Serious question: Is there even a DE that can compete with GNOME? I don't think so, but prove me wrong

Serious question: Is there even a DE that can compete with GNOME? I don't think so, but prove me wrong.

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>dude apple lmao

Way to make it look as bland as humanly possible

It can't even do a global menu right

KDE plasma is the most complete desktop (see word 'desktop') out there. Good desktop is supposed to be modern and fully capable to perform daily tasks yet customizable for every user's needs.

There's no other desktop that does this as well as KDE does. At least at the moment.

And don't try with that gnome bullshit. Gnome extensions are buggy as hell.

Yes, every other DE is better (except for Unity).


GNOME is White man's desktop environment.

>kde user calling something buggy
oh the ironing

XFCE masterrace

Shit that's hot

Implying there are any other races that use loonix

Is this KDE with a different window mananger configured? If so, which one is it?

What did you use for the tiling?

>Gnome extensions are buggy as hell.
I've yet to find an extension that doesn't work properly, but then again, I'm using the latest Gnome version. Maybe issues pop up when using an older Gnome version with an up to date extension?

How did you do this?
( Fellow KDE User )

looks like kwin to me. Smooth animations like that aren't possible with compton and the lightweight window managers don't have that either.
probably a tiling script from leddit.
There is also another one on github, just search with known keywords.

It's the default WM (KWin)

I'm creating a script. It's already perfect for my personal use case but I need to fix a shit ton of bugs before I can really share it with people.

gnome is pure pajeet

Pretty cool man, do you have a github?

I hope you can figure out how to apply changes to the config on the fly instead of restarting or re-enabling everything manually., don't bully. Besides a shitty attempt at gamedev (Lua), I've never programmed anything. I'm having fun and I'm learning a ton of stuff.

Totally doable. I've been at it for ~9 days without much prior knowledge of anything andI'm progressing quickly. After I've nailed the multi-screen problems I'll get down to it.

It's a buggy mess but if someone wants to try it nonetheless, feel free to post issues and I'll fix them as soon as I can.

Satutko puhumaan suomea?


Ootko sie ollu yhteydessä KDE plasma tiimiin? Olis hieno homma jos KDE tuo siun scripti saatas jossain vaiheessa liitettyä natiiviksi osaksi KDE:tä.

Täytyy myöntää että oot kyllä tehny erittäin hienoa työtä tuon scriptin kanssa.

Literally every other DE

KDE, Xfce and LXDE are better.


>White man
>being so poor he can't afford windows or macos
sounds about white!

What terminal?

This I often try out the different DEs but always end up going back to xfce for my main.


>be Gnome when Windows 8 comes out
>have golden opportunity to increase desktop share because of fucked up Windows 8 interface
> Cripple interface in the exact same way

Do you intend to publish this script via I have noticed that most widgets and scripts don't actually update, even though they said they did and I have to wipe them manually and re-add them to get the newest version. It could be good for you to keep that in mind when you do.
That other tiling script didn't survive the porting to plasma5 at all and is basically broken now. The maintainer has no clue how to get that working because his "stable" distro kept him on on an outdated plasma version where it works for years to come. I hope you don't burn out too fast with this.

Ei oo käyny mielessäkään vielä. Aloittelin omaan käyttöön tekemään sitä viime viikon alussa ja jäin koukkuun tuohon koodaamiseen.

Tällä hetkellä vielä niin buginen, etten oikeen kehtaa muualle linkata kun tänne. Monen näytön setuppi kusee vielä aika paljon, kun ei oikeen ole toista näyttöä millä testailla. Aika paljon koodattavaa vielä ennenku kehtaan muualle linkkailla tai miettiä pidemmälle.

I will publish it via when I've fixed most of the bugs. I don't want to publish a script that lacks features or breaks every now and then. I started it last week with barely any programming experience and it's still so early. I love working on it and I am learning so much. I will definitely keep working on it on a daily basis and release it when I think it's """ready""" to be used by """"regular"""" users.




