Hey Sup Forums, just installed Linux Mint on my laptop. So far I've enjoyed it, and kinda like the sleek design...

Hey Sup Forums, just installed Linux Mint on my laptop. So far I've enjoyed it, and kinda like the sleek design. I still prefer windows, but I'm happy to explore Linux. What does Sup Forums think of Linux?

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Sup Forums loves Linux. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either from Sup Forums, Sup Forums, or is a Microsoft shill. Glad to hear you're enjoying it.

>le RETRO XDDD pikachuuu (I owned da gaymeboi color btw ~~)
You realize that Sup Forums believes in God-ordained slavery right?

so, quick question about linux. What does this "Sonya," "Mint," titles mean? Is it like android with the whole Lolipop and Marshmellow kinda thing?

>how to take a scr...
Almost made me bite it.
Have a (you) nice user.

Live in the south, small town as well, so hearing someone believing in slavery shocks me none.

Mint is just the distro name, they use bitches names (Sonya, Serena etc) for all the releases. Clem just uses whichever bitch he turned out last for each release name

also, turn on the Firewall that comes with mint, for whatever reason it's not on by default.
better safe than sorry friend

Oh, ok. Thank you for the advice and explanation!

>icons on desktop
>not using just a wm

Don't know what wm is, couldn't get chrome working right, and guide said it was Mint, so I didn't question.

He's new

OP here. How is gaming on Linux? There is a few programs I miss from windows. (Better discord mostly, but I hear there's a Linux version for it.) I know stardew valley runs well for one, the only game I've installed so far.

i use linux on my older computers or as VMs

windows manager
I suggest using virtualbox to try out other linuxy things

Cinnamon is a probably the best DE on Linux. Nobody is impressed that you dual boot Arch and Windows 10 on your epic gaming rig

Alrighty, thank you!
What is a VM?

how can anyone prefer windows? it's literal shit on a plate

It's all I know. I've always preferred hardware over software, so idk what I use. (That and I don't know anything with gaming and linux, or else I'd switch.)


Enjoy your botnets.

>le l33t terminals
>recommending a wm to a beginner


Literally just got linux, how would I know what not to use and to use.

Thanks for the (You)

Linux is considered harmful (as with Windows and MacOS). Use OpenBSD or Plan9 instead.

just install gentoo

Is that a different type of Linux?

the fact that you use chromium and discord isn't an issue with how new you are to linux.
It's an issue with what kind of person you are.

Virtual Machine

Basically, you run another OS inside a window on your current one.

That way you could be running windows with a "linux window" or vice-versa

OH. Ok, I had knew what a virtual machine was, just didn't know that's what it stood for. Ty

i will seriously reply to your thread if you post that wallpaper

sadly, the propietary software that is used as a standard and probably will never change, also the gamer kids.

Uh, here you go I gues.

Couldn't get chrome. Also, fuck off, it's what I enjoy using, if you don't like it gtfo

>>recommending a wm to a beginner
wut? my foray into linux was with i3 -- i didn't even install a de. if you want to learn how something works you're just going to have to jump in a do it. starting out with a de that is similar to windows or osx isn't going to help prepare you at all.

Fuck off Stallman

Mint is the crowning achievement of open source

It just works - it gives a better user experience than Windows at the moment and my grandma and her friends use it.

You can even fault arch and Gentoo users for not using Slackware... Fuck that pretentiousness

>Couldn't get chrome
You're mistaken. Chrome is even worse than chromium.

>if you don't like it gtfo
wew sure is summer in here amirite

install Arc theme.

I disagree. Does what I need, lets me do business online. Don't need anything else.

No one's forcing you to be here


Oh boy.

install gentoo

what is gentoo and what makes it so special?

Install Gentoo

P-prepare you for what, user?

>What does Sup Forums think of Linux?
I haven't used Windows as my main OS since the late 90s and I haven't installed it on the bare metal of any of my machines since Windows Vista. In fact, I feel no need to run Windows at all anymore since WINE can play all of the Windows XP-era games that I like, and since I'm on 64-bit Intel platforms I have full IA32 backwards support.

My main OS is Fedora with XFCE. Everything just works, it's really stable, and there's support for even more software than Debian based distros. I've never had anything break.

