So ETHereum price is crashing down since last week so are we safe to see GPU prices going down in the upcoming days?

So ETHereum price is crashing down since last week so are we safe to see GPU prices going down in the upcoming days?

Not until they're actually back in stock.

My first guess was to say no because all the miners remember when the bitcoin popped and now it's worth even more, so people will save cards and some will offset the crash with buying since it's low price.
But then I remembered that this would require handsight, foresight and 2 whole brain cells. And then I rembered that the average miner is similar to the average stock broker who is similar to the advanced retard and you should get the fuck back to /biz/


not necessarily. It's not just ETH that has to come down, but all the other ASIC-resistant altcoins. Of which there's a lot. Also it has to drop far enough that mining loses money, not just far enough to make it less lucrative.

Doubtful, not in the short term anyway. With a rx480, you used to make over $100 a month, now it's more like $50.

>Doubtful, not in the short term anyway. With a rx480, you used to make over $100 a month, now it's more like $50.
profits halved is a massive hit, along with the potential to lose more
surely there are better ways for minerfags to invest their money now

There's so much demand from non minefags I doubt prices will drop very rapidly. Ok now a rx580 isn't $500, but it still may be $380 or something similar.

>Two weeks ago, someone tried to convince me to mine eth, because I have a Fury X and its "free money"
>Decide that it isn't worth the electric cost and risk of profit going down, having to deal with brokering also, as well as tax stuff
>Price goes down
Could I make money from it? Sure enough. Still don't feel down about it, because this just proves that it isn't all that golden goose worthy.

I can't fucking wait until mining loses profitability and I can buy up all these cheap cards from miners looking to get out.

they won't be dumping cards for as long as it doesn't lose money to keep them running though. Lower profit isn't enough.

yes but they will be far less insentivised to buy them
supply can return to normal, or at lest get much closer I'd hope.

Maybe $65ish? a month, Furry had a decent hash rate. 32ish, maybe? That's 24/7 tho

Pay your condolences here.

If you already have a GPU and free electricity then why not?

>free electricity
No such thing exists on this planet.
It's just a way to either steal from your parents or an institution or whoever you're renting from.
You might as well sneak into your mommy's room, pull out her wallet while she's asleep and pocket $5 from her instead of stealing $5 from her in electricity with shitty meme coins that have no actual value.

>using electricity from the place you're renting is stealing
holy fuck what kind of sheltered fucking retard are you?

Jesus, what is wrong with you people. Do you really not understand that after a massive up a large down is normal? Now is the time to invest, buy coins and cards if you can.

Buy low, sell high.

That's the same as reselling food from an all you can eat buffet, stop pretending to be stupid.

Your fucking retarded



>Your fucking retarded
You are retarded

Nah m8 not him but seriously you're fucking stupid and should probably kms you'areself've