The world wide web was a mistake
The world wide web was a mistake
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Doesn't really come as a surprise to me. W3C or any organization for that matter goes where money flows. MPAA or the fucking EFF, you tell me.
This is actually a good thing. Why don't you actually research it before bashing it?
DRM is never a good thing.
You are genuinely retarded.
How is it a good thing?
>This is actually a good thing
How? Big companies will definitely use this all the time to provide content using DRM only. You'll never be able to buy an actual copy and own something on the internet again.
you are the fucking retard here. Getting fucked in the ass by large corporations, fucking swine
>big company's are not allowed to protect their IPs
>big companies are not allowed to sell their product how they want
ac_add_options --disable-drm
drm.enabled = false
The point is that having it standardized as a part of the web will lead to a future where everything is only accessible through drm.
Even Sup Forums could make you unable to right click save any picture on here.
>Implying I won't resort back to my pdf-anime library and cut off the internet when the corporate finally fucks the life out of the internet.
IP was a mistake.
The only people who have this mentality are self-entitled NEET-tards who are too lazy to work for anything.
DRM doesn't really work as a way to prevent people from accessing content unless the purpose is staving off pirates for a few weeks/months depending on the strength of the DRM measures or interest in the product (Which for certain products is entirely sufficient to be fair). Cracking it may become a legal issue due to DMCA etc but ultimately the rightful consumer of content is the one who gets fucked over as opposed to the one who consumes the content from a DRM free source. The other issue is that DRM may protect something from being used legitimately when laws would permit it such as is the case with fair use.
This is the worst mistake they have ever made.
The internet doesn't forget.
>he just found out W3C supported DRM
>he didnt know they are the ones responsible for adding DRM to netflix/amazonvid/hulu/android/chrome/FF
they are fueld by lobbyists, hollywood, abd cable to enact remote control over our systems
DRM is essentially a sandboxed evironment on your device that they have access to
this allows them to encrypt the tunnel
and their excuse is piracy and screen recording
TV is failing and the industry needs its strangle hold back
Honestly, it's sad but let them. It's impossible to protect your IP with DRM on the internet, the only thing it will do is inconvenience the paying customers and make them pirate the stuff because it's more convenient for them.
>go to cinema
>oy vey goyim i charged you 30 bucks for the movie+popcorn+soda but it isn't enough so here is some ads for you to watch for 15 minutes.
>pay for cable
>oy vey goyim it isn't enough, here are some ads that cuts in the middle of climax in your show. don't forget to watch it through.
>pay for internet
>oy vey goyim i told you it was unlimited but you actually take advantage of my scam business so i am cancelling your subscription or charging you double
>pay for phone
>oy vey goyim the $900 you paid for your phone isn't enough here is a contract that prevents you from suing me so i can do whatever i want (this includes selling your most private data to third parties but you resigned from your rights, remember?)
Fuck corporations, fucking parasites don't deserves any sympathy, let alone any money.
The thing is even if you would somehow get someone on Sup Forums rich and create a pro-consumer alternative, people just wouldn't care and still use the shitty services. Just look at linux or gog for example
how do we fight back
RIP youtube-dl
DRM is weasel-word. It's really Copy Protection.
>implying Sup Forums can actually get anything meaningful done
this isn't Sup Forums
Assassinate Tim Burners Lee
Does drm stop me from capturing my screen?
No, but doing so is now illegal.
outdated interpretation. usually there is more to it. if you give them access to your computers ressources to do "secret" stuff it could be used for encryption and copy-protection but usually since it's not known they'll do what ever they please and usually it's another dick out of nowhere in your mouth.
>webmasters cannot have control over the content they host
>owning your inventions were a mistake
Great. Now we can also have a standardized way to break it.
Awesome, now you can't browse websites or watch videos that require the DRM, internet is becoming a walled garden where only 5 browsers are available.
Good. Maybe after Sup Forums gets shut the fuck down by DRM lawsuits we'll see a better world, not run by closet otaku shut-in antisocialist probably somewhere in the spectrum of autism hikimorio pieces of shit.
Normies don't care. They already pay for Netflix.
Dubs of truth
Let them spend their money, while we enjoy stuff for free. Once a pirate always a pirate!
this is why we need communism
at least normies. It won't stop anyone from Sup Forums as you can just run the DRM in a VM and then you can capture the screen again
eff is against ths meme
Well, since almost every browser today is based on chromium anyway this doesn't matter
I would use gog if they support my currency like stream does :c
>any change the Invisible Handâ„¢ pushed for is a good one
>i don't like open standards
reminder: the location that is used for DRM is obfuscated so we can only speculate what they are doing
they say they are only using it for media rights but they could just as easily utilize your hardware for spying
by design its non auditable
You wouldn't pirate a website
This DRM isn't even supposed to protect software. You're the one who's retarded here.
