Tell me, within 60 seconds or less why should i care about peering issues between large corporations. (aka...

Tell me, within 60 seconds or less why should i care about peering issues between large corporations. (aka. Net neutrality)

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally no one on this board even knows what net neutrality is. They just know they want daddy govt to dictate how the internet is managed, to protect them from ebil corporations.

Companies cannot be trusted to uphold honest and good practices in nearly any paradigm, and they cannot be held accountable by the public due to the decades-long, multifaceted psyop to undermine the consumer's power.

here's the thing

even if removing NN results in better competition, it will still allow for censoring.

It seems that the arguments both sides are using are completely independent; one side is saying that x, y and z bad things will happen, and the other side is saying that a, b, and c good things will happen. And abc/xyz things are not related...

>we may all end up banned from Sup Forums

You say that as if that's a negative or bad thing, I mean really.

Its pretty simple, without net neutrality pretty much all traffic was handled equally other than Comcast throttling torrents which they still do to this day because it is impossible to prove that they do. Then one day huge streaming services like netflix and youtube were asked to pay their fair share for using half of the backbone bandwidth. Suddenly net neutrality was an important issue or you aunt was going to have to pay and extra five bucks a month for Facebook when this had never happened before. It is just a scam so netflix can get out of actually paying for the cost of their operations.

I would love for net neutrality to not pass so that people will finally dump these shitty Internet corps.

Maybe that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. People are willing to get raped by Comcast paying a shitload for 20Mb down 250gb capped.

you're forgetting how netflix literally offered FREE caching servers for comcast, twc, etc but were rejected
it's not about network usage, it's about double dipping and increasing profits
phone companies dont charge the person who is being called (unless it's an 800#), they charge the person making the call.
the mailman doesnt charge you for receiving a letter, they charge the person sending the letter.
toll roads dont charge your destination, they only charge you for driving on it.
gr8 b8 m8 you got me to respond

Im not American.

We'd be stuck for 4-8 years with it, though, as I doubt Trump will drain the swamp that is the FCC (as if he's been draining the swamp at all...)
>willing to get raped by Comcast
I literally moved several blocks over just because my old house wasn't being covered by Google Fiber. Comcast was my only option (unless I wanted to get satellite internet). If I was a poorfag, I'd still be stuck in my old shithole, with the same awful tech support and unreliable service.
The US needs competition. I'd actually be ok with removing NN if they also made franchise agreements illegal and allowed munincipal ISPs, as then Comcast etc would start to face serious competition

That was my first thought when I saw it

You stupid faggot, who do you think wants net neutrality the most?

Google, Netflix, Rackspace, and other supercorporations that don't give a fuck about you.

>why should i care about peering issues between large corporations.

Nobody will be able to bite at obvious bait on Sup Forums anymore.

That's pretty much the core of the issue.
You either have NN or have actual competition between the ISPs. If you have neither, you end up with everything NN is trying to prevent.

Without a way to end ISP monopolies, you need legislation to stop them from fucking over consumers. There's no inventive for them not to at that point.

If we have to explain it then there's no hope for you. Plus I feel like you only made this thread to watch the Sup Forums and Sup Forums (



reminder: the internet is not USA-only

Fuck you, you're not my mod.

you mean CEO's
engineers just want the fucking network to work in proper order

Sorry I'm watching my favorite Rogers owned sports team play the neighboring Roger's owned sports team at Roger's Arena on my favorite Roger's owned cable sports station over muh Roger's wifi.
What about giant corporations like Netflix again? Are they making it hard for Rogers to make money?

LoL, Engineers just want a high five figure paycheck for as little effort as possible.

glorified tradesmen, the lot of 'em.

Net Neutrality is about stopping cable internet providers from eventually imposing their content tiered system on everyone, which is found in their failing television business model. They HAVE to keep cable television around regardless of how many people are dropping it. They have to squeeze every last dollar from their customers (which at this point is almost everyone that wants to use the internet in the united states.)

