How do we save Terry? He was drinking all last night and is probably still drinking

How do we save Terry? He was drinking all last night and is probably still drinking

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He should have mentioned it was 9 American """beers""".

his waifu ain't single anymore

reminder that it's Sup Forums's fault if he kill himself

he deserve it for being a 3DPDfag

>a year or so ago(maybe a bit longer) he was doing interesting programming streams
>then he started doing almost exclusively "talking with god" streams
>now all his videos are him being "gangster" and piss drunk

>completely shitfaced
>9 0.33l beers
Terry is lightweight.

Before this binge the last time he drank was in 2004

I bet he does that for the attention we give him

Sup Forums is the only reason he will be remembered

No, then he'd still stream. He's doing it for his waifu... in his mind she's watching all his videos (he probably still emails her every link)

Doesn't matter that's like what, 3 regular light beers?

There ain't no saving him. He's on a path to self destruct. That little public intoxication neighborhood stroll he took was enough to land him jail if the neighbors had seen it and called the cops. Luckily for him the only person awake at 5am in his retirement community was some Guatemalan landscaper who didn't give a shit.

The clocks ticking for this nut. At least we get to see a good show.

>be Mexican
>pretend to be Guatemalan/Honduran/El Salvadorean when someone asks, because they obviously want to start shit about immigration
>they instantly shift over to telling some story about someone they knew one time that wasn't Mexican
lmao gringos estupidos

Works every time.


everything went to shit as soon as he started obsessing over dianna

women ruin everything

>video uploads
>code compiles
>but I can't function in society
fucking retard

would terry smoke weed
its legal in nevada now
hes clearly manic so its perfect time

>be boricua
>mexicans can stay jelly because they aren't citizens by birth

>be not American
>cock not mutilated
feels good

What ABV?
>Who am I kidding, it's USA so probably 3%

Budweiser, so 5%.

Considering AB just got a smackdown for watering down their beers (all of them) I'd probably consider Regular Budweiser at 4% - no matter what it says on the package.

we need to get him 2D waifu that doesnt fuck nigger dick

Turn up Terry, you better turn up right now.

>tfw had an entire bottle of red wine by myself

This guy is basically the chris chan of programming, making by extension, templeOS the sonichu of operating systems.

Killed a 12 pack

it's that faggot Metokur's fault. that publicity brought malicious trolls to fuck with Terry and really threw him into the deep end and has been getting worse everyday.

Hell yeah, good stuff. You only have approximately 83 years to live, you might as well be lit as fuck in your old days.

>lets put on some music
>5 minutes of ads
>he just watches with a blank stare

>not 640x480

Honestly dude, I don't think it really affected him too much. I have schizophrenic sister, and it's really the little things that trigger her off. The big things, that affect our lives, don't really have a huge impact on her as far as I can tell. She's blissfully ignorant of reality, while claiming she is enlightened beyond all recognition. This was just an inevitable moment and Terry's life.

I'm with you Terry, alcohol is joy, alcohol is bliss, even Jesus knew this, turning water into wine and all.

Yeah I'm kind of upset at all the CIA niggers complaining like, "Alcohol interferes with his antipsychotics."

Nigga, like this dude even takes antipsychotics on a regular basis. If the dude is going to be crazy, at least let him be fucked up crazy. This is pretty much the highlight of his life, let him enjoy it.

wasn't until after the metokur video that Terry started getting phonecalls from "Dianna" saying that she was going to come over and live with him. That's when he deleted his entire website, youtube and went into a dark episode.

i haven't converted to god's resolution yet.

Oh shit, I didn't know that. If new people are fucking with him, then it's a problem.

Why did he have to do that? He knew this would happen.

t. brainlet

This may sound like something an underageb&/summerfag would say, but I think someone should fuck back with that Jim/Metokur piece of shit and hack his YouTube/PayPal/Patreon
>inb4 "not your personal army"
It's just a suggestion, not a call to action

>enjoying life for a moment = brainlet

Have you considered the opportunity, that people whom enjoy life for what it is are actually more intelligent than you? It's taking the blue pill after getting bored of the red pill.

>That little public intoxication neighborhood stroll he took was enough to land him jail if the neighbors had seen it

the suburbs are so fucking lame

Shizo med packages tend to have benzos in them. And as far as the good old saying goes - don't mix your downers with downers.

One does not simply hack a YouTube. It's easy to fuck with Terry, but it's not easy to fuck with Metokur.

Seriously, Sup Forums ruined this man.
I started watching his streams, as I am genuinely interested in kernel/os development.
But at some point, edgy college kids though his mental disability would be fun to fuck with, and completely fucked him up.
Like, a year or two ago, he would tell you why your memory management model is absolute garbage, because of these reasons, and you should reconsider your life as a programmer, and now he's getting drunk on fucking budweiser, and talking about how he had puerto rican roommate in collage, wearing his "gangsta shades" and killing 12 packs.

