AMD Status: Ass Blasted Beyond The Milky Way
AMD Status: Ass Blasted Beyond The Milky Way
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good goy!
*1 shekel has been deposited into your Inshill™ bank account*
Thanks for the i9 release dude. Now I'm going to get me a threadripper.
The stupidity of this board will never cease to amaze me.
>being this mad
Intel are the last people that should be making fun of others for using glued together dies.
is that real? are we living in idiocracy?
>dem retarded arguments
AyylMaoD and Incel inbreds are really fun to read
You know what?. I think I'm going to build my new Ryzen rig this week just to piss you off.
inconsistent performances because of the 4 glued-together desktop dies
AMD is trying to re-enter the server market segment, Intel continues to deliver 20+ years of uninterrupted data center innovations while maintaining broad ecosystem investments. Xeon CPU architecture is proven and battle tested, delivering outstanding performance on a wide range of workloads and specifically designed to maximize data center performance, capabilities, reliability, and manageability. With next-generation Xeon Scalable processors, Intel expects to continue offering the highest core and system performance versus AMD. AMD’s approach of stitching together 4 desktop die in a processor is expected to lead to inconsistent performance and other deployment complexities in the data center.
Should I get a 1800x or 1700?. Either way I'm getting the Microcenter mobo combo.
Can we just have an Ayymd vs incel general? I feel like it's the same vocal minority always posting this stuff
How much more REKT can AYMD get?
No side ever listens to each other. I'm confident AMD is the absolute best and jews think Intel is the best. That's all their is to it.
Either way I will take opinions (whether you hate AMD or not) on if I should get the 1800x or 1700?
>Intel mentioned AMD by name in one of their marketing slides
Don't the top companies usually avoid that to avoid giving other companies any advertising/brand recognition?
It's real. Official Intel sanctioned shitposting is now here.
>top of the line server CPU vs underclocked mainstream consumer CPU
what are the chances actual server guys got pissed at intel for insulting them with these slides?
what the fuck
this reads like some low effort shitpost on Sup Forums
Usually is the key word here.
Intel has nothing until 2020/2021 and they know only too well. This is the beginning of hilarious damage control that will only get more desperate as AMD continues to optimize their new architecture that already matches what Intel has been perfecting for nearly a decade.
Where to you think they got the "glued together" stuff from?
"Actual server guys" aren't the ones making the big money decisions and placing orders for thousands of chips.
Intel has outsourced its marketing department to Sup Forums it seems.
1800X isn't worth it. If you go 1700 go B350, if you go 1700X (which is more likely to hit 4ghz) go X370
Doesn't it scale better than intels shitty ringbus tho?
Yeah but how far does the 1800x go with easy simple overclocking?. I just use the built in software to overclock because i don't have the patience to fuck with all the bios settings. What should I get it to with a decent air cooler?
Exactly. Those decisions are made by accountants who run every big company these days, and AMD can always undercut Intel due to modular architecture with huge yields.
>Those decisions are made by accountants
My god, how big of a fucking retard are you? You need to stop watching the big bong theory.
> $2220 server processor
> Versus
> $430 desktop processor DOWNCLOCKED BY 40%
Omg send help I am dying from laughter
Oh wow you sure convinced me you autistic NEET.
10,000 lightyears in MS Paint
pretty sure CTO has the last word
but lightyears is a unit of measurement for length not a time
Clocks are irrelevant at that comparison.
Learn to read bitch
what the fuck?
>4% difference for web server work, the one thing xeons should dominate effortlessly
What if Brian really lurks Sup Forums?
Come on, these slides are pure condensed Sup Forums shitposting.
hope you're joking
>unless you like overpaying
Clocks aren't irrelevant. Different CPUs can handle different clocks at different thermals and powers.
Which the Ryzen stock clock is 3.6 ghz, boosts to 4 ghz, with 95W TDP.
The Xeon stock clock is 3.2 ghz, boost to 3.7 ghz, with a 130W TDP.
So with a lower TDP (which likely means it also has lower power usage) and 25% the price, the Ryzen has a 12% clock advantage, which would seem to put it on par or better than the Intel given Intel's chart, except Java, which seems to be an optimization issue and will likely to be fixed in the near future, seeing as Ryzen is so new.
In other words, Intel is absolutely BTFO.
I'm not expert, but isn't Intel's ringbus performance subpar?
