Spam these people

(317) 749-6540 They made terrible accusations and made death threats and make 9/11 jokes

Not your personal army

Not your personal army.

aww, does babby need a safe space to get away from offensive humor
babby can fuck off to tumblr then

>made death threats

Not your personal army

lol but terrible accusations!! the horror

death threats are harmless and 9/11 was 16 years ago

man up faggot

>they made death threats
they better follow through

strongly consider suicide

>They made terrible accusations and made death threats and make 9/11 jokes
why did u just describe Sup Forums?

Sorry faggot must of hit a nerve. Next time you come on the chan don't be such a sensitive little faggot and you might enjoy it more next time. Now go back to fingerin your uncles ass

>make 9/11 jokes

Literally who cares nigger kill yourself

Not ur personnel armie, u fkn fgt bich boi

Hey OP, I heard you liek 9/11 jokes

The day america finally received it's penance for destroying the world



Never forget.


I called them, thanked them, and told them to keep doing God's work.

"It's a bird!"
"It's a plane!"
"It's.... Oh shit, it IS a plane!"

Q: What's Al Qaida's favorite football team?
A: The New York Jets

A fireman went home on 9/11 and told his wife that he almost died. "My buddy Stan and I were running toward one tower after the other one fell, he said, "But then Stan got hit by a jumper! Thirty seconds later, the north tower collapsed. If Stan didn't get hit, we both would have been goners!"

The fireman's wife turned to him and said, "Is this going to be a long story?"

i didnt understand the last one, elaborate