You might think it's a meme to assume they will charge you different rates for different addresses you access, but they can absolutely do that. It's entirely up to them if net neutrality is out the window, because they won't be breaking the law.

All traffic should be treated equally.

This is about the united states, bro.

It means (if you live in america) isp's can dictate what you want to view on the internet, they can also freely monitor all your activity and f you do anything illegal i.e. bypassing restrictions, torrenting, you will be pressed for charges or incrimination.

>All traffic should be treated equally.
so the network should get bogged down by everyone using netflix?

For now.

>Then one day huge streaming services like netflix and youtube were asked to pay their fair share for using half of the backbone bandwidth
the consumers pay for that, you enormous fucking retard

It is not bogged down if they invest in proper networking equipment and don't overcommit traffic.

Do not allocate 128GBs of RAM to a VM when you only have 2 available.

>oversell bandwidth
>users use it
>network sucks because i'm a greedy jew

m-muh netflix

If I want to use all my capped data on netflix, i should have that choice. I'm paying for it.

You pay for a certain amount of bandwidth, correct? Like, say, 30 mbit/s.

In that case, it doesn't matter what you use it for, be it 30 mbit/s of Netflix, games downloading at 30 mbit/s, or just browsing Sup Forums.

Data is data, it's not any bigger whether it's 1 gig of ebooks or 1 gig of streaming movies, and you're paying for that bandwidth.

Look me in the face and tell me

Was not enough to upgrade their existing network infrastructure.

nn allows qos control, just not throttling due to arbitrary policies and politics

god you americans are so fucking simpleminded and slow

roads allow all cars to drive on them, all under the same rules. that doesnt mean there cant be traffic lights

If you are a normie who only uses the most basic of social media sites (Facebook, Reditt, etc.) you will probably benefit.

Those of us who use Sup Forums and other things that are more niche will be forced to pay more just to go about our business.

Anons will lose and have to pay for normies to be normies.

Cast your vote

>upgrade everything to fiber
I'm hoping that means adding in fiber and not ripping out perfectly fine copper phone lines

>Companies cannot be trusted to uphold good and honest practices
And the government can?

Since they don't directly profit from the internet like businesses do, yes.

this is such a false equivalence, I can barely come up with a response you might understand.

the government has REGULATORY CONTROL.


the government's REGULATIONS are what prevents the ISPs from having ABSOLUTE CONTROL.

there is a very stated difference.

I can't even trust the government to put in a road in a timely manner
a good example of public/private ISP's is click! in tacoma washington

Honestly hope it passes so the Americans start their own cyberpunk dystopia while the rest of us watch.

>The government can be trusted to uphold good and honest practices
You have to be 18+ to post on Sup Forums.

I want to repeal net neutrality now wth

>fuck net neutrality
>mobile posts

>it will still allow for censoring
>censorship isnt already happening on the top sites

>so the Americans start their own cyberpunk dystopia
It began long ago my friend. Americans have brainwashed themselves to follow two identical parties while the corporations enslave them, slowly bleeding the middle class dry and creating nothing but a college educated slave race.

This is the future they have chosen, there is no going back. The rest of the world can only hope that the corporate army spares them from freedom and capitalism.

Fun fact, those top sites are privately owned and thus don't have to broadcast your opinion.

Same with ISPs

thats why nothing is going to be different.

ISPs are, or rather should be, a utility like a phone company. Imagine a phone company cutting your call short because your opinion doesn't line up with theirs. Unthinkable, no?

A utility is different from a social media site. There is a very large, very clear distinction here.

Because it fucks the consumers over and gives companies more profit in an already monopolized market.

This is true. These major companies have been supporting NN for years. I don't know how they profit from it though and would like a genuine explanation. Please and thank you.

Netflix is the easiest one to explain. The separate ISPs all have connections to large cable companies, who are losing ground to Netflix fast. If ISPs get free reign, Netflix will be throttles out of a distance in favour of cable.

As for Google, some ISPs have tried redirecting customers from Google to their own affiliated search engines because ad revenue is lucrative stuff.