I guess you enjoy running botnets in your browser to even watch a fucking video.
>You should control webmasters content on their own site
Ho boy I LOVE running proprietary unknown binaries!
>webmasters should be able to control what i do with data that has entered my computer
>webmasters should be able to tell me what i can and cannot do with my own hardware
It isn't running on their site. It's running on your computer.
corporation shill surely is working hard
In case you hadn't realised by now, the majority of freetards have severe fetishes about control and get off on forcing people to do as they please, for free.
>if you don't want me controlling you, you're trying to control me!!!
spoken like a true tyrant
Wait, they're going to distribute these encryption modules as binaries? I hope it will be easy to disable support for them altogether.
Why do companies spend money developing this stuff? Is there a single recorded instance of DRM ever preventing a piece of software or media from being pirated?
Steam somewhat culls pirating.
Some Sup Forumsermin even prefer Steam to DRM-free because muh trading cards and achievements.
>all those shills in the comments
>muh silverlight
i've never even seen this thing, what the fuck are people on about
>muh flash
flash is almost finally gone but now they are wanting to replace it? what kind of cucks...
Yeah but it isn't the DRM preventing people from pirating, it's the service offering a better, more convenient alternative.
Steam culls pirating because it's fairly pleasant to use. Steam has a lot of fucking problems but it's users are for the most part happy, and find using Steam to be convenient.
Well with video games again, Denuvo.
Its designed to bring in first week/month sales and accomplishes it mostly.
Non-video games,Pro Tools
>all those shills in the comments
Jesus Christ, you weren't kidding.
>you should have control over what companies put into their products like browsers
>the browser isn't their product
Companies have always been free to add whatever they want to their own browsers.
So YouTube could become subscription only anyday now. Judging by the fail of YouTube Red that should happen.
>the creator of the browser has no right to add whatever functionality he wishes
>i'm going to conflate webmasters and content creators with the developers of browsers
gambit rejected. try a little harder next time, brainlet
>specification that allows JavaScript applications to interact with DRM modules to handle things like encryption keys and decrypting the protected data
What stops a savvy user from opening a console and using these exact same modules to decrypt the content?
>all three are not implicated in the discussion, and all three should not have the right to implement what they please
>he thinks that i think that writing certain kinds of code should be illegal
You thinking that I'd part of the problem. There is w3m, links and its clones, qutebrowser, and probably some I haven't even heard of. We don't want them to die off.
This. Data hoarding for the day it all goes down. Don't forget to get a libreboot compatible machine as well. X220 should be getting support soon.
I'll just pirate more and pay less, then
If the paid solution cannot provide a better or at least equivalent product I have no reason to pay for any of it
T420 soon too, perhaps?
No reason to upgrade yet, wonder how long I can keep it as my primary laptop.
Steam isn't really DRM per definition. Developers themselves decide what level of integration they want inside their games. Little integration means games can be run without Steam.
Can't decrypt shit without keys.
I use GOG primarily desu. And also buy DRM-free games from humblebundle. Though, I also use Linux.
Make a PayPal account or whatever else they support.
Quints dont lie
5 > 3
It's gonna have to get decrypted at some point. What stops people from capturing it then?
what the fuck is stopping a pirate from just turning on screen capture on full screen mode and ripping it like that
why do companies spend money on DRM? why do they throw money away on a form of software that has a perfect 0% success rate?
By having the stream fingerprinted where a specific user can be considered guilty of distributing content illegally?
That's what he was saying. The MPAA/RIAA can just bankroll policy via corruption. The EFF has very little to spend in comparison.
>i only pay in memecoins, because i can't afford a bank account, credit card or even fucking psc
explain what this shit is for me
browsers are now supposed to hide encrypted data from the user.
i can fire up qstalledmeme right now and type in the search box any show or mive that i want into the built in search neginge and have it within minutes, even shows behind DRM walls like netflix exclusives
how is this form of DRM going to succeed where all others have failed? how is it going to, for the first time in human history, actually prevent a piece of media from being copied illegally?
Unironic this.
what does that mean
It means that it is now possible for legal spyware to infect your PC whenever you go ahead and say watch a movie on netflix. Or to open up a tab on any major news sites, and they don't want you to copy their article for furture readings.
All through the use of your browser. Which if you break it, you will be breaking the law.
You have no control over what's happening on your browser and, by extension, your PC/phone.
Your privacy and freedom are even more non-existent.
You will soon have to pay to visit sites.
This is just the first step towards destroying the internet. It will soon become a fully totalitarian pile of shit.
can't you just install another webbrowser?