My secondary OS is Mac OS X because I was gifted a MacBook Pro in 2011. It's pretty decent and I use it for programming and shitposting. It's pretty comfy but I wouldn't buy another one. I'd probably just hackintosh. I also have a handful of PowerPC Macs that I use to shitpost and play old games that just don't work in emulators due to bad hardware support.

My primary hobbyist OS is Haiku OS. It is to BeOS what React OS is to Windows. I can even browse Sup Forums from it which is pretty cool.

My secondary hobbyist OS is Arca Noae Blue Lion which is a continuation of IBM OS/2 with an updated interface and drivers. It works really well and has a nice amount of modern software for it available like a recent version of Firefox and all sorts of office and paint utilities. It also has DOS and Windows 3 built into it so I can run any DOS program and I have support for 99% of 16 and 32bit early Windows programs. It was the most advanced OS in the 90s.

Explore it for a few months then install arch + xfce4 DE thats when you start going up the learning curve you can even go the gentoo route in the future but I personally wouldnt

That font is awful, and also Firefox is using some other font for the address bar and tabs. Nice try though, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it once you stop dual booting

You seem well-versed in linux, so I have a question. How is gaming on linux? It's literally all I do, so idk about most other things.

I really want to like linux, but i tend to find it a little tedious, usually just a bunch of small things i find annoying.

Mostly to do with things like the system settings in the DE, often i want to do something and the only proper way to do it is hunt down a terminal command rather than anything i can change with the GUI.

Which is well, tedious for something i want to use as a daily driver and not as a quirky project.

I have noticed the little nit bits that linux has, from the short time I've used it. I do like it, and it doesn't bother me much. I can see how that could be a big issue

you are not describing Linux Mint. I promise you that it is easier than Windows 10 and the Cinnamon DE is basically identical to Win7 and easy as hell to change ANYTHING with a gui program. anything you would need the terminal to do you wouldn't be able to do in Windows anyways. the only reason I wouldn't go full Mint is games and programs that aren't available in linux

There are a few good games with Steam or native support so there's that. For everything else you have to run it in WINE or in a VM. You can look up WINE tutorials and it'll work with nearly ever program made for XP or Vista. Windows 7+ support isn't so good. You can use QEMU/KVM to run Windows and you can look up tutorials to do a GPU passthrough, where the host OS runs on the iGPU, 1GB of RAM, and one CPU core, then the Windows guest gets the dGPU and everything else. I don't actually use this so my knowledge of this is limited.

I personally play Minecraft, Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2, and a few games in DOSBox and that's it. I don't use Steam at all either because I got bored of TF2 and they kept sending me junk mail.

>doesn't know how to greentext

Just for games. As a father of 3 and full time job that's the only light in my life left

Example? I usually prefer using the terminal instead of point around with the mouse everywhere

Practically every indie game has a linux version these days, mostly due to unity and unreal having decent linux support.


i'd say the selection is pretty decent these days.

Gentoo is an "advanced" distro where you build the packages from source by default. This allows for Gentoo's most well-known feature, USE flags. These allow you to control in great detail what parts of a program you want installed, such as support for a specific audio codec or what GUI toolkit to use. You can do crazy things like wget without HTTPS support. Gentoo is mostly seen as a meme distro around here due to its complexity. The phrase "Install Gentoo" is often used to lure newbies into something that's way too difficult to use for them. I've been using it on both my server and my laptop for a while now, and I definitely had some issues with it because I didn't know how to use the package manager properly, but I have to say once you git gud at it, it's a great distro.

It's shit.

Yeah even if there's a native version of the game on Linux it's usually subpar performance

>I've always preferred hardware over software
reddi* might be the place for you

>How is gaming on linux? It's literally all I do
>I really want to like linux

Its been hit and miss for me, most titles run better on windows with a small handful that perform better on Linux.
WINE a shit, works for a lot of older titles but its a pain in the ass to constantly fiddle with.
Opted for the non gratis solution of running windows in a VM with GPU passthrough instead.
Gets the job done for all titles with negligible performance hit, does 4K60 + VR and doesn't afraid of anything.

honestly if you want to play games, just install pirated Windows 7 next to Linux to play windows games. they perform better in windows and you can still use Linux when you're done feeding in League

I like Linux, OP. Solus Budgie here. Ignore the faggots, stick with a debian-based distro such as Mint until you're comfortable with it, then branch out later if you want to. Ignore anyone shilling arch, gentoo, or window managers this early. Just enjoy Mint for a while.

