What DE do I use if I like KDE but hate how fucking buggy it is?

What DE do I use if I like KDE but hate how fucking buggy it is?

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lxqt literally uses the same theme layout and color schemes but with half the ram and no glitches, i'd try it if you like kde's aesthetic.

XFCE or KDE on anything that isn't KDE Neon, like openSUSE

Trying right now, I'm very picky though so I hope I like it.

I use antergos and am starting to get freezing and always get prompts to use KDE wallet.

>using anything based on arch and expecting it to work

>I use antergos
don't use a timesink os then

I only ever have problems with KDE though.

>I like KDE but hate how fucking buggy it is?
windows 7/8.0/8.1/10

I switched to XFCE on my laptop. It's ok. I miss KDE sometimes when I use it, but I like how much faster it is.


It's not 2014. anymore.

Alternatively you can use openbox inside of kde and that will get get rid of all of the WM and compositor related bugs and save a bunch of ram.

KDE works fine with Arch

kde plasma is nice. try debian

if you guys have problems with any major DE it's your problem. they all work fine. Xfce, KDE, Cinnamon, MATE, Budgie, whatever... they all work fine. how stupid are you if you can't point and click at shit? the best one is Cinnamon btw but like i said, if you have PROBLEMS using any of them you're a fucking nigger

Fedora 26 is the most bug free distro I've used so far. Even the beta was bug free.

Use it on debian 9

I'm thinking of moving to KDE because Unity is about to be kill...

Trying it in a VM, and performance isn't worse than other DE's

i really like deepin, havent failed me yet

xfce with kde libraries

I don't know. They literally all fucking suck. Kde is the best. Xfce is second best but is way too outdated and feels like a dinosaur.

How do you even get the Dolphin file picker in KDE on firefox?

Use whatever you want but add kde libraries so you dont have dependency issues.

>so much bait in a single post
well at least it gets people to attempt to use linux

kde issues after just one week with arch:

> every time you change wallpaper the entire session crashes and restarts

have to hit "Log out" / "Reboot" multiple times to actually take effect from start menu

Various steam games will randomly break Kwin and have no boarders.

Various steam games open on wrong monitor with graphical glitches

Various steam games black screen and crash the whole system.

When using the QT filepicker fix for Firefox on KDE, i sometimes have to hit Browse > upload multiple times for it to actually select the picture....

cant resize steam window (random?)

alt+tab behavior is laggy and not immediate. need to hold button?

multi-monitor behavior is shitty. the display settings dialogue is glitchy and Cloning/Unify is generally buggy and broken.

certain applications open in fullscreen/maximized?


> Implying

every time you change wallpaper the entire session crashes and restarts

have to hit "Log out" / "Reboot" multiple times to actually take effect from start menu

Various steam games will randomly break Kwin and have no boarders.

Various steam games open on wrong monitor with graphical glitches

Various steam games black screen and crash the whole system.

When using the QT filepicker fix for Firefox on KDE, i sometimes have to hit Browse > upload multiple times for it to actually select the picture....

cant resize steam window (random?)

alt+tab behavior is laggy and not immediate. need to hold button?

multi-monitor behavior is shitty. the display settings dialogue is glitchy and Cloning/Unify is generally buggy and broken.

certain applications open in fullscreen/maximized?

Chromium has proper File picker - but asks to be 'Default browser' every single time, no matter what.

literally less than a week of usage.

Linux sucks ass. Don't bother.

I use kwin in Lxqt

>having such a shit computer it cant run KDE
Cmon m8

does kwin have specific features that you need or something? Why not stick with openbox?
Rolling release distribution with no QC and a community repository compiled by 12yr olds
>waaah why is everything broken!?

Where does this whole "HURR DURR KDE IS BUGGY" meme come from?

I switched to KDE plasma 6 months ago. Coming from GNOME and GNOME extensions I got to say that KDE plasma is smooth like butter compared to GNOME and all the buggy extensions bundled with it...


KDE has been buggy early in every major version, apparantly KDE4 was so buggy early on that everyone stopped using it, which is why gnome is defacto for many distros. Now that Plasma5 is more aged its a bit more stable, however i still get plasmashell crashes every once in awhile due to nvidia proprietary, but it never doesnt recover.

In reality the true buggiest DE is cinnamon.

use a window manager

Here is a few options:
1) report bugs or upvote them so they get prioritized.
2) fix bugs yourself
3) work around it by using the parts that actually work and stop relying on the parts that don't
4) keep KDE as updated as possible
5) use something else.

KDE 4.

KDE is super resource heavy though. Literally can't use it on my T420

>pixel width borders

Steve Jobs wouldn't let degenerative garbage like this happen if he were still alive

>the best one is Cinnamon btw


You'll need to install some extensions though otherwise it will be shit.

But he wants a more stable DE.

GNOME Is more stable, I've tried both KDE and GNOME on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and GNOME excels.

Also, now that Ubuntu is moving to GNOME expect GNOME to be much more stable.

I like KDE a lot. And I also find that openSUSE is fairly stable with it. But it's kinda sluggish, also openSUSE somehow takes a fuckton of time to boot compared to other distros. It just works so fine.

I use vanilla Arch and KDE works wonderfully and is essentially bug free.

You clearly didn't try running games on it

Yep. Cinammon is a fucking disgraceful mess that shouldn't exist. Most of its "desklets" and "applets" don't work or are really buggy.

I like it but it takes literally 5 mins to reboot