The final one I don't know a whole lot about but the general trend is that if ISPs get their way they'll favour affiliated services to the detriment of their customers. This also hurts these specific customers.

Neither can the government. So what's the real solution here?

>throttles out of a distance in favour of cable.
*throttled out of existence. Yes, I'm a phoneposter

>Netflix will be throttles out of a distance in favour of cable.
Or they'll do the smart thing and cut a deal with mobile internet providers to offer cheaper plans for phones and tablets and undercut the cable companies even further.

That's exactly the point, I don't know what you don't understand. Nothing in NN lets the government throttle the internet. All it does is give them the power to smack any corporation that tries. If the government wanted to throttle, NN doesn't let them do that. I don't know where you got the idea that it does.

I think throttling is the least of my concerns with all this.

It gives the government the power to smack down any service provider that isn't meeting the standards it decides on. What happens if those standards change? What happens if the next administration decides that certain sites and services are harmful to network neutrality?

It's easier to give the government power than it is to take it back.

so the ISPs will just continue lobbing as they do now, cool

Yes, because restructuring their business to target only mobile devices is a viable strategy.

Also, all the biggest cellular carriers offer TV packages. How receptive do you think they'll be to competition?

Oh shit, well that sucks. Even without NN though, wouldn't there be businesses that made sure their model was no throttling, just to quickly grasp the brunt of the market? That seems very likely to me. Of course I'm not sure how well that would work with traffic, so for argument's sake, let's call it a bunch of local companies via county instead of say city or town.

>standards it decides on

Yeah, "All traffic must be treated the same". That's the standard. If the government changed it, they'd be violating their own law and it would be the easiest thing in the world to detect and whichever political party that wasn't involved would eviscerate the other.

I don't know what part of that offends your precious little feelings, but if you can't handle that, maybe go back to your AOL keyword sites. I don't think you understand what NN is or even how the internet works or even how the government functions outside of what InfoWars tells you.

>Even without NN though, wouldn't there be businesses that made sure their model was no throttling, just to quickly grasp the brunt of the market?
That sounds like a wonderful solution but then you're looking at a new company springing up across the entire US, or as you put it, a whole bunch of companies, which means a MASSIVE investment in infrastructure. That's not likely to happen. Even if it did, net neutrality is a good thing here as it doesn't raise the barrier to entry, it just limits fuckery once you achieve market dominance. Rarely ever has an issue been so simple and yet so clouded by corporate lobbying.

Only only people not in support of NN are the ISPs. (aka the people who will benifit the most out of this bullshit).
Of course internet companies like netflix and google will be in favor of keeping the internet open.

All net neutrality does is protect the users of american ISPs, it's not affecting everyone

>If the government changes their law they'd be violating the law
I'm not sure you understand how laws work. When a law is changed, the old version of the law stops being enforced.

If the federal government under a future administration redefines the standards enforced by the FCC, the old standards no longer apply.

>only people not in support of NN are the ISPs
Comcast and Time Warner are two of the biggest public supporters for this whole Day of Action thing.

That right there should tell you everything you need to know. It's about as trustworthy as a pedophile announcing "penis inspection day" at a local kindergarten.

for fucks sake Sup Forums (and everyone else on the internet) used to oppose the fuck out of this shit.
it wasn't until "muh free markets" and "muh trump" Sup Forums faggots came along that people started to actually give people shit about supporting net neutrality.

>Google, Netflix, Rackspace, and other supercorporations
As opposed to the poor mom & pop cable companies, amirite? Fuck Netflix for thinking they can get equal treatment, greedy megacorp.

>Comcast and Time Warner are two of the biggest public supporters for this whole Day of Action thing.
Hahaha no they're not. They're saying they support "open and free internet" while opposing the law that makes the internet open and free. They're concern trolls and doing it for publicity.
>for fucks sake Sup Forums (and everyone else on the internet) used to oppose the fuck out of this shit.
This is a troll post, right? Or do you honestly live in your own little bubble, thinking that this is just something anyone with more than two braincells is doing to spite trump? This doesn't even involve trump, this boils down to a simple debate; should ISPs be allowed to throttle traffic at will without oversight?

companies do whatever they have an incentive to do my dude
hate the game devs , not the player

It's amazing how propaganda works. These elites have got you against regulation to keep net neutrality in tact just because the nigger president's party was the one that claim victory to protecting customers.

