/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

Old thread: What are you working on, Sup Forums?

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not this fucking rust shill again.

Is there some simple way to check whether a font supports certain unicode characters on loonix?

I want to learn a meme lang

Haskell, Erlang, Go, Julia

Which one first /dpt/?

>simple way
>on loonix
You're using the wrong OS if you're lookign for "simple ways" of doing things, lad.




yeah I figured. It doesn't really matter since it's only for a toy program

get that terrorist shit off Sup Forums.


but better get better at a real language instead


My dick is hard right now

The OP's image is already breaking the rule, though.


or it is easy?





Why is it so easy to trigger Sup Forums?

That feel when your program is POSIX compliant and Valgrind clean.

>implying only pol finds islamic ideas objectionable

that shit is incompatible with freedom and western civilization

I'm hungry. It's 2:40 AM and it's cold.

So is any religion pretty much.

>no (You)s
>have to resort to replying to yourself and making shit up
It must be a real pain to be you.

What's a good way to learn assembly?

Not programming related.

but Islam is free as in freedom

that's why islamic countries are so free and civilized

> Thread about Programing
> Discussion about Islam

When did Sup Forums migrate to Sup Forums

Hi, I live in Dubai. AMA.

What are you working on?

hey Muhammad, I didn't start this discussion

attack those that post Islamic propaganda

oh wait, that was you

Tech support for a wireless company.

OP is a Sup Forumstard and he's just trying to get people triggered towards muslims.


which is better

if(foo) {


if (foo) {

i've been using the former for years but i'm thinking of making the switch to the latter. the latter seems to be more common in style guides and it's arguably more readable. what do?

Dubai the capital of sex slave trafficking playground of rich savages?

so civilized



i use the latter. Its pretty much a non issue though just use what you like famalam

Can we just go back to making fun of Indian ethnicities instead?

I like the latter. if is not a function.

>getting your panties in a wad over some thots
Can you spell cuck?

Objectively the second. Use spaces after keywords to make your life easier when you're searching for something or trying to run your source through a regexp for whatever reason...

Somewhat new to programming here. Finished my core classes and now I'm moving on to major related courses in uni. I transferred to a better school and now I have to retake the first Programming Principles class.

I need to take a Computational Science class where we use Matlab and all and I've never done a course like that before.

Would I be taking a big risk in taking that course along with Programming Principles and some other non programming courses like Statistics?

No, matlab is fucking easy. It's like python if python was made even more just werkz.

Renge is ok, Komari is objectively the best

neither. Put spaces inside your ().

if( foo ) {

I literally only see pajeets do this.

Ah ok. I was under the idea that matlab was some confusing shit. Thanks user.

no one really cares, don't worry
you might put that open bracket to a new line though, some code quality tools actually consider that a violation

Hello sir?

Say I have three folders in my bare git repo


and I wanna do a manual checkout of a and b whilst slightly transforming the folder structure

checkout a -> ./
checkout b -> ./stuff/

c should not be checked out at all. Is this possible with git or should I just do a checkout and manually rename the folders?

How do I get a muslim gf?

I mean it's gonna be new, and some of it is a bit klunky, but if you're willing to learn and google, you should have no problem. The easiest way to learn matlab is to use it, so use it for all your mathematics for that semester. If you find yourself doing something that feels unnecessarily slow or copy-pastey you can almost certainly do it a better way, and it'll be an educational experience.
GNU Octave is a mostly complete copy of Matlab, so if you need Matlab for your workstation, and your school doesn't provide free licenses, check that out.

>western civilization


Habeeb it

>literally shaming The Sussman by mudslime shit
you need to leave

I've actually already done all of my mah classes so I'm solely able to focus on computer science courses. I'll check out GNU octave stuff thanks

That's very proactive of you. In that case, if you want a bit of a challenge, you can look on StackExchange or Project Euler for difficult math problems, and use those to help learn Matlab. These are just two websites that offer math problems, I'm sure there are others. /sci/ might have more information on this matter.

don't be fat, its haram

>only pol hates Islam!
You obviously live in a wealthy, homogeneous, perhaps even gated area.
>So is any religion pretty much.
Can you substantiate that argument? In the case of Islam, and Protestantism, it is obvious that they can not be practiced in a secular manner and exist along side other groups. Doesn't mean other groups are incapable of secularism.

You stupid kid

long time;



Trying to do the Pythagorean triplet problem in Project Euler.

"A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a < b < c, for which,
a2 + b2 = c2

For example, 32 + 42 = 9 + 16 = 25 = 52.

There exists exactly one Pythagorean triplet for which a + b + c = 1000.
Find the product abc."

This is what I've come up with so far but I only get the result "None" when I run it:

def triplet():
while a

You not using alt-c

>go to an north african country
>convert to islam
>get married
>get back to your country

Sorry for the cancerous formatting. Here's a screenshot of my editor. It outputs "None" with exit code 0.

I don't know which is worse, that font rendering, those colors or the code being python.

short dick;


gucharmap, select a font, select show glyphs only from this font

enjoy getting fired for that line.

C doesn't support supercompilation! What a shitty language. And you fucks like to talk about it being "fast" while it doesn't even support things like map fusion.

yer got to the end of ye old function, never return nuffin

How does 'apply work? I can't see the code with this stupid girl in front of it

I can absolutely not fathom why you'd make an OP like this. The image is supposed to be attractive or funny, on other boards maybe even informative. This one is none of these. Don't start whining when anons make threads with pics of the prophet in retaliation. You asked for this.

Why are b and c like they are?

(if foo

>youtube fucks up music sound quality (even more than plain 128kbps mp3) with shitty volume normalization algorithm
>some videos are still several times louder than others
gee thanks google

It does look cute.

proprietary code do not steal

it takes a function and applies it to a list of arguments.
(apply '+ '(1 2 3 4 5))


Why did lisp have to die, /dpt/?

What functional language should I learn?

All things have their time, and LISP machines failed.

it was made way too early and computers at the time couldn't handle all the high level concepts.

“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”

Ladies and gentleman, the Ameritard.

pysharts BTFO



>lisp is dead
is this the newest meme?

Please provide the full implementation of apply

Dynamic typing sucks. Macros suck. You suck. kys

it was new over 20 years ago...

It's a meme almost as old as Lisp itself.

Not a single lisp dialect is in Tiobe's top 50. That's pretty fucking dead.

Wtf even is supercompilation or map fusion?

things C doesn't support
the reason why C is so slow

undescriptive words that smug haskell weenies spout in hopes of sounding "academic".

This is how SBCL implements it:
(defun apply (function arg &rest arguments)
"Apply FUNCTION to a list of arguments produced by evaluating ARGUMENTS in
the manner of LIST*. That is, a list is made of the values of all but the
last argument, appended to the value of the last argument, which must be a
(cond ((atom arguments)
(apply function arg))
((atom (cdr arguments))
(apply function (cons arg (car arguments))))
(t (do* ((a1 arguments a2)
(a2 (cdr arguments) (cdr a2)))
((atom (cdr a2))
(rplacd a1 (car a2))
(apply function (cons arg arguments)))))))