Intel posting shit that doesn't mean a fuck and in some cases outright lying. The real test is in what software is being used. Ryzen scores highly here in terms of cost for what oit does. It beats Intel in a load of real software use tasks soundly and those it does not the price difference alone makes up for it. Intel is so butthurt they are hiring monkeys to lie for them.
Yes, hence the shitpost slides and FUD damage control.
>Intel workshop
Do they give free coffee?
The next xeon will use a grid design instead of the ringbus.
It's just more of the same shit. Mesh of ringbuses.
>Server side Java
How is that a valid benchmark? Who is the pajeet doing this slides?
This is fucking rich coming from the assholes who've been putting glue under their heatspreaders for years now, and it's now spread to their HEDT platform as well. With disastrous results.
Does this means that
>the city of '''Intel'''
>tfw I have some glued-together desktop dies at work and they are still usable 10 years later
I read that x370 is going eol and they'll be stopping or have already stopped bios updates. Check it out if your really planning on getting one
Are you mentally retarded?
>Clocks are irrelevant at that comparison.
Do you know what that means?
add more bingbus :---D
add more clock sbeed and threbs! x---DDD
keep chibset and manufabuturing probcess xddd
Nice FUD. It's literally just Asrock end-of-lifing one board (Asrock Gaming K4 X370).
>i've got them this time!
> EPYC Desktop
King of Threads
Hi, Gerald.
Take this down. Delete your post.
Hey just making sure you don't get it bud. I've got an asscock myself
Or glue altogether as they use some jewglue under their heatspreaders
*breathe in*
Skylake-X and Ryzen R7 1800x.
Constantly 100 ns or an average of (40+140)/2 = 80 ns?
On the other hand, EPYC may have higher latencies since they have 4 dies. And the Xeon 28 core too since it has also 28 cores in the mesh instead of 10.
you're not funny
Why do you bother to reply to them all the time?
>Austism: The Thread
It's like Intel switched sides with AMD, now they are the ones doing those stupid slides.
>wintel cuccs full damage control
The future is LAMD get on board.
aren't those slides supposed to be pro intel? did AMD outsource their marketing staff to intel?
>Our CPU that costs 5x as much is better if you compare it to an underclocked AMD product
How will AYYMD and their 4 Glued-together desktop die ever recover?
>compare $10K Xeon to 1/4th of an EPYC chip with all the enterprise features disabled
>win by 4% in web server
>monolithic die bretty good?
I was going to build some internet machine with a shitty Pentium (or one of those Atom boards) since the new APU's aren't out
But now I will either build some obsolete FM2+ or AM1, maybe even go with a overpowered R5 1400 to get something modern
Seriously this shitfest slides only tells me the serious amount of problems their systems will have, if this is the best they can do for their enterprise consumers paying hundreds of thousand of dollars I can't fandom the shit they sell to consumers paying hundreds
top kek
>This is how Intel tries to sell Xeon server room melters now
Please Intel, think of the poor power companies that you're hurting with that processor.
Hurting? They're probably celebrating.
>be coal plant owner
>data centers now need dozens of times more power for Xeon
>Glued together dies out perform non-glued
>Position it as a negative
Intel you fucking blew it
>glued together
LOL Intel has entered the shit posting business
>glued together
At least the glue is good, sand merchant
>$2220 part vs $430 part
>not at least 100% better in every case
>worst case is a 39% difference
>for a part that is 516% more expensive
Ayy lmao
What you nerds don't understand is that enterprise clients pay for quality. Uncompromising quality.
It literally doesn't matter if Intel chips are 5 times more expensive. Because the money saved on stability, B2B-level support, a holistic ecosystem, and long-term maintenance far outweighs the cost of some tiny chip.
Face it. AMD is not ready for the enterprise market.
Seems like some people don't know how to read the chart.
This is not a chart on which chip is faster. It's a chart on how much more the performance of the chip increases when you turn SMT on. Basically intel is saying that performance will never be worse off or inconsequential when you enable hyper threading
It's a valid point that should have been better stateded. Since they're comparing deltas, they should have used a comparable part.
These slides are embarrassing.
t. Shlomo
Skylake for untuned software that you want to "just work", Epyc for int-heavy stuff you can fuck around with schedulers/affinities/mem allocation to get highest theoretical gainz.
Also low core count VMs is clearly a win for Epyc. Just keep spawning 2 or 4 core instances all day and give zero fucks, the performance will be great.
Paying 5 times the cost of a ryzen should get me better SMT performance.
>Paying 5 times the cost of a ryzen should get me better SMT performance.
Sure. That's what the chart proves.
What would your marketing slide look like, Sup Forums?