Sorry to be unclear, but I was talking about the "get hot new things-whatsitcalled" integration from kde. It is not updating some components correctly. I think icons and plasma themes work properly but scripts and widgets pretend to update when one clicks update but it doesn't reflect it in the files at all. I'm not sure if it is a packaging problem from the tarball or if the integration part fucks up but it has made managing things from a nightmare. Please take a proper look at this with a version bump or something to see if your script gets affected by it too.

Thanks for your work pal. I will wait patiently for a release.

I live in middle east but I use linux

Tilix. It says it right there in there in the screenfetch.

Thanks user. I am retard

Ohh, I know what you mean. I've never tried to download anything through KDE GUI (or but once I upload my script there, I'll make sure it updates just fine (if it's even possible).

The whole KWin Scripts-section of the store seems to be quite dead. The "freshest" script has been updated five months ago.

what icon theme?

Can you build an updater into the script? It would be cool to circumvent that buggy mess from the store.

Yeah, that's an option. I'll have to look into it once I make the script available. Shouldn't be too difficult.

I'm wondering, are there any other DEs with something like this?

I literally switched to KDE for this. And it works quite fine. I like having this hybrid.

the only thing GNOME excels at is wasted screen space

There's one for GNOME. I've never tried it and I don't know if it's any good but it's way bigger than mine in terms of codebase, contributos and age. The guy behind it seems to be an actual programmer too.

Also, if you use the script post report bugs and post suggestions in the issues-page. Don't forget to do the keybinding (the one excluding windows is important, I'm thinking about making a key for excluding a whole virtual desktop too).

Good luck, boi.

Ohh and the one for GNOME is called shellshape.

>I've yet to find an extension that doesn't work properly
k, caffein - doesnt work at all breaks powersave, recent items - crashes the shell, there are surely more but i dont into extensions
although nice it's just a bad idea to rely on 3rd party

k lets settle this once and for all
gnome is good desktop
kde is good configurable desktop

Next week (I'm waiting for a new PC build) I'll make some use and I'll be sure to test shit out.

By the way I must say that I like your solution better than shellshape.

I wish proper tiling would be baked into kde.
Even windows gets cool tiling features nowadays and when the next wave of windows refuges comes they will wonder why linux has no proper hybrid tiling window manager.

I disagree. I used Windows 8.1 for a long time and it would tile windows just fine, stack them and all. Didn't have problems with window size.

And nowadays I do the exact same thing on Windows 10 and half of the windows have a different size. So that's worse.


alright you fucking dumb idiot

I prefer the real thing

Man, I wish linux fags would take a bite off of that contrast and apply it to their ugly shit. Fuck this arc/numix meme.

>tabbed Finder

pls tell

...? Finder has been supporting tabs for quite some time.

You know, this makes me think about how many people just completely ignore the features of certain software as long as there is something they dislike. I'm currently in openSUSE, but macOS has a fuckton of features that people don't even know about.

Linux has a shitload of pajeets. Check YouTube. They swarm over anything free and shitty.

That's because macOS has had more features and better usability than modern Windows since fucking Snow Leopard. Every major release they add literally hundreds of small and granular changes and features. Its very hard to keep up with them and you can only really know it by solidly using it for no less than 4 months.

Go on, show us the menu with the FUCKHUEG kiddy toy touchscreen icons.

idk, it just werkz. came with the official build.
also not sure which update rolled it out.
>I'm a first time Mac user and only had my lappy for 2 weeks

I'm like a babby!

Hej, mig Dansk compis.

Cmd+T opens tabs... just like a web browser.
wait till you discover tags...

>Serious question: Is there even a DE that can compete with GNOME? I don't think so, but prove me wrong.- 67 posts and 6 image replies shown.
GNOME is fucking garbage. It's a still-born touch interface that sucks shit as a regular mouse-driven DE.
GNOME devs have, over years, removed all the power-user features.

If you're stuck with Linux, use Cinnamon or Xfce.

Are you retarded?

I hope you get killed by some Americans you worthless parasite.

I just tried it and it fucks up my workspaces, they just dissapeared.