Do the real red rooms, drug markets, and other dark, scary shit go down outside of tor?
Dark Web
>tfw dont even know how to find the dark web
Not anymore, you're fucking late retard
Drug markets? Yes. Murder streams? No.
the dark part of the iceberg seems pretty bright to me
Maybe 10 years ago.
Come on, just want some info
>drug markets
>scary shit
Pick one lmao
how 'bout both?
Drugs yes. Red rooms are unproven to exist so they probally don't. I'm not sure what you mean by "scary".
Ok, I will CIA later, my fellow anonymous ;^)
Like other unexplored pages?
Was there some kind of new story or tweet about tor or something
Why are you niggers crawling out of the woodworking looking for derp web
too late 12yo cunt
Either FBI or underage is my guess
15 btw
Welp, thanks anyway.
What kind of operating systems can i use other than kali linux?
You have no idea.
don't use kali linux as operating system
use vmachine ffs
black arch