Prove this image wrong

prove this image wrong
protip: you can't


better version

im pajeet but white now due your image macro

thank you sir

cool, welcome to the club, here have a complimentary azn qt

lmao desu

>picturing a nazi as one of the "cool" guys

The true patrician choice is:
>Fedora (but mac is a fine second choice)

>says qt
>posts ugly gook

Agree. Maybe perl/c instead of node.

_your_ choice

>prefers his fleshlight taped to body pillow

Real and true patrician:
[No BOTNET phone]

wtf never even heard of this stuff

Rather buy indusnigger shit than w*sterner shit

Where's Loonix?

>iphone over android
>sublime over vs

>summertime Sup Forums

iPhone is better than Android m8

NSDAP members would've used openSUSE, the German distro, you faggot.

If you are looking for a dick to suck off it certainly is...

Louis C.K. is a firm Android user and advocate.

Still feel the same way, buddy?

What's the thing next to visual studio?