That's exactly why they called the bill Net Neutrality. It makes it easier to mislead people on what's being debated.

Banned for how long?

so much for your freedom
get cucked muricunts

left wing fear mongering:
>you'll get banned from Sup Forums

right wing fear mongering:
>you're literally trapped on Sup Forums forever

wonder which one is more effective


don't you wish lol

Laugh now until your country does the same shit. You won't be laughing when it comes.

God I miss kids on the street kids on the beat beat kids beat kids

America will burn the world before they fall. If America or China falls they're going to take the rest of the world down with them.

God I can't wait until NN is stripped and Sup Forums is banned via DNS and prevents all you fucking braindead Sup Forumstards who can barely boot their computer, much less form an opinion that wasn't forged in the asshole of a mongolian cartoon factory, from accessing this website.

nice fear mongering user heres your UPBOAT

It doesn't matter, America is not a real democracy so no amount of whining will do anything.

>armchair politic enthusiasts on the internet think they can fight the FCC and all of congress

Two wrongs don't make a right. If Net Neutrality is dealt with then the issues with how the internet is handled in this country can be addressed directly. Otherwise it's just another layer of bullshit that needs to be addressed.

Furthermore removing net neutrality would force internet corporations like Netflix to compete against ISPs, which could have interesting results on its own.

There aren't amazing reasons to oppose NN, but I have yet to see any reason to actually support it, probably in no small part because the people shrieking about it are just randoms that facebook, twitter, and reddit (all of whom have endorsed NN) have stirred into a panic.

Does anybody else want this to happen?
>the year is 2020
>AT&T offers continues to offer tiered, capped DSL at a price greater than equalibrium
>Krazy Bob's ISP begins to offer unlimited, non-tiered DSL at $8 monthly
>AT&T declares bankruptcy citing loss of customers
>Krazy Bob achieves 90% market share. Merges with IBM. Shareholders make millions

Didn't ibm have links to Nazi Germany? If so then yes absolutely

I'm inclined to disagree.
Not having NN doesn't inherently make ISPs start competing more.
>"Hey, 'competitor' CEO, you hear that neutrality thing's dead?"
>"Oh, yeah. I'm gonna set up some speed fees for everyone I'm not directly in business with. You?"
>"Haha, same! Think we should change our coverage borders any time soon?"
>"Nah, who's gonna notice people've only got one choice?"
>"Well yeah, but I meant people who actually matter."
>"Oh. No-one, of course."
>*rich laughter*

>land of the freeeeeeeeee

its honestly bad, the jews know that if we're allowed to come together and form a hivemind it will destroy theirs.

we cant have that now can we goyim?

>free market
Would be great. Too bad we don't have one.


Because it effects you


I don't know shit, but I know two things about it
>MSM attention to the issue is somewhat strange, considering that last year they didn't run news about it as the rate that we see now
>america needs a way to give more freedom to anyone that wants to run a ISP
>google wants to keep his monopoly on internet ads

All of this seems so pointless. If the big companies that want to keep the net neutral (aka Google) can't beat the likes of Verizon, Comcast, Time Warner, just what the fuck are we supposed to do?

I care but honestly there's not a damn thing I can do

Competent government that would be great too bad we don't have one

>the year is 2020
>AT&T offers continues to offer tiered, capped DSL at a price greater than equalibrium
>Krazy Bob's ISP begins to offer unlimited, non-tiered DSL at $8 monthly
>AT&T contact his favorite government lobbist and presses bogus charges against Krazy Bob
>Krazy Bob has to declare bankruptcy after getting a sentence that forbids them of conducting regular business anywhere on this hemisphere
>No news of it will be ever posted because those media outlets aren't part of your data plan

>or else we may all end up banned from Sup Forums

I really want nothing more to be honest.