDERCLOCKED ~500$ Ryzen

Isn't this just false advertising at this point?

what did he mean by this?

The Xeon's also under clocked. idk why they'd do that, maybe ryzen beat it at its stock clock.

i'm in all support of amd but this youtuber is an outright amd shill

The most likely reason is that they tried a bunch of clockspeeds and settled with the one that showed the largest difference.

Doesn't change the fact that a brand-new Ryzen is a quarter of the price.

Admittedly it's on a much more limited platform, but why the fuck would they even compare that at all?

Removing the best line.

"Configurations: See slide 20/21".

And that slide was--- drumroll---

"Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on intel microprocessors."

Why is intel so jew and dishonest we never see amd doing the same.

Use our compiler please goy!

That video is unbearable to watch due to the poo-in-loo currynigger accent.

But yeah, Intel is fucked and it's hilarious to watch to what kind of bullshit they have to resort. Hopefully they don't bribe themselves out of this mess again.

>poo in the loo

Well atleast they didn't down right lie. They're just trying to point things out

t. intel engineer

>poo-in-loo currynigger accent


and that's when you compare a $8000 intel cpu and a $4100 amd cpu

>more power for HALF the price

This is practically rape at this point.

Intel will try to sue them for dumping prices and "unfair competition", calling it.

I can't wait until Zen 2.

Meanwhile, in reality ..

>On average, both Xeons pick up about 20% due to SMT (Hyperthreading). The EPYC 7601 improved by even more: it gets a 28% boost on average.