Starting my CS degree in 1 week
What should I expect
Starting my CS degree in 1 week
computer science
Someone post gif
Pomp and snark from yourself.
Zero concern or regards from others.
Being surrounded by people who think they are smug lolis irl but in reality look just like you. You should fit right in.
gay sex
Should've gone with Software Engineering instead.
This. You Will end up doing software anyway
>What should I expect
probable some computer science
To become another furry, waeboo and a kissless virgin.
A lot more normies than you would encounter on Sup Forums.
>tfw you will never be an anime girl
Sausage fest, Sup Forums babbys everywhere, dumbed down programming concepts because they have to start from the Von Neumann architecture
You should expect not getting a job
A lot of maths
A lot of normies complaining about how hard discrete math is.
I got you user ;)
Software """Engineering"""
Lots of cute indians
>undergrad CS
>a lot of maths
You again?! You got BTFO last time in the ML thread, shut the fuck up
Where in the world is there a CS education with little math?
Switch to computer engineering like a real man user, go down to the circuit level
I'm wrapping up my senior year now. I will give you my observations.
Freshman CS courses are massive. They will take place in teaching theaters with hundreds of students.
You will encounter a lot of "I want to make video games" and "I have an awesome idea for new company" (but it's really just a Facebook clone) kids.
The first programming class will weed out 5-10%. These are the people that are incapable of conditional logic and can't wrap their head around basic programming in general.
The "I'mma make vidya gaems" kids are usually these people. They either drop out or switch to some bullshit major like "interactive media design."
Calculus I and II will weed out the next 40%. These are also the weed out courses for engineering students, so expect your calc classes to start huge, but they will dwindle to a maybe 40 by the end of the class.
Then you get to Data Structures. This is like a raid boss for CS students and will weed out the next 40%. It's not a difficult class, but most people are incapable of abstract and theoretical thought so this just kills them.
By the time you wrap up sophomore year, your peers will be few but they are the ones that know their shit (usually. There's also tons of Asians who cheat on fucking everything but that's another story).
Being unemployed in a few years.
'bout 350 undergrads in the wrong program
Oh god what do I do I want to go study for a CS degree next year and seeing things like this make me want to reconsider but I don't know anything else that I could do.
spot on lol
Mostly pajeets and chinks who cheat on every assignment and some awkward white guys. Some of the girls will have cute feet.
Going into my third year, this is pretty close.
A lot of people who think they because they played vidyah gaymes once on a compooter and know wut a gpu is that they are now l33t qualified students for CS.
You go to school to learn retard
wat r prerequisites
Not necessary
Don't most people take their pre-requisites AT college?
Comp eng here, Comp sci is actually a pretty demanding field, but if you make it you'll nab a job user, source: just graduated and all of my comp sci buddies have jobs already
Just make friends with a few good asshats, get in with a prof for some research and intern somewhere and youll be fine
bring lube
Never listen to people online, they bicker about anything, get a degree that excites you.
It takes a lot of time and effort to get the degree and even more time and effort to get and hold a job once you have one.
cute boat
pre remoddel boat was cuter
unemployment at the end of it
pretty close to my experience at uni
to hate that you chose CS. should have gone for networking degree
This isn't true
Only nigger women drop out by data structures