So i was looking at this website called, and i found some pretty disturbing stuff

So i was looking at this website called, and i found some pretty disturbing stuff.
not going to greentext this shit because it would break rule 1.
this is some real what the fuck shit. Turns out this guy is a finnish pedo and writes his stories out on this site.
i just wanted good ncurses programs :(

(i posted this in /fglt/ earlier, i am not spamming mods i swear)

Ewww, good find user. That's some next level pedo shit right there.

He seems to be one of those lainchan #childlove faggots.
It's the blog that's supposedly hosted on the lainchan vps?

Appleman is an idiot.

>free speech is only good if it protects MY opinion

t. Sup Forums and SJWs

Dayum nigga. Dat some next level shit. I got a nice boner reading them.

go away nazi

How do you know they're a nazi?

what a great little blog, looks like he only recently started his adventures over the last year

>inb4 FBI

kek i know the person who made the site ask me anything

dont bully him thats my nigga

fuck you op

what do they do

> He seems to be one of those lainchan #childlove faggots.
Yes, I made that channel.

> It's the blog that's supposedly hosted on the lainchan vps?
I have no idea where you got this from.

>free speech is only good if it protects MY opinion
This has been true for all of 4chin for years.

> I got a nice boner reading them.
The older ones which are quite a bit more lewd aren't even
included there. Nice to hear that you got some enjoyment from

> what a great little blog
Thank you very much.

> looks like he only recently started his adventures over the
> last year
No, there are older entries as well but I deemed them too lewd
to publish like this.

> kek i know the person who made the site ask me anything
Kek, I am the person who made the site. You can ask me
anything as well.

I just sort of celebrated 9 months without child pornography
yesterday. This is quite a major achievement imo. I also got a
post about minor encounters of last week that I have written
an outline for, expect that to be published either today or
tomorrow. Also remember to subscribe to the RSS feeds.


really glad to hear you're cutting that habit. mayui says you're doing well!

it's been a while since we've talked. you been up to anything fun?

suoraan sanottuna aika sairaat setit

That's pretty hot

FBI pls

>loonix user
>a pedophile sick fuck
Yup, everything checks out.

Where do you live? Want to go for a beer together?

t. Not Finnish internet police

All the important fun stuff is there in the blog. Other than that my free time has gone mostly to books and IRC.

Jaa. Kuis nii?



I'm not clicking that. What is it?

I often think that those, who have gone this route, often have something interesting to bring on the table.
So, what is your though of freedom of speech, more particularly, the bullshit which is going on in Finland.
There has been some arrest in regards of "hate speech" according to the news. Don't you think it's quite worry some?

A guy describing himself watching little children at the pool and in public