>Sup Forums doesn't like linux
What makes you think this?

prepare for the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life.

This script can install betterdiscord

It has more programs available.

Why do you prefer linux?

>My main OS is Fedora

le Sup Forums boogyman

Fedora is professional software. The US government uses it.

If you hate proper package management so much you can always just go back to windows.

I guess it's Sup Forums constantly bitching that free software projects are full of liberals and SJWs?

Sup Forumsyps are cucked and defend the rights of corporations. To them libre software is communism and communism is bad.

Most sensible linux post on Sup Forums of all time.

I run Arch on my desktop because I like having control over my packages, but it definitely isn't for new users.
First distro was Ubuntu, then BunsenLabs (which I still run on my laptop).

Basically you just have to ask yourself "do I want to spend 5 hours installing an OS so I can customise the hell out of it?" If the answer is "yes", Arch is for you.

I started off with linux when I was 14 back in summer of 2004. My first distro was Slackware, configuring everything manually and compiling everything from source, including the kernel teaches you a lot. Now, 13 years later, I can really appreciate package managers with automatic dependency resolution and know what a time saver they are. However, I am glad I started with a 'hard' distro because I know what is going on 'behind the scenes'.

I'm getting a new laptop soon and will run void on it because one thing I have trouble with today is systemd-init. I got used to init.d and rc.d, I'm still not confident in writing run scripts for systemd, seems overly complicated. Runit treating everything as a file is a breath of fresh air. I'd use Debian with runit but I'm afraid that software/packages in Debian are so dependent on systemd that I might end up with an unstable system that breaks during updates.

>implying communism isn't bad

>implying foss isn't anarcho capitalism

Mint is a cool first distro, a little bit of handholding for the clueless.

I love GNU/Linux so much than I learn advanced things and I actually use like barebones installation and servers, and I am not on the IT field.

Freedom is not just a word, is a way of life.

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

I constantly play terraria via lan on my arch + i3-gaps acer of 7 years ago. It's faster than windows and any other linux distros I tried so far.
One quarter of my steam it's inaccessible thought, so I have a pc with win7 for my older games too.
(If you have a faster machine with linux, a virtual machine and/or wine it's perfectly fine, you need nothing else)

The big difference is that you can opt in or out. If you and your buddies want to start a workers syndicate business or whatever, I don't give a shit, don't involve me in it

get outta here, commie.

Peppermint is better

>he enjoys being a wage slave

>Just installed linux mint
Do you like AIDS too?
What about dying children? Do you want them to die? Wtf is wrong with!?

>not fedora gnome
nigga you have to go full freetart

i run mint on all my non gaymen pc's. dunno why it gets so much hate around here.
cinnamon is realy intuitive, brings most thing you might need, while beeing more lightweight than kde, and it has yet to crash on me.


Who the hell spends 5 hours installing arch? You can have a base arch linux install in like 10 minutes.

Cinnamon is the only desktop environment that makes sense. It's for people who actually want to get work done.

Well maybe you should do some research on why everyone here hates what you have installed instead of being Whiny bitch.

Nobody gives a fuck about your basic bitch mint setup either. Might as well install Mac OSX.

wasn't the one who said that I wanted to like linux

Wouldn't expect them to care about my setup, and you I'd rather go in blind, makes exploring more fun.

Man ignore all the haters, good for you for trying out Linux.

wow you must have a sad life to be such a dick

I've a pretty good computer. Compared to Windows, any GNU/Linux distribution I've used, including Arch Linux, Solus, and Ubuntu, all of them are slightly slower even with proprietary drivers. Expect input lag and general decrease in performance, even on native running games.

You're the problem in the community. You're what's driving people away from using alternatives to OSX/Windows. Stop acting like you're above everybody, you're just embarrassing yourself.

don't install a compositor


This is not a community you pajeet. Go and do the needful and lecture somebody else.