/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous: Game of Thrones is great edition!

>Not sure what private tracking of goodreads are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to curate and promote the highest possible standards of bookreading initiatives to Sup Forums and its outer demesne by advancing the interests of its readers and concurrently their literacy.

Not sure what books to read tomorrow?: pastebin.com/SLdgTiuc
Wiki for collating book data: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and Infinitely Jest
>This is a thread for educational purposes. Although Powerful Users may occasionally indulge in soma, please do not laugh at them.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users and request invitations to Trantor. His Imperial Majesty Cleon I forbids these requests and individuals who participate in this rhetoric will be shot and killed after a lot of discussion on what is and isn't permitted.

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/gti6d7y2qtg1esl/African American Is an Insult-1iq0L8xwfnI.mp4

first for uhhhh



Another day
Another day with complex anime to watch

>reddit is down
>pooploop is down

This really gets the ol' neutrons firing

Why is AB's search so terrible?

Are there any recruitment threads in RED?

Like not being curry?

sarek on african americans dropbox.com/s/gti6d7y2qtg1esl/African American Is an Insult-1iq0L8xwfnI.mp4

when did bib recruiter last invite people to bib?

Don't question it. They should also have some sort of 'sort by recent' feature.

>neither rutracker, Apollo or PTH has the music I want

Should I just kill myself, or?


But I don't want shitty normie software, I just want to download and throw it in FB2K.

what do you want? i might know someone with access to your favorite music

Toter Fisch.

Why can't Indians into torrenting?

sorry for assuming you had good taste

I just want the fucking album.

Pay the €12 if it's that important

just make a 100 MB request and someone will fill it, that stuff is at bandcamp ffs

what is request.php?

>in a thread about trackers and private torrent sites
>"Why don't you just buy it?"

But I'm lazy.

So what if it's on Bandcamp, doesn't that site make you pay for it anyway? Do people SERIOUSLY care about ratio internet points so much they'd pay money for them?

>Do people SERIOUSLY care about ratio internet points so much they'd pay money for them?


>muh free shit
Fuck off leech

>another day without bib invite

i really hate people like you. it's almost as if you are actually trying to be hated


>Do people SERIOUSLY care about ratio internet points so much they'd pay money for them?
1 GB = 1 USD

it's on rutracker

The magnet says it's 0B. I assumed that means it's broken or some shit.


nigga u probably shouldn't torrent

pooploop is down AGAIN. HAHAHAHAHA


>Web server is returning an unknown error

As if we don't all know

A is pissed about the coup do he BTFO the server

Why does Spaghetti keep bullying Apollo

putting the LOL in APOLLO since 2016

fuck off you pathetic, attention-seeking, piece of shit

You MIGHT have some anger issues, user.

I'm calling it: another 2 weeks of downtime with no announcement

They're moving hosts and implementing features as we speak, user!

if they were, they would have made a prior announcement, user!

That's rather presumptuous of you, user.

>Communicate with their users


yes, there is that. but if this downtime is a planned migration to a new server, surely staff would have mentioned it beforehand?


kyle is on red, too

Only so he can sperg out yelling at zed about anything and everything. That's how I can tell you're new.


>up: 97.32PB

kyle sperging on RED in the past

Barely intelligible

if the server has hiccuped again and if A is not around to reboot it, staff might start the migration anyway as there's literally nothing else they can do.

Is this Kyle character /ptg/'s Chris-Chan?

>not knowing about /our boi/

Fucking neons

does he have some kind of learning disability?

hes smarter then you

pls go back to pooloo, kyle. oh wait...pooloo BTFO!

>migrating hosts
>losing afk sysop
>implementing long promised features
>being BTFO


>new host
>users: 100
>seeders: 1000

guys is readcted accepting apollo refugees? I have ratio proofs... I was elite

>ratio poos

>On poo in the loop

Better just kys user. Just take the fucking interview, like all the other kids.


Figured I'd ask here.

What's a reliable VPN? I want maximum safety when torrenting.

opera vpn



>friendly community



user, do you enjoy being retarded on purpose?


Thanks, better than nothing on my phone and could be used as a proxy at home
Seems pretty well loved, but
Seems to be thelst affordable as well as the most recommended.

Any idea about speeds when using VPNs? I read opera VPN is rather slow.

Take that back.


This is an abomination.

we now know what the next OP must be

apollo moved to the new domain already? anybody please tell me the new address?

Only curry trackers allow VPNs.

Are you talking about using the sites or actual torrenting?


Get a seedbox


no they're not didn't you read the announcement irc.apollo.rip

fuck off serious replies only please

Plan 9 is bloat

sorry, user, i have some rather distressing news for you. pls prepare yourself, be strong.


"Please note that spoilers are strictly prohibited in all BTN channels. For #BTN-GoT, we'll be defining a spoiler as revealing any plot point that people participating in the viewing party would be unaware of. This means that if you reveal something from the end of the episode at 4AM GMT (30 minutes into the viewing party) you will be posting a spoiler. After the viewing party ends you're free to discuss the entire episode. Also note that the TV series may not have included every event yet from the books, so some book discussions may be considered spoilers if it's something not yet covered in the series."

Why would I waste my time participating in a community where safe space shitheads will try to scrutinize my posts to ban me?

Why wouldn't I just pick one of dozens of popular platforms that have live discussion of GoT where the worst punishment I can receive is a ban which can be bypassed in 5 seconds via mac clone and/or browser agent spoofing?

All of these walled-garden safe space forums and chats are trying to keep out the monsoon of reality even as the water level rises up to their windows. People DO NOT GIVE A FUCK about your feelings.

watching stuff that can be ruined by discussing the plot alone must be pretty pathetic

>Why would I interact with other people when I can sit here alone wasting time

why is anybody even watching this redditshit garbage tv show

>If you don't participate in safe space walled gardens where your socjus overlords try to find things to ban you for, you're anti-social
>Having wrongthink opinions means you have no friends, ignore the giant horde of angry anti-progressives, they are fake news

AB is suspending donations for the time being.

>We would like to inform you that we will be closing donations from 29th of July to an unspecified time in future due to uncertainty surrounding BIP 148 UASF and SegWit. More on this topic can be read here: bitcoin.org/en/alert/2017-07-12-potential-split. No alternative donation methods will be available during that time.

why not use another memecoin for the time being?

Yes isn't Monero supposed to be the new dark web darling

tv shows are worse than blockbusters

Truly a masterpiece fit for the ages.