How does one effectively categorize his reaction image folders?

How does one effectively categorize his reaction image folders?

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Threadly reminder that net neutrality is for commies

you remind this in every thread?

Consider suicide.

>How does one effectively categorize his reaction image folders?
Just use tags.

>he wants ISPs to cuck him

thousands of images in a single directory, organized solely thru tags

I can't search by tags on windows.
Also I wish there was a better filepicker.

You don't. All shall be chaos.

does thunar do that?
i wouldnt want to lose my tags with whatever file explorer i use though

>He doesn't own an ISP.

This is an 18+ image board is that way ----->

mamalls with the mamals and snakes with the snakes. sometimes things aren'that easy though

Stay mad, consumer.

>not having all images in a few massive folders saved with Sup Forums's filenames organized by alphabetical/numerical order and remembering roughly what period you saved them in and knowing roughly where they are in relation to other saved things

Fucking casual.

tagging is superior to directories

faster search and set operations
instant reordering
no need to force a hierarchy where there is none
attributes describe the file not the file name

This is what I do but out of laziness.

>not remembering a few keywords you made in the post that used a certain reaction image and then searching Sup Forums archives and redownloading it, and deleting after you post it

dunno, probably to some extent

stick to 100 or 200 reaction images and sooner or later you will memorize the location of them

Is there a GNU/Linux file manager that can do this?

booru software and multiple tags

yeah dawg just do

echo "tag1 tag2 tag3" >> file

and to search do

tail -n1 * | grep -i tag

haha jk, use a real OS like OSX and you'll have tagging built in

Post em

yeah most of my reaction pics are on windows where it isn't convenient. I should sort them again once I move everything but I'm not even sure I can do that on pcmanfm. Kinda lazy too, I have a fuck ton of them

there needs to be universal standard for this shit

right now my email client is a better file system and that ain't right

its too late to go back and tag them all
i just have a good idea of where they are now

best way to sort through and organize a large existing collection on windows is the irfanview thumbnail viewer. it lets you set up hotkeys for moving to multiple folders, so after you set it up it's literally going down this list highlighting and hitting a hotkey to move stuff where you want it

Get fucked, frogposters. gb2/b.

You don't.

>pic related
I've accepted my fate. This is my life now. It's a never-ending misery...



anyone suggest linux image sorting software?

or mass renaming to random word variables?

dumb frogposter

here ya go

Not finishing and shipping WinFS is apparently one of Bill Gates' biggest regrets in programming.


i didnt expect a actual response

thank you very much!

that's my Sup Forums folder.

I'd rather not have a folder named "Sup Forums" in my main directory, with the possibility of it triggering some uninvited party to further scan and deeply inspect my machine. there are agency(s) that often do huge scans and ingest the public's metadata - in MASSIVE amounts.

And let's say just because they simply pinged the keyword "Sup Forums" , their (((scripts))) may or may not toggle a marker on my client/fingerprint (these are typically used to identify targets for when you come back later -- for deeper inspection, malware payloads, etc).

Don't worry though... all of this is automated of course. And they ingest so much data they don't know what to do with it. As long as your not a literal terrorist you got nothing to worry about lol.

The only reason I say "Sup Forums" might be used as one of their keywords is due to the recently uptick of hateful, threatening rhetoric that's spewing out of Sup Forums as of late.

People don't care you browse Sup Forums and look at trannies tbqh. I only take precautions like this due to my security clearance. Risk management and opsec habits are ingrained in my way of life, haha.

I just use our designated botnet.

>Not just saving the entire download folder each year, removing any non images, and putting it in your image folder renaming it the year it was taken in.
It's like you don't enjoy viewing trends and fads change on Sup Forums. It makes it useful finding dead memes from days gone by. This is what we used to call image macros, the normies have long since appropriated these under the umbrella term of meme.

Then get off windows, they're stealing your memes via the botnet

I thought you could do it in windows?


I love when burgers get cucked by corporations. Really highlights that freedom

Throw everything on a folder called "reactions"

dolphin but you have to be on kde to experience it

I rename my images, then put them into directories for board specific ones plus a general folder

Not so big.

I keep my reaction pics in a single folder and run a script that assigns them all a randomly generated 13-digit filename as and when. The thumbnails make it easy enough to find what I'm looking for at the time of posting. Might give some sort of tag system a go, though, after reading through this thread.

I see you haven't grown out of reddit-spacing though, or is that also part of your opsec?

Kinda wish I would have put the date when I saved the images in the file names. Similar effect, but more order.

Here is the great irony of the whole reddit-spacing thing. It's actually Sup Forums spacing. It predates reddit and was used on Sup Forums first. You guys are literally too young to actually know this and the userbase has grown quite rapidly during your time, enough to drown out old memes. Your generation is not actually conscious. You are entirely unaware of the real history because you were not there for it, so you look to Reddit, which actually inherited it from Sup Forums, and you confuse where it came from with where you are seeing it now.

It would be like going to America, eating spaghetti, going to Italy, eating spaghetti, and then saying "lul American cuisine". You are all confused children and just do not really know what you are talking about or even understand where things come from.

But the spacing itself was born from Sup Forums, largely because of how poorly walls of text display and because it was easier to read that way. If you doubt this, just take a look at the Stanford Sup Forums archives from 2008.

While yes, Reddit existed in 2006, but no one from that time period would have used it. Meanwhile, Sup Forums had existed for several years at that point and the spacing convention had already been adopted. You guys were just not there, I was. I can prove this if I go through that archive, find my old tripcode, and show that spacing convention in use even then.

Well I have to consider myself schooled then.
However I think most people who use it aren't from that time though, but rather are used to reddits posting were you have to double newline for it to count as one newline.