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indesign is not for word processing
Nothing to discuss, that picture is perfect.
(that's the meme)
why did you reverse the order?
plain text
>not writing articles on emacs
Google docs is normie tier trash
All the people who actually do work kept word 2010
Which one is it?
>not writing .tex in vim
Latex is what there was a hole in when you were made in a trailer.
LateCH is the software.
Then I suppose you'd also agree that it's
And not
If you mean how to pronounce it, it is two syllables, la and tex.
If you are one of those retard americans that can't figure out how to pronounce words, then it is closer to "la tech" than the gummi material.
>not writing prose in a simpler format in the editor of your choice and using pandoc/a2x/multimarkdown to generate LaTeX/XeTeX output when you're ready for the typesetting phase
I remain ever grateful that I work in a tech savvy industry where plain text and email are valid methods of sharing information so I don't need to mess with MS Orifice formats often.
No you fuck face, it is not "Jif" or "Gif". it is ".gif"
Nobody says jiant, jiraffe or jymnastics, but they all have a soft g.
Spell it correctly you dumb fuck.
Swap the first two ones.
But people DO say Lateshhhhhhhhhhhhh?
They say /ˈlɑːtɛk/
Everyone who is not a retard can look up how you say something.
>It's spelled identically yet it's not pronounced the same way.
>It's okay in this selective scenario but not in this other.
>Google botnet is smarter than using Word 2010
Kill yourself
that changed when iTeX was announced
How do you pronounce "read"?
It's not the English letter eks but the Greek letter chi. As for tee and ee, It's just a coincidence that tau and epsilon happen to have the same phonetic value.
What about scrivener
Personally I don't like it, but among heavy writers its popular.
that was fun, thank you
What does Sup Forums have against LaTeX?
t. curious/sci/entist
Why is LibreOffice missing from that list? Sometimes WYSIWYG is nice.
Apparently, plopping down a \section and writing the contents is much more autistic than fucking around with the nightmare that is MS Word sections. I don't even know anyone that actually properly used MS Word sections.
I knew someone who changed all the fonts and stuff so his word produced documents that looked like latex.
We all agreed that was more autistic.
Literally only set up the formats once (that's akin to figuring out your usepackages in LaTeX) and then just hit [Ctrl]+{1,2,3} for progressively smaller headings that get automatically added to the index. I feel those that spout the "Word is bad because its formatting is too difficult" meme just don't know about formatting and do everything by hand.
MS Word is shit, but for completely different reasons.
Personally, I use LaTeX nowadays simply because they're plaintext, so I can copypaste them and they'll look exactly the same, and because that lets me compare them line-by-line when someone made modifications.
you spelled 2003 wrong
It's needlessly verbose for most stuff. I have my resume in XeLaTeX but I just use plain text or Markdown for day to day.
You forgot LibreOffice at the very bottom.
>He doesn't work somewhere where document sharing is required because he's an autistic NEET
>He doesn't realize that Sharepoint is a 90s era abortion
I like Scrivener. But the brain meme relates to typesetting not word processing, further reaffirming the filename
>another autistic Sup Forumsentooman with Temporal lobe damage who cannot appreciate elegant typesetting
>He works in an office that doesn't pay for Microsoft Office
>He works somewhere document sharing is facilitated by free cloud services
What the actual fuck?
To be honest, MS Word became 10 times better when I realized it allowed entering mathematical notation via a latex-esque syntax and had a lot of latex writers involved in its updates over the years. I think they recently came up with a neat open-source "common sense" mathematics notation that creates very nicely typeset math without being a pain in the ass to type for mathematicians, I'll see if I can dig up the paper for it.
>Using something that sucks because they paid for it
>Never having heard of jewgle office or jewgle education
>What is almost every school district
>What is almost every institution of higher education
That's right. I forgot this is Sup Forums where everyone lives in a designated shitting cubicle and doesn't have a graduate degree.
>He thinks school is like the real world
Real businesses pay for software user. You'll see when you get a job
Are you writing documents with complex mathematical formulas on a regular basis? LaTeX.
Are you writing literally anything else? Microsoft Word.
>He thinks no one works at universities
Sigh. This really is a brainlet board.
Writing publishable articles for literally almost every journal in almost any conceivable format used by researchers is easier in LaTeX.
breddy gud xDDDDD
Lah - Tech
LyX kills normie tier word processors, is braindead easy. Now Scribus is what you call a proper document processor.
Oh, here it is:
"Nearly Plain-Text Encoding of Mathematics"
It's a bit long at 50 pages, but it's a good read.
>document processor
*desktop publisher
You realize that Microsoft Word now has document sharing and group editing through OneDrive, so it's essentially Google Docs but better now, right?
If you're gonna use a botnet, at least make sure it is practically superior. Google Docs = Cockcheese in software form.
OneDrive is shit.
Are we gonna need a USB stick meme for this?
>Some parking enforcement loser thinks his university job is prestigious
You're better than that, user.
They're all the same, service wise. The question is which has a better editing suite? And the answer is OneDrive.
Ideally, I wouldn't want to use the cloud anyway, but sometimes my classes require it for the cooperation aspect and even they have figured out that the Google Docs suite is watered down shit.
why do people push the lyx meme so much?
It seems like a shitty latex.
OneDrive has some rather serious sync issues.
>Not writing on word with the CMU fonts
Because is easy for normies.
Not in my experience, but I will admit that their handling of emails and accounts has treated me very poorly in the past. My generic work email was reused for another employee after I resigned, (you can tell how shitty this business was) and yet I could not cancel the OneDrive assigned to that email, so I had some random employee with access to everything I had in it. And they changed the fucking password
So it is translated into Mongolian or something?
Latex is already easy for normies assuming they speak english.
You are overestimating Sup Forums m8
But you can already click on menus with latex, I don't see the point
Word just werks
Docs is great when writing in a document with other people
InDesign is only beneficial over the above options if you're writing whole pages for a magazine or brochure or whatever
LaTex is probably really neat but I've never taken the effort to learn how to use it
>he doesn't etch his documents as 0s and 1s into stone in the remoteness of the desert
Absolute pleb scum. Kys.
ummm think again sweaty xxx
i wrote my bachelors thesis in latex; can really recommend it, if you have to display a lot of tables and figures; in word i had some problems with the layout breaking some times
who actually jas a use for Latex and shit besides actual professional scientists and mathematicians and publishers? because I find it hard to believe there's a lot of any of those people on here
Professional writers such as myself use it.
1. why do they use it?
2. >professional writers such as myself
>not using Visual Studio Code to write a document
What a bunch of peasants.
Apparently none of these retards ever use LaTeX and talk shit without knowing.
google docs in 3 tiers below msword.
why would the wriyer have to "prepare a book for publication" though? that's a publisher's job
Lay tex (Latex)
Giff (.gif)
Ping (.png)
Blip (.blp)
Webbum (.webm)
Hotmail (.html)
Safe for work (.sfw)
Jaypeg (.jpg)
Pay duh fee (.pdf)
Targa (.targa)
Movie pro four (.mp4)
Wave (.wav)
Music pro three (.mp3)
Oggy (.ogg)
Zeemul (.xml)
Text (.txt)
These are the industry standard and if you can't adapt then you don't belong in the real world. Get used to it or get used to your freelance business being in the shitter.
I think you mean "Safe work for"