9 bears?

I've never known its schizophrenic medication packaged to contain both an anti-psychotic and benzodiazepine. I'm trying to get my sister diagnosed and medicated right now, would that mean she would receive Alprazolam or diazepam or some alternative as well with her and her psychotic?

I don't know, if Terry was having a benzo blackout, he'd be knocked the fuck out.

>live in america, land of the free
>have a beer
>get tazed, arrested and then raped in jail
feels good

To be honest though, he's in Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Chicago, New Orleans, and a few other cities are the only places where you can drink publicly. Terry's not going to get arrested for drinking in public, but he might be arrested for acting crazy as fuck.

wtf? This is not suitable armour for combat.

Who are you quoting?

>>Who are you quoting?
>That one argument that will win every argument ever, without contest.

We need him to develop more stuff again.

Can we pose as dianna or god and ask him to give temple os vulkan and itunes support or some shit so he can spend another 20 years streaming the development?

He's not enjoying his life, he's on the fast lane to the next psych ward... wait until a cop finds him talking like this without a shirt and a beer in his hands. And look how he's harrasing his parents. Bet they didn't imagine their last years living like this.



>goes out in his neighborhood
>starts harassing mexicans

is he. dare i say it, /our guy/?

I believe that's no armor at all. There's no point to armor if we assume that their weapons can pulverize them in no time.


I wish 9 beers would fuck me up like that

This, would be so much cheaper.

>he starts talking about killing a twelve pack
>wow I cant believe it
>this is a night of moderate drinking for me

It's not packaged together, doctors just tend to prescribe anti-psychotic meds with benzos for sleep and as an anti anxiety agent.
The prescriptions depend on the case.
Maybe terry was taking low doses of lorazepam,then again even that mixed with 3 liters of beer would knock him the fuck out.

Why the FUCK is Terry drinking beer? This doesn't entertain God and makes him look like a fucking HAM.

>wait until a cop finds him talking like this without a shirt and a beer in his hands
Common site in Las Vegas. Having your shirt off in that desert is weird but not rare. He'd have to get into a verbal confrontation with another person to be seriously addressed by the police.

idk hes really gone downhill every since that metokur video

too many cunts fucking with him


They already stopped him when he was sitting and reading his book

so is Sup Forums not going to do anything about this? just let that metokur cunt get away with this?

I was under the impression that antipsychotics tend to tire out the user, and make them lethargic. Though I guess it makes sense that being tired isn't the same as being able to sleep regularly.

you have no idea how much i hope this legend doesnt become like pic related


>salt and vinegar

he knows whats up


Blue is plain though...

Idk, prob. has police or cop in the title

>Blue is plain though...
> blue

niggas what

We can't

I want to become like Terry

I hope he gets better.. Poor dude :(

Maybe he should start blazing instead of drinking?

>Cracking a cold one
>Talking shit
Terry is being comfy.

despite watching and laughing at the shit he does/says in his videos i do want him to get better too

must be hell being a schizo

we need to do something
WE ARE Sup Forums

He isn't doing anything anymore, tbqh it looks like things went downhill since his patents pretended that Dianna was actually moving in and marrying Terry

i sound like a summerfag don't i

They did ?
What the hell were they thinking.

DESU I laughed way too fucking hard at the CIA nigger meme. What does he actually mean when he says they glow in the dark? Is he Neo?

Wish Terry would follow the Snowden path instead of doing this weird Matrix God shit.

9 beers, wtf is wrong with you yanks?

I'm not sure, Terry's dad is a felon iirc so he's kind of completely passive
Terry's mom looks like a sweet lady but she has kind of mocked him with Dianna and called him noballs, the later videos made her look like not really sweet and more of a cunt
The Dianna ruse was made with little effort by eceleb followers, but apparently it was blown out of proportion by Terry's dad playing along with his internet fed delusions

>you will never be as cool as terry

he has no idea what he's talking about
oh god...

Maybe I can be your girlfriend for tonight, user.
Mom and Dad will be gone all night. They'll never know.

Terry said Sup Forums ruined his purity.

Memes aside, I don't know what to feel. I think I feel bad for him.

Holy shit, Sup Forums ruined Terry's life, this is why you use https-everywhere.

>I think I feel bad for him.
This is what you should feel, he's a genuinely good programmer, ruined by the memes of Sup Forums

Dunno, what makes you think I give a fuck?

America is such a shitty country, in any other place Terry would have good psychiatric assistance.

Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?

>Sup Forums discovers him
>completely fucked up for life

Terry A. Davis is a God tier solo programmer who created a very advanced operating system called TempleOS coded in his own dialect of C called HolyC using his own compiler. He also have schizophrenia, which is getting worse every year.