Sup Forums, do you want to work on something together?

Sup Forums, do you want to work on something together?

An interactive porn thing. It's be cool if we could get some different pics, and have the girl spread butt and stuffs with button clicks. Lets make something great.

NSFW. External site. Don't be mad mods.

Other urls found in this thread:



Yo. Why don't my threads bump?

What kind of bullshit is this.

op can't bump their own thread until a few others have posted in it

Really, since when? Not sure about Sup Forums, but I know /lit/ and /fit/ allows it.

non-programmer bumping for interest

>since when?
a long time idk
>I know /lit/ and /fit/ allows it.
are you sure?

rofl, why is she natty hair tho

Could be cool, eh?

Yes, I'm positive. I sometimes open another tab of the 1st page of board to make sure the thread bumps.

Anyway, what do you think of this ridiculous, yet interesting idea?

That's a cute girl! Can I get some sauce on the picture? Thanks a ton!

i dont understand whats going on, the image is just bouncing up and down?

Only pic I could find of a girl in her position lol

sounds ew i want no part in it

That;s a man baby

Sorry, no sauce. The link is there though.

Yes. But the idea is as if she's riding you. I know it's shit, there's literally only two HTML tags in that. I Was wondering if anyone in Sup Forums wanted to collab on it, take the general idea, and make it cool.

Sorry. Meant the OP

poor man's vr porn? nice, but only if you allow irl loli

>poor man's vr porn

Kek. Yeah, that perfectly describes it.

It's not proper etiquette to bump your own thread, or to bump just for the sake of bumping on slow boards. People on Sup Forums have been using the catalog since before the official adoption.

Like a flash game, but in JS? Should crank out a framework that can be loaded with different images. That way no talent hacks can make new fap games for everyone.

I'll design the logo

There are some html5/JS frameworks out there for games.
I remember thinking that was weird when I played z-type for the first time.
There's probably better and free alternatives.

so, like those flash games where you click on the right arrow and you get a different picture? amazing, groundbreaking, fantastic, i'd even go as far as to say -

This is astonisational! Extraordigious!
This is sensationastic! Incredinominal!
Impresstaggering! Flabbergastonishing!
Movingnificient! Spectaculamazing!
Astoundefying! Boufbowlossal!

What are your ideas for the logo?
Yeah, like a flash game. But better. If we could get the images in a position that appears as if she's really on your dick, all the better.

Maybe we can have user submit girth size and have the image spread the checks according to size, so if user aligned penis to phone, it'd be a perfect ass job.

No. Those are 2D garbage. This will be interactive, 3D, girl will do things in real-time. Thanks for the kind words, though.

In fact, maybe get rid of buttons completely, and allow a user to spread the cheeks with his thumbs/mouse. I don't know about you guys, but I don't think I'd ever get bored while spreading a girl's ass.

i opened this thread because of the girl

Is that a boy?

Captcha: children zone

Me too, despite literally knowing nothing of programming

truly disgusting
i would help but i'm feeling especially unmotivated rn

Dont click, its CP.

You guys are retarded for not reporting this shit.
