I'm so fucking tired of Windows 10's metro shit UI. Is there any way to run GNOME3 on Windows?

I'm so fucking tired of Windows 10's metro shit UI. Is there any way to run GNOME3 on Windows?

Switching to Linux isn't an option. I am dual-booting Arch Linux, but I find myself rebooting back to Microshaft land very often since Linux wont satisfy my needs even with Wine.

Any ideas? :( :( :(

kill yourself

Yeah fuck you too man.

There is a stupid questions thread for a reason. Use Google. Sup Forums isn't your personal tech support. Pick one and fuck off

New to Sup Forums. Didn't know there was a thread already, but I'm here now. Didn't find anything on Google, so this is out of desperation.

The answer is no. You cannot use gnome on Windows. Learn to use Google and read the rules of this board

>>install 8.1 with classic shell
use linux in a VM so you dont have to switch at boot.

also no. Gnome3 will now work with M$ shit


Run Linux with Windows on a VM, if you have a dedicated GPU you could set up passthrough.

Install Gentoo


Stop fucking lying to the kid. You CAN run X-servers on Windows. It's entirely possible but it requires an exceptional level of autism that you certainly do not have if you're posting this kind of threads.

Just install classic shell.

You can even make it look like win7, or XP.

>since Linux wont satisfy my needs even with Wine
just stop gaymen or spend 20 minutes getting your passthrough shit working or whatever


I've done it, ages ago, and ran Windowmaker on my Windows box back in the early 2000s when I had one.

Windows Free since 2005 here.

>Arch Linux
install gentoo

Why are you going back to Windows?

Vague concern shill pajeet-y reasons, such as his needs being unsatisfied.

The trick with a good bait thread like this is to be vague, or people will offer helpful technical solutions to OP's nonexistent problem.

The idea is to provide a believable social momentum here on Sup Forums, the place where we autists are now giving up Linux and OpenBSD and Plan9 so we can compute more efficiently with Microsoft's ground breaking new Windows 10.

That's some funny shit because there are studies done that all the astroturfing attempts do is harden existing opinions, giving rise to whatever flavor of hivemind already existed on the site.

>Is there any way to run GNOME3 on Windows?

>implying anyone would fall for this bait

not OP, but this can be much harder than it sounds

Only hard if your hardware can't support it. i.e. AMD GPUs fucking up

I don't know man, I've been wrestling with this for days, and slowly keep finding out about a lot of pitfalls, like needing some patch for intel hosts, or Win7 not supporting real UEFI and shit.

amd gpus work stop spreading fud
if you want nvidia you're fugged
>source vfio mailing list

did they fucking finally fix AMD GPUs? because it's been easier on Nvidia for the longest time


Just boot in safe mode, you'll have top security!



>uses arch
>new to Sup Forums
new fag detected, get out while you still can.