If OSes were fast food joints

What would they be?
Windows = McDonald's doesn't count and you will be shunned for unoriginality.

I'll start. Linux: Subway

Indian restaurant where the staff runs around shitting all over and then wiping their asses with their hands before serving you food with a lot of curry added to mask the smell and taste of shit. Infections are common but instead of just going to another restaurant, the brainlets keep coming back trying to prevent illness by taking an antiviral supplement before eating. Full with cameras and other sensors that register everything you do, as well as monitors and speakers playing ads all the fucking time. At any time you might be forcefully removed from the restaurant for their maintenance.

Fine dining restaurant. While it has a clean look and a professional staff who appears to know what they're doing, the food is terrible and overpriced. The brainlets eating here try to justify their mistake of choosing this restaurant by recommending it to all their friends and coming back for more so they don't have to feel like complete idiots. Once in a while the serving sizes are reduced but the price increased.

Homemade food. Either it will kill you or give you an orgasm. It all depends on your skills as an individual.

>Homemade food
Good thing I cook for a living.

>it will kill you
Wouldn't the Indian restaurant be more likely to do this because of the common infections? You'd have to fuck up royally to kill yourself through food.

macOS is A&W.


>Either it will kill you
Pretty amazing family can you have.


Why the fuck would you even attempt to make this comparison? Let me guess, you're American right? Why are you fat sacks of shit so fucking obsessed with food?



Came here to post this


>Amy's Baking Company





>Mac OS
>entry-level Linux
>Arch Linux/BSD etc
Homemade food out of shit ingredients

Quick someone post the computer food comic, I don't have it

>Mac: Gay bar.

>buttmad yuropoor still has to wait in breadlines because muslims stole all the food so they play sour grapes with food quality


you must be fun dude to hang out with

>Indian restaurant where the staff runs around shitting all over and then wiping their asses with their hands before serving
wow i totally didn't see that coming haha hilarious my man!

OpenBSD: Chinese food

I like both.

MAC = Starcucks

>Microsoft Windows
You're all going to get the same thing except with a few small details swapped out depending on how much you're willing to spend.

>Windows Phone
the food table at a funeral

One of those pretentious restaurant featured in that Netflix documentary Chef's Table, where instead of ordering what you want, you just walk in and sit down and they will give you something expensive regardless of what you actually wanted. And you will either like it, learn to like it, or leave. Either way, your pockets are $1,000 lighter.

The same thing as macOS, except to go.

One of those festivals where there are so many fucking different things to eat you could never possibly try them all at least once. It's fun for ten minutes, then it's a pain in the ass.

>every Linux distro that is not Android
Circle K.

That hip new place that's not open yet but everybody speculates about what's going to be inside. Nobody knows.

The funeral for whom Windows Phone's food is served.


Linux would be a bunch of independent retailers offering tailored menus to anybody but only informing you of half the available ingredients and some of said ingredients being out of date, the shop front would vary drastically from store to store and each individual store would have a handful of overzealous loyal customers ready to shit on competitors at a moment's notice. Every now and then a shop would shut for no apparent reason and 6 more would open with marginally different menus but claim to be completely new and never before tried.
Windows would be mumtaz.
Apple would just be mail order soylent.

RIP my sides

underrated kek

>t. Asshurt street shitting pajeet

Fucking accurate


Imagine being so fat you look at computers and see food.

Mac = MacDonald's. You don't really have a choice there.
Windows = Burger King. Same shit but you can add cheese.
Linux = trash bin. It's free.

and then Plan 9 from Bell Labs is like a homeless kitchen. It requires a lot of people and effort to run effectively, and nobody wants to use it

linux is a massive all-you-can-eat buffet with hundreds of quality dishes on a couple miles of serving space ... all for $4.95 and you can fill a couple shopping bags for take home, too.

Mac is an Olive Garden, but at quadruple the price ... however, the walls are decorated with shot-tons of art and you have a bucket of gold-plated forks to use. A 150% gratuity tip is automatically billed to your iPhone every 15 minutes and your server is a 40-year old MILF with massive tits dressed up in a school girl's uniform.

microsoft is being strapped to a wooden bench with a 20-inch didldo covered in sandpaper lodged up your ass while a feeding tube is locked around your face with a lake of rotting pig shit draining into it. But, you get to play gaymemes as long as your mommy's credit card doesn't hit it's limiot.

That "all you can eat for X dollars" Pizza Hut.
Keeps adding gimmicks to the same pizza.
Some pretentious gourmet molecular gastronomy joint where everything is expensive.
Fair trade, organic hipster joint that sell veggie alternatives to everything.
It's a pain in the ass some times, especially among those places where the chef is an autistic ass that won't use anything that's not grown locally, so he can watch the manufacturing process for weird stuff.

golden corral
cheesecake factory
your favorite hole-in-the-wall