I'm going to build a new high-end system in the next year

I'm going to build a new high-end system in the next year.

I've come to terms with the fact I can't use Windows 7 (without doing certain things and relying on bypasses). I should use 10 for security at least.

My question is can you actually control the 34234 ways the system will interrupt what you're doing with popups/forced updates, etc ?

I will not tolerate that shit.

Win 8.1 and disable system updates. Run them when you feel like it.

Windows 8/8.1 is literally the worst Microsoft OS since Vista.

That's win10

nah. Metro is cancer and the UI hacks to fix it are AIDS. You can use group policy to fix Windows 10.

it's simple, don't use that shit

Good job Sup Forums, no help.

the same goes for win10, it need a lot of tweaks and if u block or disable some things the system breaks.

enjoy your candy crush(?)

You've obviously never used group policy. In ten minutes you can disable the majority of the telemetry and bullshit and basically have Windows 7 with an updated UI.

>non issues and placebo

Remove metro then we'll talk

Try linux.
There's next gen filesystems, XFCE to freshen up your work style, privacy/ peace of mind, and we're even getting a substantial amount of vidya ported now.

Plus RHEL distros like CentOS give you 10 years of support if you want to never upgrade and only work with the machine.

Gotta warn you that windows 8/8.1 has performance issues stemming from latency with the inbuilt CPU scheduler with any sort of OpenGL or DX software. 30% performance degradation on average. Had to virtualize it for a while and learned the hard way.

> Linux
> Games

lol no

>win 10
>disable any of the telemetry




Get windows 10 LTSB it's the only one you should use

Yes, just disable updates via group policy and then you can update manually whenever you like. Sup Forums is too inept. uneducated and counter-culture to know this.

I assume you're talking about the start menu, you can turn off live tiles and turn off app updates which stops it from installing junk apps.

You can disable data collection and Cortana with group policy.

No, the problem is ALL the metro bullshit in my face. Theres tons of settings that dont have a desktop equivalent. Most links open metro version by default

I want metro fully seperated from desktop because it does nothing but get in the way

Start menu is ok but I dont like the dumbed down search

Why not just use classic shell?

I think you're talking about Windows 8 m8

Because it doesnt replace the settings app or remove slide to unlock on my desktop computer

W7 works just fine with Ryzen desu

You can disable lockscreen though.

You can't update stuff without bypassing the protection that was added, so that means a cycle has been started where Microsoft prevents it, then a new way is found, and eventually it won't be worth the hassle.

>My question is can you actually control the 34234 ways the system will interrupt what you're doing with popups/forced updates, etc ?
>I will not tolerate that shit.

Only thing I can think of is running it virtually and keeping it offline. Also buying some more expensive version of it might help with options. If you don't want to work for it, you won't have anything close to high-end. Might be some work.

there's literally nothing wrong with Vista as long as you're not trying to shoehorn it into a Prescott P4 with 512mb ram like an idiot. Vista's bad rap came from the fact that everyone selling premade systems when it came out was exactly this kind of idiot.

Fine, then it's the worst since ME. And I'm also forgetting about 10 RT.